To dream of a Dalmatian represents emotional protection that encourages you to care about other people's feelings. Noticing that you aren't perfect so that other people will feel good for you or do something for you. Pressuring others into giving you things by demanding extra honesty. Helping yourself by asking others to put more effort into helping friends and family. Heightened sensitivity about feeling quality sharing being important if the person being asked to share is more successful than you are. Doing everything you can to get what you want by telling someone else they aren't doing enough to be respectable. Helping yourself by asking others to set a perfect example.
Positively, it can reflect supportive behavior, or attempts to get along well with others. Not fearing asking for extra help. Asking others to be more giving or respectful to others feelings if they have more than you. Agreeableness, people pleasing, or doing everything you can to keep someone happy. Pushing others to improve safety or be extra helpful to people with less.
Negatively, a dalmatian dog in a dream may reflect feelings about pressuring others into giving more to family and friends to selfishly get something. Pressuring others to be more honest or give things away from free. Pressuring others to me more mindful of others needing extra attention. Dalmatians could also reflect situations where you or someone else is asking too much from other people when it comes to being honest. Showing off being a more respectable person than other people. Making people who more successful or powerful than you feel guilty if they want to choose allowing you to lose. A snobby attitude about setting a good example. Making other people feel that they aren't honest if they don't want to give you support you with special attention.
A dalmatian dog may also represent a tendency to overlook your own feelings to care about the needs of others. You may resent people or feel like a doormat. Fearing that people will not like you. Feeling that people with less than you expect too much from you.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a dalmatian with its paws in the air begging for attention. In waking life he was a professional who had become bothered with too many people taking advantage of a free offer he had made available. He put up a sign to tell people the free offer wasn't available anymore and people began to try harder to pressure him into giving them free help anyway to get around his sign by making him feel he wasn't professional if he didn't.