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To dream of someone or something that's beautiful represents your feelings about something in your life being perfect. Abundant waking happiness. Feelings about yourself or others being beyond reproach, more special, or more important. Someone or something too incredible to be criticized. Something in your life that is always protected from harm or embarrassment. Your feelings about some area of your life being more deserving or too good.

Alternatively, someone or something beautiful in a dream may reflect a desirable outcome or experience you want. You feelings about something ideal or flawless. Your desire for a perfect solution to a problem.

Negatively, being beautiful in a dream may reflect "perfect negativity" or "perfect arrogance." You may feel that a person or situation is impossible to defeat or resist. It may also be a sign that you feel something is too good for you to stand up to it, criticize it, or that you are not worthy of it. It may also reflect your feeling about how unbearable it feels that a problem or enemy is always protected no matter what.

To dream of being beautiful represents feelings about yourself being looked at by others as incredible or flawless. It may also reflect feelings of being admired or looked up to. Feelings that nobody can criticize you or tell you that anything is wrong with you. Alternatively, it may reflect your waking life feelings about being desired by someone or that someone thinks you're too important to lose.

To dream of a beautiful woman represents your feelings about an outcome or solution to a problem that perfectly feels good providing you with exactly what you want. It may also reflect a heightened concern with embarrassing yourself with an exceptional opportunity. Negatively, dreaming of a beautiful woman may reflect feelings of insecurity about speaking up or being critical of something in your life that you admire. It may also reflect temptation that is difficult to resist.

Example: A young boy dreamed of a stormy sky turning into a beautiful colorful sky. In waking life he had been experiencing a lot of trouble at school and had to change schools. He started to like his new school a lot better.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a beautiful woman die and then come back to life. In waking life he was a very faithful person who believed that God repeatedly made him feel good about his life and then punished him by taking away feeling good for a single misdeed. The beautiful woman in this case may have reflected his feelings about how wonderful being protected by God felt.



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