To dream of armor represents emotional or psychological defense mechanisms. You or someone else that is resistant to change or different views. A reflection of the personality choosing to protect itself at all times from pain or anxiety. Believing in yourself at all costs.
Positively, wearing armor symbolizes being mentally or emotionally immune to certain negative thoughts, emotions, or situations. You have the emotional resources required to deal with problems and stay in a positive mindset.
Negatively, armor in a dream may reflect a strong ego. Total arrogance that thinks it's better than other people and will fight to keep feeling good thinking that. Resistance to change at all costs. Believing in yourself to the point of hurting or insulting others. Bad habits that are very difficult to give up or your ego.
If you find yourself trying to kill someone wearing armor it symbolizes your attempt to control or get rid of a difficult aspect of your personality. There may be an emotional need or strong motivation to continue thinking in certain ways that may be an obstacle to progress. The ego may be too strong.
If a creepy or evil person in a dream wore armor it may symbolize a fear or a negative thinking pattern that is protected by your inability to overcome other emotions or the ego.
Example: A man dreamed of chasing someone in armor who he wanted to kill. In waking life he was in therapy and having difficulty coming to terms with his ego by thinking that he was smarter than other people. The person who wanted to kill that was wearing armor reflected how difficult it was for him to overcome his own ego.
Example 2: A man dreamed of wearing gold armor. In waking life he believed that he was in the middle of a spiritual war with demons that required him to be a perfect moral Christian for God. The gold armor in this case may have reflected his confident feelings about being spiritually defensive.
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