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To dream of aluminum represents feelings of confidence that something doesn't have to matter too much while being safe and useful for whatever you need it for. Confidence in something making sense. Practicality. It can also represent a sense of lightweight detachment about a relationships or situation.

To dream of aluminum foil represents a sense of practicality about preserving ideas or future possibilities that you can't or don't want to do anything about right now. It may indicate the need to protect or save something valuable, even if it is not currently being used or addressed. Alternatively, aluminum foil may symbolize a temporary fix or solution that you believe will suffice for the time being, while you delay confronting a more challenging issue or problem.

Negatively, aluminum foil represents overdoing a sense of practicality about preserving ideas or future possibilities for something that isn't practical. Aluminum foil may be a sign that you are preferring to keep a problem alive while also not wanting to look at it objectively. Wasting time and energy preserving the possibility for an experience that may no longer be relevant or viable. Feeling good thinking something negative or impossible will work out later. Maintaining unhealthy beliefs or habits because you think something good will fix the situation later on. Clinging to ideas despite the unlikelihood of them ever happening.

To dream of an aluminum food tray represents feeling of temporary or fleeting connection with people, as opposed to a more permanent or lasting bond.

To dream of an aluminum can may represents feelings about an experience being practical, safe, and useful to have a single time.

Example: A man dreamed of aluminum foil. In waking life he was told by a really bad psychic that he was going to marry a woman he knew in the future. At the time he believed the advice and felt good waiting for her when in relaity marrying her was an impossible outrageous idea. He had a practical mindset about protecting an impractical impossible future outcome.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing his girlfriend's extended family using an a huge disposable aluminum tray to serve sliced meats. In waking life the man was aware of his girlfriend trying to avoid her extended family due to a wedding happening while family reunion was planned later in the month. In this case the huge disposable aluminum tray may have reflected a feeling of temporary or fleeting connection with the extended family, as opposed to a more permanent or lasting bond.

Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of walking through a black aluminum door and starting to fall. In waking life she was frustrated with being fated to be alone for the rest of her life. In this case falling after walking through the black aluminum door may represent her fear of failure or rejection in her pursuit of finding a romantic partner after believing a potential partner was practical.

Example 4: A person dreamed of aluminum cans. In waking they read books. In this case the aluminum cans may have reflected their feelings about books being practical, safe, and useful reading a single time.



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