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Ice Skating

To dream of ice skating represents confidence about issues that you don't feel the need to do anything about. Feeling good noticing that a situation is permanently not going to change. Feel good believing that a problem will never matter or embarrass you. Playing or having enjoyment with the frozen status of a situation.

Negatively, you may be "sliding by" on responsibilities because you feel good beating the system or don't believe that a problem applies to you. A sign that there is something that you need to take more seriously. Playing behind an authority figure's or bully's back when they temporarily can't control you.

To dream of ice skating backwards represents total confidence or security that you will never be embarrassed by a problem or unwanted change. A complete lack of concern for your actions or having to pay attention to responsibilities while a situation in in a "frozen" status.

To dream of ice shavings on your skates represents a slow improvement to a problem that you don't feel the need to deal with. You may feel good noticing that something is taking care of itself.

Example: A woman dreamed of ice skating. In waking life she was pregnant and enjoying time off work. She was scared to tell anyone at work that she was liking time off.



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