Artificial Limbs
To dream of artificial limbs represents feelings about never allowing anything to limit your beliefs or sense of independence. You may have been cut off from power, freedom, or a capability and are using your resources to overcome it. Doing whatever you can to not allow a problem or limitation stop you. Choosing to never give up.
Negatively, an artificial limb may reflect use whatever resources are available to never have to face consequences. Feelings about negative situations or people in your life that will never give up. It may also reflect your negative attitude about giving up control.
Example: A man dreamed of his dog having an artificial limb that he took off and examined the cut limb. In waking life he was using pain killers, smoking, and alcohol to support himself emotionally and was finally beginning to think about the real underlying issues causing his problems. The artificial limb reflected his use of addictive substances to avoid facing his real pain.