Gumball Machine
To dream of a gumball machine represents an unconventional or impulsive need to fill a mental or emotional void by feeling good about something happening at all. An open mind or playful attitude about making something happen with impulsive choices when a situation is empty about nothing happening. Feelings of safety in making an unconventional, impulsive, or whimsical choice.
To dream of a gumball machine spilling its contents represents being emotionally overwhelmed by unconventional or impulsive choices. A sudden, chaotic influx of emotions, situations, or responsibilities that you were not fully prepared for. Feelings about the ability to make unconventional or impulsive choices looking stupid or dangerous no longer being able to serve your needs due to a mistake. A fear of irreversibly damaging a relationship or situation due to impulsive behavior or choices making a situation more serious than you thought. Feelings about losing a relationship or control of a situation after asking someone for information to fill a mental or emotional became too serious.
Example: A young man dreamed of a gumball machine spilling all over the floor. In waking life, he was overwhelmed by his need to search for his real parents because knowing he was adopted was starting to bother him. In this case, the gumball machine may have reflected his feelings about the unconventional method he was using to satisfy his emotional need to find his biological parents. The gumball machine spilling may have reflected his feelings about gaining too many leads about his potential biological parents and feeling overwhelmed with having to think about them all.