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*Please See Prostitutes


To dream that you are a hostage represents feelings about being trapped, limited, or powerless. Feelings of being a hostage of circumstances. Feeling forced to go along with other people wishes. You might also feel trapped by your own beliefs. Feeling victimized, powerless, or limited in your choices. Physical immobilization. Aspects of your personality that feel powerless to escape. Feeling that you have to give in to the demands of others. You may feel that you have to give in to the demands of others or sacrifice your own needs for the sake of other people. A dream of hostages may suggest a need to assess power dynamics and to take control of one's own life.

Positively, dreaming about hostages may reflect your ability to endure or maintain control over a difficult situation.

Negatively, dreaming about hostages may reflect feelings of being held back or trapped in a situation such as relationship, job, or other aspect of your life. Feelings of being held captive by fear, guilt, or obligation.

To dream of other people as hostages may reflect a part of yourself that is unable to be fully expressed.

To dream of taking hostages may reflect your desperation to assert yourself or force compromise. Curtailing someone else's wishes or happiness until your own wants are addressed.

Example: A woman dreamed of being held hostage and raped. In waking life she was practicing Lent sacrificing things and working on her temper. In this case the hostage symbolism may have reflected her feelings about feeling forced to go along with Lent practices while other people didn't. She may have felt it was unbearable to have to give up anything she liked for Lent.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being held hostage by the police. In waking life he was experiences lifestyle changes. In this case the hostage symbolism may have reflected his feelings about disliking his lifestyle changes which began to make him feel trapped by his circumstances keeping them.


To dream of a housekeeper may reflect a person or situation in your life that makes you are never noticing anything that you don't like. Alternatively, it may reflect how unpleasant it feels to look after a lazy or unappreciative person.

*Please See Maids


To dream of a hulk type person represents an aspect of your personality that is impressively strong or shocks you with how strong it is. Feelings about an outrageous display of strength or power. Flaunting enormous power. Feelings about "flexing power." Surprise that some aspect of your personality doesn't deserve to notice weakness. Behavior that surprises others that it doesn't deserve to notice losing. Showing off with power that can't be stopped.

Negatively, dreaming about a hulk type person may reflect feelings about problems or conflict that embarrasses you with how strong it is. Powerful cravings or addictions that surprise you. You or someone else that attempts to impress others with showing off with power or strength. Embarrassing problems that are too big or strong for their own good. Threats of being overpowered. Dangerous power that is flaunting to your face. Surprise that problems or enemies are so powerful that they don't even deserve to notice weakness. Annoyance that someone is showing off with power or strength to your face all the time. Issues with masculine dominance.

To dream of the comic book character the Incredible Hulk represents feelings about stress or anger driving you to dangerously impressive displays of strength or power. Difficult to control stress or anger pushing your temper "over the line." Feelings about yourself or someone else that is dangerously and rightfully deserving to be told their a genius with everyone wrong trying to pacify them. Impressive displays of strength or power under stress.


To dream of a hunter represents an aspect of your personality that is in pursuit of a goal. The goal could be something you desire to have, to achieve in real life, or insights that will help to shed light on your problems.


To dream of your current husband represents an aspect of your personality or area of your life that is a supportive source of assertive strength and stability that you can rely on. An aspect of yourself that is permanently supportive by being more assertive than you are. Feeling that you are committed to behavior or a habit that is more assertive than you usually are. It may represent a strong, assertive, or dominant aspect of yourself that you can rely on during difficult times. A strong, assertive, or dominant person in your waking life who provides unwavering support and guidance during difficult times.

Negatively, dreaming of your husband may represent an area of your life that has always worked that is starting to have problems. Overdoing relying on strong, assertive, or dominant aspects of yourself that you rely on during difficult times. A feeling of dependence on a supportive source of strength and stability, leading to a lack of confidence and self-reliance.

To dream of a dead husband could represent the end of an aspect of the dreamer's personality that was once supportive or always there for them. It may symbolize the end of a habit, behavior, or way of thinking that was once a mainstay in the dreamer's life. Feelings of loss or separation related to an assertive aspect of yourself that was always supportive of you. Feeling that assertive behavior or another person isn't going to support you anymore. It can also represent the feeling of being alone or unsupported in a certain area of your life, or a fear of losing someone or something that you rely on.

Dreaming of a husband and wife may also reflect a theme of conscience and intuition where the man represents the conscience about decision-making and the woman represents the intuition about safety for the future. An example would be a fat husband and a wife that is too skinny. The husband may reflect a conscience or style of decision-making that is lazy while the wife would represents an intuition or future thinking for safety that isn't strong. Famous people oddly pared as couples may reflect a style of conscience and intuition based on their most appartent traits.

Alternatively, your husband may reflect your current projection of him and your current relationship. Anxieties or fears about the future of your relationship with your husband. Dissatisfaction with the relationship in waking life.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a husband and wife. In waking life she had decided to she wanted to move, but intuitively knew it wasn't safe to because she couldn't afford to.

