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Chinese People

To dream of Chinese people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that respects itself being conservative about safety that doesn't overlook a mistake. Withholding needing to feel good to achieve goals. Intelligence about avoiding risky behavior in order to stay safe or achieve goals. Prioritizing working hard, never risking a single thing, saving, biding time, patience, or being strong about not needing fun or leisure. Learning with lots of hard work, studying, and discipline. Decision-making that is not easily swayed by emotions. A conservative focus on achieving goals. Situations or people in your life that are not very exciting or enjoyable because they are more focused on hard work and discipline than you'd like. Being uninterested or unbiased because patience is more intelligent. Low-risk decisions over the long term that make your life or a situation work.

Positively, dreaming about Chinese people represents behavior that respects itself with being conservative about honesty that never overlooks a mistake when other when other people might not. Wiser thinking in patience, discipline, hard work, or being risk averse. Long-term strategies that are more intelligent about foregoing the need to temporarily feel good. Carefulness that is intelligent about why other people aren't careful. A willingness to take the hard long road to achieve your goals. Boring behavior that saves your life. Long-term thinking that outsmarts enemies without being figured out. Intelligence in not having to do anything. Strength from resisting desire, pleasure, or temptation.

Negatively, dreaming about Chinese people represents feelings about excessive safety, risk-averse behavior, boredom, a prolonged disregard for feelings, or patience. Behavior that scares you that feeling good has to stop. Behavior that doesn't believe in anything except being safe. An area of your life where working, discipline, or avoiding fun is all you get to do. Overdoing needing to never make mistakes that feels mean. Meanness about being older as the sole reason new ideas aren't listened to. Safety with conformity or status quo. Arrogance about being wiser than someone else. Not enough risk-taking or creativity in a particular life situation that stalls progress. Good advice that may not feel good to other people because it's too conservative about avoiding feeling good or choosing to be patient. Behavior that survives by not having fun being the best. Never being allowed to forget a mistake. Arrogance that thinks it's better than other people at never making a mistake. A complete sacrifice of happiness for the emptiness of safety in hard work, solitude, moral beliefs, or high standards. Behavior that doesn't think innovation is fun.

To dream of physically attractive Chinese people represents feelings about preferring situations that are conservative about safety or honesty that doesn't overlook a mistake. Feeling supported by conservative honesty or safety. Finding risk-averse behavior appealing. Enjoying focus on discipline, patience, hard work, and critical thinking, as well as a low-risk approach to life. Enjoying the idea of a long-term plan or never needing immediate gratification. Feeling good that it's faster or better to be conservative. Conservative behavior that easily respects itself more than other options.

To dream of evil or criminal Chinese people may represent feelings about conservatively safe behavior that is perceived as unfair, dishonest, arrogant, excessively rigid, or mean-spirited. Behaviors or situations that prioritize excessive caution, discipline, hard work, avoiding feeling good, or long-term planning in ways that feel oppressive or morally questionable. Individuals or systems that use their patience, discipline, or strictness to control or undermine others. People or situations are overly focused on their own safety, control, or avoiding mistakes to the point of overlooking your emotional well-being, innovation, or flexibility. Feeling frustrated or harmed by a rigid, conservative, or overly cautious mindset that disregards your feelings, creativity, or freedom. A belief that conservative thinking or an unwillingness to take risks is being used for unethical or manipulative purposes. Your view of a person or situation that is scary because of its uncaring or unbiased nature. A situation or person in your life that you view as dangerous or threatening about exploiting you by being perfectly safe. A person with so much integrity that's mean to you about telling you that you are unimportant.

Example: A man dreamed of trying to explain to Chinese people about why a mistake was made. In waking life, he made a work-related mistake and wanted to fix the mistake, but someone at work told him that it was too late. In this case, the Chinese people may have reflected his feelings about interacting with serious conservative business people who were more conservative than he liked about about avoiding business risk while not forgiving his mistake.

Example 2: A married woman dreamed of being single and having the option to date 2 men. One of the men was an attractive Chinese man, which she preferred more. In waking life, she was experiencing an unstable marriage and wanted to leave her husband due to his PSTD and alcoholism. In this case, the attractive Chinese man as her first preference may have reflected her preference for dating a man who was more conservative about safety about keeping sober.



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