To dream of a cobweb represents feelings about a situation being hopeless or pointless. Living with a problem that you've gotten used to or can't find a solution for. Feeling trapped by a life situation. Awareness of negativity in your life that you can't do anything about. Feeling embarrassed by having discuss old issues you can't avoid.
Alternatively, the dream is a sign that you are neglecting your responsibilities, talents, or some issue.
To dream of cobwebs on your walls may reflect feelings about issues with your life or personality being pointless to deal with. Some area of your life is too old to deal with. Accepting an area of your life as stagnant and pointless. Accepting or living with hopelessness.
To dream of getting rid of cobwebs represents behavior that is focused on dealing with problems that have gotten out of hand. You may have being putting up with something that you've finally chosen to do something about.
Example: A woman dreamed of being caught in a giant spiderweb. In waking life she was middle aged and felt that her life was going nowhere.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of getting rid of cobwebs. In waking life he was undergoing therapy and confronting problems that he had given up on. He began to discuss long standing family problems and anti-social behavior that he had long accepted for himself.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing cobwebs. In waking life she felt embarrassed at having to discuss very old sexual history with her boyfriend. She felt the issues were so old they weren't worth discussing, but felt her past kept trapping her with discussing it.