To dream of Argentina represents a mindset that is always respecting itself never deserve to notice it's feelings ignored. Respecting itself noticing nothing is little. Sensitivity about respecting noticing feelings mattering first. Feeling that people you know are always sensitive about having their feelings cared about at all times. It may also reflect your own sensitivity about noticing your feelings are not being addressed at all times. Feelings about nothing desperate all the time.
Positively, Argentina may reflect situations where you or someone else doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Always being polite, encouraging, or trying to spare people's feelings. Situations where it's felt that respecting children feelings while they live with you or are around you. Feeling that everything is fantastic because you can afford whatever you want all the time.
Negatively, Argentina may reflect your feeling of other people not having to respect your feelings first because they are busy respecting other peoples feelings. It may also reflect mediocrity that must be endured at your expense for the greater good of others feelings. It may also reflect you or someone else that is patronizing someone else to spare their feelings. Feeling surrounded by people who feel persistently out of reach because they are respecting someone else's feelings too much. Nothing is working for you in a situation, but someone will enjoy talking to you nicely or being friendly to you anyway. Terrifies or annoys you that everyone thinks something is gorgeous when it it isn't.
Example: A man dreamed of being in Argentina. In waking life he was having a pleasant conversation with an editor of a magazine that he believed might publish his website. Soon after he was rejected he realized the editor was just being nice to him to spare his feelings.