Bugs and insects in dreams are almost always hinting at people or situations that really annoy you. Irritations. Situations that annoy you that you have to put up with them. The dominant characteristics of the bugs in your dream are usually reflect what type of situation or behavior that annoys you.
Dreams with bugs or insects infesting the home commonly appear when a person has physical health issues. Waking state aggravation or infection. If the dreams are recurring it may be a sign that you should get a checkup or see a doctor.
Bugs dreams can point to health problems, people doing irritating things near you, inconsiderate remarks, or bad memories.
Example: A woman dreamed of her home being overrun by bugs. In waking life she had been diagnosed with fibromylagia. The bugs reflected her constant state of annoyance with being unable to do anything she wanted because we always always so tired or depressed.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being stung by a black bug. In waking life she had some annoying pain in her hand after having recovered from a serious injury.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of having bugs crawling on her. In waking life she was experiencing a lot of annoyances related to living with her pregnancy.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of bugs being all over her mother-in-law's floor. In waking life she was experiencing repeat situations with her mother-in-law saying things to her that she found annoying.
Refer to the themes section for bugs for a more in depth look at bug symbolism.