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To dream of eyelashes represents allure or appeal. It may reflect how attractive or interesting you naturally feel. It may also indicate how appealing an outlook on a situation is. Feelings about much more or less of an interesting person you are.

Having long lashes represents you or someone else that is exceptionally alluring.

In a negative context eyelashes may reflect conceit, narcissism, or that everything you do is exceptionally more attractive than other people. Showing off with how much more interesting or appealing you are. Feeling "cooler" or more intelligent about easily being with the in crowd than other people. You or someone else that is noticing they are they are never jealous about being "awesomer" than other people are.

Eyelashes that fall out symbolize feeling less attractive or a loss of appeal. Feelings about the loss of power to be appealing with ease.

To dream of fake eyelashes represents feelings about using something to make yourself or your views more appealing. Needing or depending on something else to be more interesting to other people than you genuinely are. Awareness of yourself making yourself more interesting or appealing with professional rhetoric or "lingo." Knowing you are just a fake while you show off being more interesting or appealing.

To dream of ice form on your eyelashes may reflect feelings about a situation so terrible that nobody wants to do anything with you in the current moment no matter how interesting or appealing you are.

Example: A woman dreamed of a scary wolf whistling at her for being attractive and complimenting her on her long curly eyelashes. In waking life she was trying to find a new job and didn't believe she'd ever interest a new employer in her skills with police services. The scary wolf complimenting her on her eyelashes may have represented her anxiety about never getting a job that pays the same if she left police services opening her to be someone else's appealing option to exploit.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing his girlfriend with eyelashes accidentally burned off. In waking life he had exhausted all efforts to convince someone important to go along with a business idea leaving his no choice but to try covert attempts to force the transaction. The eyelashes burned off in this case may have reflected his feelings about being unable to impress a person with how interesting or appealing the business idea was.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of seeing people's eyelashes in lucid hyper-detail. In waking life he was very stressed out about performing well on a test he was studying for. The lucid hyper-detailed eyelashes in this case may have the dreamer's feelings about noticing how "interestingly intelligent" or not other students in the class were based on class performance. His perceptions of each student's "bragging rights" to look good be called intelligent.

*Please See Mascara



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