*Please See Marriage

*Please See Cheating

Ice Cube Rapper

To dream of Ice Cube represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's notorious about feeling good being more arrogant than someone else about never being nervous while believing in yourself no matter how dangerous it gets. Making a stand for what you said and not wanting to be more dangerously involved than that. Behavior that's protective of not listening to why anything needs to be more dangerous than it needs to be. Not wanting to be a fool about making a dangerous situation worse than it already is. Refusing to believe in anything more dangerous than it already is. Showing off louder about not doing anything if you don't have to. Talking back to people about why a dangerous situation doesn't need to be more dangerous than it needs to be. Assertiveness, standing up for oneself, that doesn't feel good being a nice guy if people aren't listening. A serious attitude about not accepting anything else dangerous happening. Confronting challenges with a tough and uncompromising attitude. Feeling good standing up for yourself as tough as you said you are while it's not a question that you don't want anything else dangerous to happen. Adopting a tough persona or talking back to people about accepting yourself the way you are while other people are the problem. Not wanting to be a criminal while putting up with people who are more criminal than yourself.

Negatively, dreaming about Ice Cube the rapper represents feeling compelled to adopt a tough persona to cope with your environment that's protective of nothing else dangerous happening that escalates rather than resolves conflicts because you refuse to simply move on from other dangerous or arrogant people. Wasting your time talking back to people about why you are safe and other people are the problem because people want you to be perfectly safe instead. Being tough about while putting up with people who are more dangerous than you are while not liking it. Feeling good controlling yourself not being angry while saying what you don't like about things. Not liking putting up with other people being criminals. Not liking talking about what everyone else dangerous does is your problem.

Rap Stars in general may symbolize arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A person dreamed of seeing Ice Cube the rapper, purple acid, and a lab experience that had gone wrong. In waking life, they were experiencing a rough patch in their life again and were obsessing about it. In this case, Ice Cube the rapper may have reflected their feelings about talking back to people assertively no matter how "rough" their life got while not tolerating any further dangers.

Ice T

To dream of Ice T represents an aspect of your personality that's more incredible than other people (or gets more attention) for feeling good arrogantly talking back to people about being a grown man that's the most believable about not being in trouble for doing anything wrong, absolutely seeing yourself not respecting authority if you don't want to, and never thinking it matters no matter what.


To dream of an in-law represents compromise, abiding behavior, or decisions with a stronger interest in avoiding negative situations.

Like all people in dreams they may also symbolize personality traits in you based on your feelings, opinions, or memories of them that stand out the most.

To dream of having sex with an In-Law represents an enjoyable waking life experience you are having with a compromised decision. Liking something that isn't your first choice a lot.

*Please See Father-In-Law

*Please See Mother-In-Law


*Please See Baby

*Please See Children


To dream of an intruder represents feelings of violation, unwelcome change, or the breach of personal boundaries that makes you feel you have to protect yourself or take action to counter it. A sense of intrusion into your personal space, whether physical, emotional, or psychological. A situation where your safety, security, or sense of control feels compromised requiring you to scramble to keep it. Unresolved issues or conflicts that are intruding upon your peace of mind. A violation of personal boundaries that is creating tension.

Unwanted changes at work or in relationships often bring dreams of intruders. Unwelcome stress in your life.

Example: A man dreamed of an intruder entering his house. In waking life, he was beginning to feel that an extramarital affair he was having was beginning to encroach on his relationship with his wife. He felt that getting caught was becoming a very real dangerous possibility after never believing that it would be. He felt suddenly threatened by the possibility of being caught. In this case, the intruder entering his house may have reflected his feelings about the possibility of getting caught having an affair becoming a real problem that threatened or "intruded upon" the stability and security of his personal life and relationship with his wife.

Example 2: A man dreamed of a man breaking into his house. In waking life, he was practicing abstinence for his religious studies and couldn't resist it anymore. In this case, the intruder reflected his awareness of himself not being as sexually abstinent as he was supposed to be while feeling that he was robbing himself of feeling as spiritually strong as possible by violating his own rules. He may have felt that his sexual desire was inappropriately violating or "intruding" into his sense of normal safety regarding controlling himself when it wasn't supposed to.

*Please See Burglar


To dream of being invisible represents feelings of not being noticed, recognized, or acknowledged. Being purposely overlooked. Problems you prefer to "not look at." Residual bitterness over people that are out of your life.

Alternatively, being invisible may represent feelings of impunity to get away with something without being noticed. It may also reflect your feelings of being an unseen observer or not wanting to be involved with something. Trying to withdraw from a situation or the realities of life.

To dream of an evil invisible presence may represent your struggle with a problem you want to avoid noticing or thinking about at all. it may also reflect how terrible it feels to confront a problem that you can't identify.

