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To dream of a mechanic represents feelings about a thinking style or decision-making style being wrong. Feeling that your lifestyle "needs to be repaired." Feeling that your life needs a change to help you become a bigger winner or "get back on track." Advice or acknowledgement about what kinds of changes you will require to return to a happy or smoother functioning life.

A mechanic may reflect insight or acknowledgement about your flaws or oversights. Realizing that there is a need to be more sophisticated about your approach to goals. It may also reflect the healing past hurts or traumas that are holding you back. Repairing or changing some area of your life that has stopped you from making progress.

To dream that you are a mechanic may reflect informing others about what they have to do to make their choices or goals work. Helping others be more intelligent about the choices or decision-making. Revealing to others their lack of understanding or sophistication with their methods or decision styles. Feelings about yourself helping others move on from trauma, bad relationships, or painful conflict. Helping others learn about flaws or weaknesses that stop them from being a bigger winner.

Example: A man dreamed of an incompetent mechanic that tried to fix his car, but left it with a fatal error. In waking life was recently divorced and felt that he had made a big mistake in choosing to start dating a woman that he was too afraid to break up with. The incompetent mechanic in this case may have reflected his feelings about his decision-making style regarding dating women needing some changes.

*Please See Cars



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