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To see your mother-in-law represents your intuition or coincidences that are compromising. Experiencing a situation that is not your first choice. Alternative outcomes or luck that is only partially achieving your true wishes. Feeling that you have to give something up to get what you want.

You may also feel that giving up your own interests or sacrificing what you want is more beneficial for the long term. Feeling lucky that your loses aren't as bad as you thought they would be. Feeling lucky to to have any kind of success at all.

Negatively, dreaming about your mother-in-law may represent disappointment or frustration. Feeling unlucky about life seeming to purposely prevent you from achieving a goal perfectly. Putting up with compromises or disappointments that are excessive.

To dream of having sex or making love to your mother-in-law represents your enjoyment of a situation that was not your first choice. It may also reflect enjoyment of alternative choices or good luck that forces you forgo your original choices. Feeling really lucky about something you didn't expect.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her mother-in-law. In waking life she was pregnant and began to realize that something was wrong. She eventually had a miscarriage. She ended up having 4 miscarriages before finally having a full healthy pregnancy.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her mother-in-law. In waking life she had to make compromises with her husband as they were arguing a lot and close to considering a divorce. She had to make changes in herself and how she lived with her husband in order to save the marriage.

*Please See In-Laws



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