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To dream of DNA represents feelings about your core being, fundamental identity, characteristics, or the core essence of who you are. Everything about you that makes you who you are. Personal strengths, weaknesses, and the unique traits that define you. An understanding of how your background shapes your identity.

Positively, dreaming about DNA may symbolize a deep sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance about your core being. Confidence in your innate abilities.

Negatively, dreaming about DNA could represent feelings about aspects of your personality or core being that you feel are unchangeable. Feeling limited or defined by your core personality traits. Feeling that you can't change who you are as a person.

To dream of white DNA strands represents fundamental changes to core areas of your personality. A situation is encouraging discipline or total removal of negative personality traits. A powerful lesson that completely changes who you are as a person. Transformation into a more disciplined, morally upright individual.

To dream of rainbow DNA strands represents harmonization or balancing of core areas of your personality. You may be doing a lot of self-reflection or gaining powerful insights about yourself. Feeling that your core being or who you are as a person is happy to move on from negativity or weaker aspects of yourself with ease.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a white strand of DNA. In waking life, he was starting boot camp in the army. In this case, the white DNA reflected the enormous fundamental change boot camp had on him as a person as he had to get rid of old habits and beliefs.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a white double helix DNA symbol. In waking life, he was challenged with the most powerful spiritual conflict of his life which forced him to purify who he was as a person to be perfectly moral to survive. In this case, the DNA symbol may have reflected the profound and fundamental changes he was undergoing in his core identity and belief system. The white double helix DNA symbol in the dream could have represented the intense purification process he was experiencing, as he strived for moral perfection in response to his spiritual conflict. The dream may have highlighted his transformation into a more disciplined, morally upright individual, reshaping his personality at the very core.



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