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To dream of the Illuminati represents a negative unseen all controlling force in your life. Someone you feel wants you to fail while controlling everything you do. Feelings about an unseen force having total power over you. Manipulative pervasive power. Feeling that you can't stop someone or something from totally controlling your life. Feelings about everything you do being watch and controlled without any ability to stop it. An "unseen hand" of control. Feelings about dishonest social connections that secretly attempt to manipulate and control for dishonest reasons. Feeling that you can't escape a dishonest, criminal, or arrogant controlling force that intentionally hides itself.

Alternatively, dreaming about the Illuminati may reflect feelings about being socially connected in ways other people aren't. Feeling advantages to having your social connections.

Negatively, the Illuminati may reflect paranoia about being manipulated by people behind the scenes. Feelings about yourself being connected to dishonest people or criminals that keep their behavior secret. Lying that you are connected to power people when you aren't. Talking about yourself too much to others about being powerfully socially connected.

Example: A man dreamed of being aware of the Illuminati attempting to control his life. In waking life he was experiencing a lot of coincidental bad luck in his life that felt like God was behind it.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing a triangle turn into the symbol of the Illuminati. In this case the conversion of a triangle into an Illuminati symbol may have reflected his feelings about showing off with his abilities being creative with possibility for success which may have felt good being perceived by others as looking very connected to powerfully connected people.



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