To dream of the number 50 represents change in your life that's not happened before that's causing conflict. You may be struggling to deal with a change, having difficulty adjusting, or feeling forced to accept a change you can't do anything about. Change you have to put up with or makes you feel jealous somehow. Transition towards a new opportunity.
Positively, dreaming of the number 50 may represent transitions or opportunities that require courage and adaptability. A need to embrace change with confidence.
Negatively, the number 50 may represent feelings about a change that's never happened before that's dangerous, risky, or doesn't think of anything you are feeling. A struggle to adjust to a new reality. Feeling that you are growing up, letting go of old habits, or adapting to new realities you aren't fully ready for. Not wanting to waste a new opportunity or struggle with the responsibilities that come with progress. Anxiety that a change might not be nice after originally thinking it would be.
Alternatively, dreaming about the number 50 may represent feelings about something being halfway.
Example: A woman dreamed of her ex-boyfriend at a restaurant. She paid for her meal and then he gave her 50 cents in change. In waking life, she had recently broken up with her ex-boyfriend and felt stuck in life without him. In this case, the 50 cents may have reflected her feelings about talking to him one last time about needing his help for an unresolved issue and feeling a small change in his personality with his response being civil and less personal which required her to fix the problem herself.