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To dream of goldfish represents pleasant feelings about some area of your life that is intentionally on hold. Enjoying noticing your potential without action. Inaction with a goal that you admire. Issues that you can't presently do anything about or that you are unwilling to change. Something you think about a lot, but have no interest in pursuing further or confronting.

Negatively, a goldfish may reflect enjoying talking about the future for goals you don't have serious intentions of keeping. Enjoying a moment happy stasis that is socially empty. Sexually, goldfish in a dream may reflect talking about consummating a sexual relationship, when you don't honesty feel comfortable going through with it. Enjoying talking about losing your virginity with a partner when you don't really want to. Ideas you enjoy thinking about, but never pursue.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a goldfish in a fishbowl. In real life he was spending a lot of time thinking about purchasing a special treatment for a health problem he had, but wasn't bothering to do anything to pursue the treatment.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of being chased by a goldfish that wanted to eat her. In waking life she was avoiding losing her virginity to her boyfriend with whom she had made promises to. The goldfish in this case may have reflected her preference to enjoy talking and thinking about losing her virginity while she honesty preferred to avoid it at all costs. Her enjoyment of noticing losing her virginity was on hold.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing goldfish and being happy, then seeing the goldfish dead. In waking life she was a person who got easily depressed. She was enjoying being aware of herself not being depressed while alone and then suddenly got depressed again. The goldfish in this case may have reflected her short lived moment of being free of depression while alone.



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