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To see or sit on bleachers in a dream represents a spectator or observer view of a confrontation, competitive struggle, or jealous situation. Your awareness of a confrontation of some sort. You may also be reflecting on the progress of your goals. Observing a situation where "the best" is being determined. Observation rather participation. Feeling that people at school or work are witnessing you competing for something with another person such as dating someone or a job.

Negatively, dreaming about bleachers may reflect feelings about being powerless to be involved in a conflict or struggle. You can only observe others confront their troubles. It may also reflect enjoying a spectators view of two opposing sides. Vanity of yourself confronting a challenge that is public. Ignorant or mean spectator perspective of a situation that would rather watch than be involved. You may be noticing yourself struggling with a problem.

To dream of empty bleachers may reflect feelings about why a situation in your life isn't a competition yet.

Alternatively, bleachers may represent a struggle or confrontation you are witnessing with someone else.

To dream of sitting on empty bleachers may reflect your anticipation of a power struggle or confrontation with a problem. It may also symbolize your belief that other people are not interested in confronting a problem.

Example: A woman dreamed of standing beside bleachers in a school gymnasium. In waking life her felt powerless to help her son with a serious legal problem while hoping for the best. The bleachers in this case may have reflected her feelings about having a spectator view of the situation with her son while being powerless to do anything to help him accept hope for best.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing her crush sitting on the bleachers talking to his friend and eventually seeing him walk away. In waking life she jealous she hadn't seen her crush in a month while being aware of his 1 year anniversary with his current girlfriend. In this case the bleachers may have reflected her feelings about people not seeing her competing with her crushes girlfriend to date him yet.

Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing bleachers. In waking life she liked a guy whom she heard inconsistent reports from friends about liking her. The bleachers in this case may have reflected her feelings about all her friends watching her confront whether dating the guy she liked was possible or not.



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