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To dream of a centipede represents feelings about annoying situations that are so scarily wacky that you'll do anything to avoid them. Annoying wackiness that you want to go away on its own. It may also reflect feelings about putting up with people you really don't like because they are too odd or unconventional for your comfort level. Feeling bothered by someone or something too unusual for comfort that is imposing itself on you. Feeling terrified of something ridiculous. Disbelief that something ridiculous likes itself the way it is and doesn't have to go away right away. Behavior that is scarily wacky which you feel doesn't need to do that right now. Scarily wacky behavior that has nothing else to say. Annoying behavior that doesn't think it makes a mistake while being creepy weird. Annoying behavior that creeps you out with wackiness that it thinks it matters. Annoying emptiness that thinks it looks good when it doesn't. Behavior that does't bother to think anything is wrong when it is and doesn't want to go away. Wacky behavior that thinks it's family when it isn't at all.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing dead and half-dead centipedes in a sink of water as she washed lettuce. In waking life she had an unwanted pregnancy which motivated her to get an abortion. The dream may have reflected her mixed feelings about thinking an abortion would make her look scarily wacky to friends and family.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of an centipede that needed to be killed. In waking life her boyfriend broke up with her and told her that he never wanted to discuss getting back together again, but then later told her he may want to at a much later date. The centipede in this case may have reflected the girl feelings about her boyfriend's idea of getting back together being an annoyingly creepy ridiculous idea when she didn't think it was a good idea at all because she was completely over him.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing an enormous monster centipede that would charge at her, and then back off. In waking life she was having issues preparing to tell her parents about a marriage to a new man after having been previously married and divorced. In this case the centipede may have reflected her annoyed feelings about her parents overreacting to her getting married because she thought their reaction might be empty while she kept telling herself that she didn't need to tell them right this minute.

*Please See Millipedes



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