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To dream of a neurosurgeon represents feelings about serious changes being made that will change how you or someone else thinks for the rest of their life. Feeling that proposed changes you are working on are extremely important for other people to have. Feeling that a project you are working on will be influential in a serious way and requires your serious attention to be perfect. Feeling that it's your serious responsibility to perfect something so others will appear more intelligent because of it.

Negatively, a neurosurgeon may reflect a naive or arrogant belief that your serious efforts to help improve something is important at all. Feeling that if you make one mistake on something that other people will become complete failures or live in mediocrity. Naively or arrogantly believing that your expertise is required to change how people think. Anxiety about making a single mistake causing serious long-term problems. Thinking you are smarter than other people and that it's important to prove it. An arrogant belief that you are a genius.

Example: A 15 year-old boy dreamed of being a neurosurgeon that was being paid $800,000. In waking life he naively believed that a video-game company needed his help to make their videogame perfect with a change he was working very hard on to submit to them. He was spending a lot of time on an idea that was most likely going to be ignored because he was so young.

Nicki Minaj

To dream of Nicki Minaj represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that feels good being more arrogant than someone else about being flamboyant, never in trouble for whatever you are saying, while ignorant seeing yourself as incredible as you say you are that's perfectly never fake that takes it personally. Flamboyant arrogant confidence and boastfulness that gets away with talking about itself however it wants with never having to be a fake for the rest of its life because you're supported by people no matter what. Feeling good bragging or talking back to people like it's "just that simple" that everything in your life is better than other people under control while perfectly never fake without deserving any questioning. Behavior that's never being desperate about believing it's better than other people that doesn't have to say it twice because it's always true.

Negatively, dreaming about Nicki Minaj may represent behavior that's overdoing attention-seeking that's flamboyant, arrogant, safely never in trouble, always in control, and never fake that takes it personally. Behavior that feels good being arrogant about never embarrassing itself with any questions with nothing being strange about talking about itself having sex all the time is family life. Behavior that may be too outspoken or attention-seeking about being in love with yourself thinking that nothing is wrong with you. Behavior that is more arrogant than other people while actually being in control of itself as safe as it gets.

Rap Stars in general may represent arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A young man dreamed of Nicki Minaj initiating sex with kissing and grabbing him. He had to pull back and tell her that he was in a serious relationship. In waking life, he was in a serious relationship with an active sex life. In this case, rejecting Nicki Minaj may have reflected his awareness of himself being arrogant about showing off enjoying talking about his happy relationship with an active sex life to other people while not deserving anyone to talk back to him about it being fake before realizing that it might be inappropriately disrespecting his girlfriend to continue speaking that way.


*Please See Family Members


To dream of a ninja represents an aspect of yourself that is expert, perfect, or adept. You or someone else that knows exactly what to do or deals with problems perfectly. Exactness.

Negatively, ninja in a dream may reflect feelings of fear that other people in your life always have perfect solutions to defeat you with ease. Fear of others ability to embarrass you with perfect defeat without warning.

Example: A woman dreamed of a vehicle with the license plate "NINJA" on it. In waking life she was separated from her husband preparing for a divorce and always felt that her husband was able to perfectly embarrass her by telling police or doctors that she was crazy because of her passionate religious faith.


To dream of a nun represents an aspect of your personality that's giving up something they desire. Either materialistic wishes, goals, or sexual interests. A nun symbolizes letting go of something you want, or getting over someone you have romantic interests in. Making difficult long term sacrifices of pleasure for your family or the greater good.

A nun may also symbolize a person or situation that makes you consider having to give something pleasurable up.

A nun may be a sign that you need to give up your personal enjoyment or materialistic goals for a higher purpose. A nun could also reflect feelings about sacrifices of pleasurable things being unbearable to withstand for the long term.

To dream of being a nun represents your own feelings about having to give up your desires, wishes, or goals. Whether it's willingly or not, you are unable to pursue wishes, goals, or romantic interests.

To dream of running away from a nun may reflect your wish to avoid making long term sacrifices in your life of something pleasurable. Desperation to avoid being forced to stop something you enjoy a lot.

To dream of a nun with a knife may represent feelings about being forced to coerced into making a long term sacrifice of something pleasurable. It may also reflect feelings about wives or girlfriends who want you to join them in healthy long term habit you don't want to take part in because you think it would be unbearable to put up with.


To dream of a nurse represents an aspect of your personality that carries you through a problem or tough situation. You or someone else that is doing everything needed to get though something. A nurse may also reflect your own plan of action to stay stable or get yourself through a difficult time. People, habits, or situations that are supportive of positive change.

There may be a problem in your life that was fixed, and the nurse symbolizes keeping on track, supporting it, and seeing it through to the end in a positive way.

