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To dream of being invisible represents feelings of not being noticed, recognized, or acknowledged. Being purposely overlooked. Problems you prefer to "not look at." Residual bitterness over people that are out of your life.

Alternatively, being invisible may represent feelings of impunity to get away with something without being noticed. It may also reflect your feelings of being an unseen observer or not wanting to be involved with something. Trying to withdraw from a situation or the realities of life.

To dream of an evil invisible presence may represent your struggle with a problem you want to avoid noticing or thinking about at all. it may also reflect how terrible it feels to confront a problem that you can't identify.

Example: A woman dreamed of fighting off evil invisible presence. In waking life she was struggling to cut off her drinking cold turkey. The invisibility reflected how she didn't want to think about alcohol at all or even notice herself having ever drank.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her ex-boyfriend being invisible. In waking life she was having residual bitterness over the breakup with her ex. She was annoyed at having to speak about him when he was no longer in her life or notice any lasting remembrance of him in her life.



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