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To dream of something hairy represents feelings about behavior that is ridiculously excessive or overboard. A person's behavior or situation that is a "little bit crazy." Feelings about someone being too liberal with their freedom or own ideas. A lack of concern for other people's opinions of you. Embarrassing one's self with a lack of moderation. Feelings about people not being aware of their problems. A lack of vanity or appearances that may be unaware of how stupid it looks. Excessive honesty that may make others uncomfortable.

To dream of hairy hands represents feelings about yourself or someone else having a level of capability that is embarrassing or excessive. Having dangerous skills or capabilities with no concerns about what other people think about them. An excessive or greedy mindset about your capabilities. Skills or capabilities that others find embarrassing or disgusting. A lack of vanity with your superior capabilities that may look stupid to others.

To dream of hairy arms may reflect feelings about yourself or others having abilities or resourcefulness that are embarrassing, excessive, or completely unconcerned with how ridiculous other people feel about them. A personal or professional "reach" that lacks moderation. Showing off too much with how resourceful or powerful you are that may look stupid to others.

To dream of hairy legs represents feelings about yourself or someone else having a level independence that is perceived to be ridiculous or overboard. Doing too much all on your own to the point of embarrassment. It may also reflect feelings about independence that lacks vanity or any concern about what other people think.

To dream of a hairy pubic area may reflect feelings about excessive sexual behavior. Feelings that sexual behavior was lacking class or moderation. An excessive liberal attitude about sex. No shame about sex or sexual conduct.

To dream of a hairy back represents feelings about yourself or others being too honest about their burdens or problems. Embarrassment about problems you've discussed being more inappropriate than you first thought.

To dream of a hairy chest may reflect feelings of raw power being displayed. No vanity as power is revealed, displayed, or proven. Negatively, a hairy chest may reflect an embarrassing excessive display of power. Looking stupid to other trying too hard to be powerful. Someone in your life that is looks stupid showing off thinking they are perfectly powerful.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a man wearing summer shorts who was extremely hairy all over his body. In waking life he learned about a business competitors stupid idea for total domination of the business market he was involved in. He was shocked by how stupid and lacking in moderation his competitor was. He felt that his competitor was so consumed with a need to dominate he couldn't do anything except make a fool of himself with his jealous need to prove himself better.



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