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To dream of a coyote represents feelings about behavior that is cunning and adaptable about surviving without wanting to say what it's up to. Cunning adaptability, opportunism, and a hidden agenda. Resourcefulness and ability to adapt to different circumstances with agility and intelligence that isn't talking about it. You or someone else who is taking an opportunistic approach to a situation in your life.

Positively, dreaming about a coyote may represent successfully navigating and adapting through the complexities of a situation using your wit and resourcefulness to get around a problem while not talking about yourself too much. You might be skillfully avoiding or mitigating problems, potentially taking a non-traditional or unconventional approach to achieving your goals while surviving is more important than what people think about you. Emotional protection that doesn't care about what anyone else thinks of you deserving to survive. Taking things without asking to survive. A willingness to lower standards to survive at all costs. A willingness to put your own needs first to survive while being aware of how much people don't trust you.

Negatively, seeing a coyote in your dream may represent deceit, trickery, or manipulation either by you or directed toward you. You could be wary of someone in your waking life who seems untrustworthy about a sleazy truth being revealed. Alternatively, the coyote could symbolize aspects of yourself that you view as deceitful or unreliable. This might be a wake-up call to assess the actions and intentions of people you are beginning to lose trust in. Behavior that doesn't say what it's up to because it's planning to steal. Feelings about "scumbags" who will take anything they can get. Behavior that is quiet about taking things without asking.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing baby coyotes grow into adults. In waking life, she overheard a woman saying that wished her boyfriend would dump his kid so she could have him all to herself. In this case, the coyotes may have reflected the woman's perception of the other woman's cunning and self-serving intentions. The transformation of baby coyotes into adults could symbolize her realization that what initially seemed like a minor or naive wish was actually a calculated and adaptable strategy to monopolize her boyfriend's attention. The dream captures the essence of cunning adaptability, opportunism, and a hidden agenda.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of staring at a coyote. In waking life, she witnessed a vicious argument on the Internet where one person said things that she thought were extremely cruel and ignorant. This person never returned to the message board where the argument took place after making her final comments. In this case, the coyote may have reflected the woman's feelings about the cunning adaptability, opportunism, and hidden agenda of the person making the cruel ignorant comments and how they may be planning to get the victim back with violence without saying they were.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing coyotes playfully walking around her. In waking life, she suspected that her husband was enjoying cheating on her and feeling good getting away with it. In this case, the coyotes may have reflected the cunning adaptability, opportunism, and hidden agenda that she believes her husband possesses, as he seems to be navigating the marital betrayal with a certain level of enjoyment and ease.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing coyotes. In waking life, she felt that her boss liked to lie to her face and get away with it. In this case, the coyotes may have reflected her perception of her boss's cunning, deceptive, and opportunistic behavior. She may believe that her boss is not only lying but also feels confident and smug about not getting caught or held accountable. The dream captures the essence of cunning adaptability, opportunism, and a hidden agenda that she feels her boss maintains, successfully maneuvering through professional relationships without revealing his true intentions or facing consequences.



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