To dream of a map represents your understanding of the direction your life is going, or where you currently stand as you attempt to achieve goals. It may also reflect a plan of action to get what you want or make a change. Studying the direction you should take in life. Feelings about plans for the future.
To dream of a map of a country represents understanding the direction of your life as you are experiencing a certain state of mind. The country then reflects a state of mind you are in. See the themes section for countries for a more in depth look at country symbolism.
To dream of having difficulty understanding or reading a map represents feeling lost, or difficulty in figuring out where you life is currently going.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a map of his country. In waking life he was trying figure out what his life purpose was and how he should live.
Example 2: A psychology student dreamed of flying over a map of the United States when the pilot said they were having engine trouble. Massachusetts which they were currently flying over was deemed too dangerous to land in. In waking life the student was having trouble deciding between two different kinds of psychology programs in different states. They felt that the programs in Massachusetts weren't good enough because it would make them have to live too close to their parents.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of having no map. In waking life she was unsure about what university to choose.
Example 4: A man dreamed of being frustrated looking at a map. In waking life he was irritated by problems at his new job making it difficult for him to understand and control his work department.
Example 5: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing a red cube with a map on it. In waking life she was thinking of how a current relationship with a guy she liked would lead her to a more serious romantic relationship.