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To dream of comfortable humidity can represent a state of emotional balance and contentment with the emotional weight of a situation. Feeling good that nothing happening is a mistake. The dream may indicate a time in your life when you are feeling comfortable and relaxed, or when things are falling into place and you are at ease with yourself and your surroundings. The comfortable humidity may symbolize a sense of emotional warmth, security, and ease, as well as a feeling of being at home or in a familiar place. Alternatively, the dream may suggest a need to find balance and comfort in your life, especially if you have been feeling stressed or anxious.

To dream of high humidity represents feelings discomfort at how awful a situation feels. Discomfort, unease, stress, or tension regarding the weight of unresolved conflict. A sense of emotional intensity or pressure.

Example: A man dreamed of being in a room with dark blue humidity. In waking life he had insulted an old friend's intelligence and choose to live with never apologizing for it with full awareness of the friend being insulted. In this case the dark blue humidity may have reflected the man's sense of discomfort or guilt over the situation with his old friend. The dream may be highlighting the emotional atmosphere of the situation, with the humidity representing the tension or weight of the unresolved conflict.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of high humidity. In waking life she had a lot of on her mind due to work changes and contemplating leaving her job even if it wasn't in the best interest of her retirement plans. In this case the high humidity may have reflected her feeling about the weight of her decisions and the uncertainty of her future while hoped none of her choices were a mistake.

*Please See Moisture



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