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To dream of a mirror represents self-reflection, self-image, or self-awareness. Self-perception. You are noticing something about yourself. Assessing yourself. Thinking about yourself honestly. A reflective mood. Seeing yourself for who you really are.

Positively, dreaming about a mirror might represent self-acceptance, or a sense of understanding about oneself. It may reflect a moment of self-discovery, self-affirmation, or gaining a new insight about your character or situation.

Negatively, dreaming about a mirror could represent insecurity, self-doubt, or a distorted self-image. Ego, vanity, arrogance, and narcissism. Too much concern with how you appear to others. Feelings about noticing yourself aging. Comparing yourself to others. Awareness of your problems or personality issues.

If you see yourself as ugly in a mirror it may represent seeing the negative aspects of your personality in waking life. Negative thoughts, fears, insecurities, guilt, jealousy, or even arrogance. You are seeing or feeling your own negativity, or experiencing the results of bad choices.

To dream of seeing yourself as attractive in a mirror represents positive thoughts self-image, aspirations, and optimism. A higher degree of self-acceptance and self-love, embracing who you are wholeheartedly. You may feel more confident, vindicated, competent, or lucky. You may be acknowledging your own talents, attractiveness, or desirability.

To dream of looking in a mirror and smiling may represent a realization or acknowledgment of the good aspects of your life or character. Self-contentment, self-satisfaction, or a positive outlook about your current circumstances. You are in a state of self-acceptance and are feeling good about your choices or emotional state. An awareness of yourself liking who you are as a person or being happy with yourself in waking life.

To dream of avoiding looking in a mirror may represent refusing to examine or face some significant truth about yourself, perhaps due to fear or a sense of loss.

To dream of using a mirror to put makeup on represents an attempt to enhance or cover up certain aspects of your personality or appearance in waking life. Respecting yourself trying to look as good as possible so that people will do things with you.

To dream of seeing someone else's face in a mirror may reflect feelings about recognizing traits or behaviors within yourself that you associate with the qualities that stand out the most about that person. Alternatively, it may reflect feelings about yourself acting or feeling like the person you see in the mirror.

To dream of a broken mirror represents feelings of discomfort thinking about yourself. Feeling that something is wrong with you. Feeling that other people don't like you. Feeling about other people not seeing you the way you see yourself. Feeling that acknowledging yourself is not allowed. Low self-esteem or confidence. Feelings about not being allowed to think you are special. Feeling that you don't matter at all.

Example: A woman dreamed of looking in the mirror and seeing herself with blue eyes. In waking life, she was enjoying watching herself become a more happy person. In this case, looking in the mirror reflected her self-awareness of her changing personality.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing two mirrors. A smaller one for her and a bigger one for her boyfriend. In waking life, she was noticing herself bolstering up her boyfriend's ego. In this case, the 2 mirrors may have reflected her self-perception and awareness of her and her boyfriend's self-images; the smaller mirror representing her own self-image and the larger one symbolizing the greater attention she felt her boyfriend's ego required.

Example 3: A man dreamed of looking in the mirror. In waking life, he was assessing himself and comparing himself to an old friend he recently reunited with who was doing a lot better than him in life financially. In this case, looking in the mirror may have reflected his self-assessment and the act of comparing himself to his old friend, symbolizing his own self-image in relation to someone else's achievements or status.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her husband's face instead of hers in the mirror. In waking life, her husband died and she was beginning to realize that her husband made up a big part of who she is as a person. In this case, looking in the mirror to see his husband's face may have reflected her feelings of loss and identity, symbolizing the enormous influence her husband had on her self-perception and self-identity.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of a mirror that reported her thoughts to the government. In waking life, she was living in Nazi Germany and felt that she always noticed herself needing approval under the Nazi restrictions. She began to fear her private thoughts about her true identity and personality. In this case, the mirror may have reflected her self-awareness under the constraints of living in a society that heavily policed individual thought and behavior.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing himself in a mirror wearing a Nazi Storm Trooper uniform with boots that sparkled like diamonds. In waking life, he was a doctor who did not like witnessing himself allowing his work life and hospital to become overrun by Nazi policies. In this case, the mirror may have reflected how his compromises with the Nazi government affected his self-image and identity as a medical professional committed to helping people.

Example 7: A teenage girl dreamed of looking in the mirror to see her skin melting in white and purple. In waking life, she was self-aware of herself being depressed. In this case, the mirror may have reflected her own self-awareness and introspection regarding her emotional state.



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