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Horse-Drawn Carriage

To dream of a horse-drawn carriage represents feelings of a situation being very lovely because someone is doing something for you. A strong drive or motivation to care about someone else by do all the work for them.

Alternatively, dreaming of a horse-drawn carriage may represent feelings of being in love so everyone has to help you and like what you're doing. Being a relationship that you feel is easily leading towards children.

Negatively, dreaming of a horse-drawn carriage may represent strong drive that makes you overdo caring about others like you're lovely doing all the work for them. Overdoing every single little thing there is to care about doing something for someone with strong motivation or ambition.

Example: A man dreamed of man whom he'd been praying for inside a horse drawn carriage. In waking life the dreamer was heavily involved in his church and wanted very much to influence others for God to save them. He had also been sending text messages to the man he dreamed of to welcome him to church. In this case the horse-drawn carriage may have reflected the dreamers feelings about himself trying to be perfectly lovely or caring about doing whatever he could to make the man he prayed for to go to church or believe in God stronger. The symbolism may have been in indicator of his desperation to influence another person to believe in God more believing that kind "full service motivation" would make the man he dreamed of want to go to church more.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a horse-drawn carriage. In waking life she was feeling a sense of emptiness that she wasn't having a child yet after becoming married. The horse-drawn carriage may have reflected her feelings that being married should make life feel amazing to get pregnant easily like it's special.



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