A nurse will usually appear in a dream when there is a need for you to stay away from something negative, and to maintain integrity until it's finally resolved.

*Please See Doctors

*Please See Hospital


*Please See Police


*Please See Children

Old Person

*Please See Elderly

Opera Singer

To dream of an opera singer represents a person or situation that makes everyone feel that they need to act perfect. An aspect of yourself or an area of your life that motivates everyone else to show how responsible, professional, or dignified they are to everyone else.

Oprah Winfrey

To dream of Oprah Winfrey represents an aspect of your personality that getting attention by being self-assured and confident in addressing and discussing your own experiences, thoughts and feelings. You are comfortable in making others feel at ease and talking about themselves. You view conversation and attention as a means of creating positivity and ensuring things turn out well. This could be related to your job, as you are not afraid of speaking about yourself for a living and helping others to do the same.

Alternative, Oprah Winfrey may symbolize stepping away from the difficult and challenging aspects of your past and to move towards a more fulfilling and positive future.

Oprah Winfrey being famous may also reflect the dreamer's confidence about deserving getting attention or talking about themself in way that mirrors Oprah Winfrey's qualities.

Example: A woman dreamed of Oprah Winfrey not calling 911 for a man bleeding to death from being stabbed. She waits for him to die and then runs away. In waking life she quit her job as a caregiver for sick dying people and no longer knew what the purpose of her life was. In this case Oprah Winfrey may reflect the dreamer's desire for attention and her confident comfortable attitude in talking about herself and helping sick patients to do the same. However, the dream suggests that this confidence was undermined by feelings of guilt and a sense of purposelessness after leaving her caregiving role.


To dream of an optometrist represents a person or situation in your life that fixes or improves your poor ability to understand people or events around you. A situation that provides surprising insight into the truth of people's intentions or honest beliefs. Feeling that you have learned something new or shocking that you will never forget. An improved understanding that makes you feel stupid that you didn't realize it before.

Alternatively, an optometrist in a dream may reflect a long dragged out situation that causes you to learn about every single little thing wrong with other people that you wouldn't otherwise notice.

Negatively, dream about an optometrist represents shock or fear that you didn't understand a person situation for what they really are sooner. Being subjected to new ideas, facts, or realizations that you weren't aware of before. Feeling forced or embarrassed into a better understanding of a situation. A setback, coincidence, or moment of strange luck that completely changes your poor understanding of people or events.

Example: A man dreamed of leaving the optometrist. In waking life his entire family was fighting for years over an inheritance he was getting the biggest portion of. He felt it was unbearable to wait for his inheritance while also being surprised to keep learning about selfish, stupid, or arrogant each and ever member of his family members really were. While eager to get his money, he was somewhat relieved to understand his family member's true feelings about him.


To dream of an orphan represents feelings about yourself or someone else being responsibly cared about because nobody else wants to. Feeling obligated to care about someone because they might hurt themselves if nobody watches over them. Feeling that nobody likes choosing to take care of you. Feeling that your safety is all people really care about for purposes of being responsible with no love or enjoyment of it. Feeling a lack of sympathy, love, or true connection with others.

Feeling that people have "left you for dead" for more important things.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing orphans that need to be transferred to a different orphanage. In waking life he was very ill and his father whom he felt didn't love him was taking care of him. He soon realized he may need to go to the hospital. The orphans in the dream may have reflected his feelings about himself being ill with neither his father nor the hospital feeling like they were concerned with liking to take care of him. Feelings about himself being a loser who people were were obligated to take care of.

Osama Bin Laden

To dream of Osama Bin Laden may represent feelings about one "total asshole" ruining a good thing for everyone else. Feeling controlled by someone who is actively trying to make your problems worse. Feelings about enjoying yourself or being very close to achieving success and then experiencing someone show up at the perfect moment to stop you and keep you away from it. Feeling that everything in your life was running perfect until one "total asshole" had to ruin it.

Alternatively, dreaming about Osama Bin Laden may reflect your feelings about the war on terror and the consequences of September 11 on your happiness or sense of freedom. Feelings about how one act of terror or one day could have such a powerful negative impact on the rest of your life.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a puppet of Osama Bin Laden crawling on his ceiling. In waking life he was noticing that the war on terror was having a dramatic negative impact on his business because his business was run in US dollars and the US dollar was dropping in value after the war in Iraq started. The Osama Bin Laden puppet on his ceiling may have reflected his feelings about 9/11 and war in Iraq totally controlling his business and personal life.


To dream of an outlaw represents you or someone else that knows that they are not doing anything that they're supposed to be doing all the time. Being fully conscious that you are constantly breaking the rules as though it were normal.

Alternatively, an outlaw in a dream may reflect your feelings that someone else has a bad reputation. A sense of being exiled, unforgivable, or impossible to trust. Rebelliousness that is impossible to manage.



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