To dream of a ditch represents a situation or potential possibility that feels as though nothing is important ever again unless you get out of a bad situation (or "rut"). Feeling like a worthless loser in bad situation that can't think of anything except wanting to get out of it. Everything sucks in a situation unless you can get out of it. A pathetic situation or worthless state of being you want to avoid at all costs or that's difficult to escape. A problem you may feel stuck with if you ever had to deal with it. Feeling that you will never be important or powerful ever again unless you get out of a problem situation. Feeling unimportant while dying or unemployed.
Example: A old woman once dreamed of driving downhill towards a ditch. In waking life her doctors told her she was going to die. The ditch in this case may have represented her feelings of being worthless or unimportant if she didn't fight to avoid dying or ending up in the "ditch of forever" with death.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of walking past her church and standing in front of a ditch. In waking life she was thinking of leaving her church. The ditch in this case may have reflected how she felt about herself being a loser in a spiritual rut that never does anything important with God until she found another church to attend.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of backing her car into a ditch. In waking life she felt that she had made a mistake that would make it impossible to obtain business financing. The ditch in this case may have reflected her feelings about a mistake that left her unimportant to other people who might lend her money.