To dream of the number 9 represents feelings about an ending or closure to a situation. Feelings about a situation being over or that something will never happen again. Problems ending. Suffering ending. A final and irreversible conclusion. The potential for new beginnings or opportunities to emerge from the ending. The release of attachments. Surrendering control.
Negatively, dreaming about the number 9 may represent feelings about good things in your life ending. Feeling that your life is over. Death or watching someone die. The end of a relationship. Accepting that your life is ruined and choosing to never do anything more. Choosing to never move up in life. Experiencing yourself never believing in yourself again. Feelings about your youth being gone. Giving up on your dreams. Dropping out of highschool and never being motivated again. Succumbing to drug use and living with it. Feelings about your life doing nothing important and it never being a problem for you. Feelings of loss, grief, or resistance to letting go of the past. A reluctance to accept change or move forward.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a girl walking into a house with the number 9 on it. In waking life, he finally realized that his chances of being with his ex-girlfriend were over as she had moved on. In this case, the number 9 may have reflected his acceptance of the definitive end of his relationship with his ex-girlfriend.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing the number 9. In waking life, she was worried about the end of the world and began to make emergency preparations for food because she was afraid. In this case, the number 9 may have reflected her fear that the end of the world was near.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing someone picked up by the hand of God and tossed into a house with the number 9 on it. In waking life, he experienced his father die. In this case, the number 9 may have reflected the finality and closure associated with the end of his father's life.