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To dream of the number 12 represents confronting conflict or confronting jealousy. Putting up with why nothing else is allowed by doing whatever you can. Surviving life not letting you do what you want by doing whatever is available. Putting up with someone when it might not be your first choice. Nothing left to do except accept a situation. Confronting judgement if you do something different. Nobody telling you anything and having to face everything difficult you're self.

Not liking why progress is not easy or not possible. Not liking explaining how you are is all that can ever happen. Putting up a fight to make progress that feels like it will be prolonged over your challenge long-term. Disbelief that you are facing jealousy for the first time and not wanting to say what it is. Confronting nothing else is possible except waiting until something bigger happens.

Negatively, the number 12 may reflect waiting for someone to die in order to move on with your life. Waiting for an inheritance that annoys you. Jealousy that your female body is not able to produce children without help or another man. Not talking to someone else anymore about a problem because it will probably never help. Being so used to confronting jealousy that you are used to it. Not liking how something happened and feeling you can't do anything about it.

Alternatively, dreaming of the number 12 may reflect how emotionally powerful the number feels to you personally in a literal way.

Example: A man dreamed of living in house with the number 12. In waking life he was dealing with a severe illness that would never go away.

Example 2: A woman dreamed seeing the number 12. In waking life she had a miscarriage after 11 weeks of pregnancy and left the hospital the day before. In this case the number 12 may have 2 separate meanings. First, the number 12 may reflect the emotional power she feels about 12th week after pregnancy. Second, the number 12 may reflect her emotional state that is confronting the jealousy of pregnancy not being possible.

Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of being in a grade 12 classroom. In waking life she was talking to a boy at school who had a crush on her for years while another boy who she had a crush on for years was absent. In this case the number 12 may have reflected her feelings of confronting a jealous reality that the boy who had a crush on her was possible to date while the boy she liked first wasn't possible to date. She may have begun to confront her jealousy of never being able to have her first choice crush by taking action with a more realistic possible choice of the boy crushing on her. Confronting seeing herself with someone that wasn't her first choice.

Example 4: An elderly woman dreamed of seeing a coin with the number 12 on it amongst a collection of coins she found to take to a bank teller to cash in. In waking life she was experiencing financial debt and frustration. In this case the coin with the number 12 on it may have reflected her feelings about the value of an idea that made her feel lucky not needing money, but not as lucky as she wanted to feel because needing to accept the jealousy of something in order to make it happen (e.g.sharing or someone else present).

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing an old love looking back at her while a voice said "He will do this at 12 o'clock. AM or PM is never stated. In waking life she missed her old love. In this case the 12 o'clock may have reflected how the dreamer told herself that her old love will think of her again once he confronts the jealous reality that there is nobody else left that he can date or marry except the dreamer. 12 o'clock never having an AM or PM may represent the dreamer's unrealistic fantasy or hope that the old love will change his mind to come back at a time that she'll never see signaled because she never talks to him anymore.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of being in a grade 12 classroom. In waking life she was very focused on losing weight, getting more time to exercise to achieve that goal, and her health problems. In this case the grade 12 classroom may have reflected her feelings about confronting the jealousy of not reaching her weight and health goals and trying to accept her body as best she could by doing whatever time and ability allowed.



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