To dream of being lost represents your attempt to find your way through a situation that's unfamiliar or making you insecure. You may be experiencing a strange or scary situation that is unsettling because it's new. An overwhelming feeling of confusion or uncertainty in waking life. Not knowing what to do next or where to turn. Feeling that you will never escape a problem or find an answer you need. You're lacking the clarity you want in a situation you are not accustomed to. Wanting clarification in business or spirituality. Feeling that you can't restore your life or relationships to normal no matter what you try. A lack of direction. Feeling unprepared for something you are experiencing. A fear losing something secure in your life. Feeling humiliated and not knowing what to do about it. Feeling lost without someone important in your life. Insecure feelings about a partner that has left you. Feeling that you are losing someone special in your life that made you feel secure and don't know how to live without them.
Negatively, dreaming of being lost may be a sign that you are too emotionally dependent on something or someone. A weak independent spirit or lack of self-reliance. Too sensitive about being without someone or something in your life.
Alternatively, being lost in a dream reflects distractions that have made you lose your sense of purpose or direction. Going off on a tangent that distracts you from the big picture. Feeling like you are wasting your time or that your life is going in circles. A warning dream about the potential for bad choices that may lead you astray.
Dreams of being lost and wanting to get home represents your wish to find stability or create a sense of normalcy in a situation. Being frustrated that you can't get something back to normal. A wish to be reconnected with what makes you happy.
Being lost in a dream may be a sign that you need to sort through your priorities for you make an important decision.
To dream of being lost while driving represents plans or decisions that have fallen prey to distractions. Losing sight of the big picture while focusing too much on the details.
To dream of being lost in a forest may represent feelings of being overwhelmed with confusion. Not knowing where to begin to address a problem or get yourself out of trouble. Feeling that there are no solutions and nobody to help you. Feeling that you've completely lost your way in a waking life situation.
To dream of being lost in a haunted house represents feelings of being stuck with unresolved issues from your past. You may feel unable to escape the torment of a bad history or unpleasant past relationships. Bad choices that have left you unable to avoid an unpleasant past at all.
To dream of being lost in a city may reflect feelings of being unable to get away from people or social situations that you don't really like. Feeling that there is no easy way to avoid people without causing an argument or hurting someone's feelings.
To dream of being lost in a hospital may reflect feelings of being unable to escape problems you are trying to fix. It may also reflect a fear of being unable to escape health problems, disease, old age, or death.
The location you are in while being lost in a dream may reflect the disturbing aspects of a waking life situation that leaves feeling confused or left astray. A metaphorical description of the type of situation you feel you can't get yourself out of.
To dream of being lost in the dark may represent feelings of being desperate to do anything all with no way to. Feeling unable to control anything that is happening to you. Feeling that you are completely on your own with no answers or help in sight. Alternatively, it may also reflect powerful feelings of isolation or loneliness.
To dream of being lost in fog represents feelings about being unable to escape a situation that uncertain, mysterious, or giving you mixed signals. The dream may be a sign that you are allowing someone else's lack of clarity to keep you insecure and confused.
Example: A young girl dreamed of being lost trying to find her way to her old high-school. In waking life she was having problems adjusting to a new school she was forced to attend because her parents had moved to a new district. The dream may have reflected her feelings about her new school not being the same socially and having problems fitting in the same way she did before with her old friends.
Example 2: A very young girl had recurring dreams of being lost. In waking life her parents where getting a divorce and she was insecure about her family life.
Example 3: A woman dreamed that she had lost a man she had fallen in love with. In waking life the man was moving to another US state and she felt she lost her opportunity to date him.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being lost. In waking life she had adopted a boy and the birth mother was trying to reconnect with the boy. She felt like she was losing her relationship with the child as the child grew closer to his birth mother. She felt that she lost her relevance to the child.
Example 5: A young girl dreamed of being lost at elementary school. In waking life she was confused as to how to act or getting along with her grandmother whom she didn't like very much.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing her father being lost. In waking life her father was suffering from dementia and she was concerned about his well-being.
Example 7: A woman dreamed of losing someone special to them. In waking life they feared that that person would soon no longer be a part of their life.
Example 8: A woman had recurring dreams throughout her youth and into her adult life. In waking life she felt a constant sense of being isolated from her family.
*Please See Missing
*Please See Maze