To dream of a cage represents some area of your life that is restricted, confined, or restrained. You may feel that someone is keeping a short leash on you or that you are lacking the freedom to act independently. Unable to achieve your goals. You may have repressed desires.
An area of your life where you feel imprisoned, captive, or trapped. An area of your life that you are desperate to escape. Feeling confined with to responsibilities or obligations. Feeling oppressed or subjugated.
Alternatively, a cage may represent your inhibitions or powerlessness in some area of your life.
To dream that you are putting an animal into a cage represents restriction or restrain on some aspect of yourself based on the symbolism of that animal. See our themes section for animal symbolism.
To see a bird in a cage suggests that you are feeling limited in your expression or freedom. You may be experiencing limitations to your spirituality or creativity.
To dream that you are in a cage underwater represents feelings of being overwhelmed by uncertainty while also being restrained. Feeling that a situation is terrible while also feeling that you can't do anything to free yourself from it. If you drown in a cage it may reflect feelings of loss or failure while being completely unable to stop it in anyway whatsoever. Feeling that your "hands are tied" during one of the worst moments of your life.
Example: A man dreamed of being in a cage. In waking life he was terminally ill and desperate to die. Doctors wouldn't let him die.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing crocodiles inside a cage that he feared would get loose. In waking life he was in the process of trying to help get a dangerous criminal put in jail. He feared the criminal would get out and hurt him.