To dream of hearing music represents a theme to the type of emotions you are feeling. A prevailing mood or atmosphere in some aspect of your life. Ask yourself how the music or musician makes you feel while listening to it.
Consider the words to the song that you are dreaming about for additional meaning. In many cases the lyrics of a song reflect real life emotions. Try to think how the lyrics may apply to your life or current emotional state.
To dream of hearing discordant or out of tune music represents unhappiness, lack of harmony, and troubles in your waking life.
To dream of playing music for others may
reflect a mood or atmosphere you are trying to create. Ideas, stories, or actions of yours that are projecting certain feelings to others. You may want to influence others or make them feel a certain way.
Dreams of music may also reflect rapport, getting along, or bonding.
Example: A person dreamed of soft gentle music. In real life they we're a guest in someone's house and we're being made to feel very welcome and safe. The soft music reflected the welcoming safe atmosphere being projected to them.
Example 2: A man dreamed of turning off loud music. In real life he had just endured a very chaotic and fast paced work week.
Fact: Paul McCartney dreamed of the music to the song "Yesterday" in his sleep. Beethoven also had music come to him in his sleep. Giuseppi Tartini dreamed that the Devil came to him in his sleep playing the musical piece "The Devil's Trill Sonata."
*Please See Singing