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Ford Model T Car

To dream of the Ford Model T car may reflect feelings about yourself being original and overlooked. Feeling that someone has used you to prove themselves and then purposely neglects you for more interesting things. Exciting originality that "fizzled out" or isn't relevant anymore. A way of doing things that is not as interesting as it used to be. A pioneering attitude or spirit that isn't popular anymore.

Feeling that your decisions, needs, or goals used to be very important, but aren't anymore. Feeling that other people don't respect your needs anymore after first giving you a lot of attention.

Feeling that life used to be centered around you or that people used to be very interested in knowing you. Feeling older, dirtier, or more boring than someone else.

Negatively, Ford Model T car in a dream feelings about yourself or someone else being a "has been" decision maker. A style of decision-making that can only be remembered as original and now less important. Not feeling good thinking that people don't like you anymore. Wasting your energy trying to get attention or be relevant. Feeling that you lost your elite status.

Example: A young girl dreamed of seeing a Ford Model T car. In waking life she was jealous of her mother giving her baby brother all the attention and special treatment after he was born. She felt neglected as the first born child of the household and that her mother would intentionally ignore her while giving the new baby special treatment.



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