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To dream of equipment generally represents the tools, resources, or skills that you have at your disposal to accomplish a task or goal. This may refer to your personal abilities, skills, knowledge, or other resources that you can use to achieve success. Forms of education or expertise you can rely on. The type of equipment and how you are using it in the dream can give additional insight into the specific areas of your life where you feel prepared and capable, or where you may be lacking and need to improve. Overall, dreaming of equipment suggests a need to assess and evaluate the tools and resources that you have available to you, and to consider whether they are adequate or if you need to acquire additional resources to achieve your goals.

Example: A woman had recurring dreams of a building and it's equipment always being the same while she's very comfortable with everyone around her. In waking life, she was recently widowed. In this case, the equipment that is always the same may have reflected her feelings of stability and security in her life despite the loss of her husband because she has the resources she needs to move forward and navigate her new circumstances without her husband.

Example 2: A man dreamed of leaving North Korea to return to the USA to get a job in a technology company that produced "forward thinking" equipment. In waking life, he had left the military and wanted to return to school to get a masters degree. In this case, the "forward thinking" equipment may have reflected his desire to become more resourceful or skilled to accomplish the task of a getting a better job.

Example 3: A man dreamed of pulling his equipment truck over to the side of the road. In waking life, the man felt paralyzed in his ability to apply his knowledge to situation in order to achieve a goal. In this case, the equipment truck may have reflected the dreamer's own abilities and resources that he possesses to achieve his goals. The act of pulling the truck over to the side of the road may symbolize a temporary halt or obstacle in his pursuit of his goals, indicating that he needs to reassess and possibly utilize different methods or approaches to overcome the challenge he is facing. The truck itself may represent the tools and resources he needs to move forward, and the dream could be suggesting that he needs to take stock of what he has and make sure he is fully utilizing all of his available resources to achieve success.



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