Example: A woman dreamed of fighting off evil invisible presence. In waking life she was struggling to cut off her drinking cold turkey. The invisibility reflected how she didn't want to think about alcohol at all or even notice herself having ever drank.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her ex-boyfriend being invisible. In waking life she was having residual bitterness over the breakup with her ex. She was annoyed at having to speak about him when he was no longer in her life or notice any lasting remembrance of him in her life.

Isaac Newton

To dream of Sir Isaac Newton represents an aspect of yourself that is more original than other people with intelligence or experience about a fundamental understanding of why "what goes up must come down" must be understood. Nothing snobby about being intelligent about why nothing is best forever. You appreciate the cyclical nature of life and recognize that nothing incredible or best lasts forever. Expertise about fame or beauty never lasting forever. Intelligence that has embarrassed itself as a perfect example of why nothing incredible lasts forever. A person wiser than you about why nothing can stay on top because it was never meant to.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing Isaac Newton's statue bust. In waking life she was watching every episode of America's Next Top Model back to back to tv. In this case the statue bust of Sir Isaac Newton may have reflected her deeper appreciation for intellect or reason regarding physical beauty of fashion modeling never lasting. Alternatively, the tv show may have inspired her to compare her beauty to other people and wisely counterbalance superficiality by acknowledging that physical attractiveness doesn't last forever.

Jack Black

To dream of Jack Black represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about humor, irreverence, or unconventionality being used as a coping mechanism or as a way to make light of difficult situations. A casual attitude toward challenging circumstances, or a desire to minimize the seriousness of a situation through humor or playful behavior. Your own wish to approach life's challenges with a sense of humor or an unorthodox method. An aspect of your personality that attracts attention while believing in itself completely that terrifies others that it's reckless that it doesn't know what it's doing while actually ending up being safe about family life where everything works out great the way you wanted it to. Behavior that terrifies others that it's reckless about being awesome, but ends up being lovable about why it always wanted you to deserve to believe in yourself.

Positively, dreaming about Jack Black may signify that you're using humor or a light-hearted attitude to navigate difficult or stressful times effectively. Resilience, resourcefulness, and the ability to lift others' spirits even when faced with adversity. You might be someone who can always find the silver lining in any cloud or make the best out of a bad situation. Behavior that never is as dangerous as you first thought. Behavior that it might be embarrassing itself seeing the most awesome part, but ends up teaching you with unconventional methods that it was always there for you and just wanted you to see it yourself.

Negatively, dreaming about Jack Black may represent feelings of misunderstanding certain behavior as reckless when it was actually safe because you weren't listening or assumptions of always being right. Feeling surprised that you have to reverse believing you deserved to tell someone off for being reckless because they ended up being completely safe and wanted you to believe in yourself the whole time. Not wanting to think of someone as a winner because they didn't do everything perfect first.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Jack Black sitting at the end of a sidewalk and walking towards him. He is then temporarily immersed in water with 2 tigers, but the water recedes. He then continues walking down the sidewalk. In waking life, he was trained a skill by a friend that was supposed to help him, but appeared to end up causing a serious problem until the friend told him the complete details of his plans that made the future look wonderful. After being informed of the plans the dreamer confronted a final complication before everything cleared up. In this case, Jack Black may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about his friend's unconventional approach to teaching him a skill that seemed chaotic and reckless but is ultimately lovable and successful.

James Franco

To dream of James Franco represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than someone else about believing in yourself without a problem living your life however want as though you're supposed to. Respecting yourself believable about doing whatever you want like you're supposed to while not embarrassing other people with it being insane. Believeableness about never being scolded for doing whatever you want. Behavior with the freedom or 'license' to act according to one's desires without facing negative repercussions. Behavior that appears to go about its life freely with both versatility and a kind of untouchable charisma. Doing whatever you want without anyone getting back at you as long as you're believable about doing whatever you're supposed to.

Positively, dreaming about James Franco may represent feeling good talking back to someone who didn't respect you while you were believing in yourself without a problem doing whatever you want like you're supposed to. Feeling respected you for the first time deserving to believe in yourself without a problem doing whatever you want as though you're normal.

Negatively, dreaming about James Franco may reflect feelings of being overshadowed or rejected by someone who is more believable than you thought about deserving to do whatever they're supposed to do. Feeling that someone embarrassed you or talked back to you about deserving to believe in themselves without a problem living their life however they want.

Example: A man dreamed of James Franco getting angry at someone else. In waking life, he got angry at his father for suggesting he stop doing something they had both agreed was supposed to be allowed permanently. In this case, James Franco may have reflected how he respected himself believing that he should be free to live his life however he wants as he and his father had previously agreed upon.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of being in a bar and seeing a man and woman sitting down and talking to each other. The dreamer could read their minds. The couple was discussing how the woman had cheated on the man with James Franco which gave the man a strange grin. In waking life, all the dreamer's friends had canceled plans to give him a drive to a concert at the last minute. In this case, the woman cheating on the man with James Franco may have reflected his feelings about his friend canceling plans on him while annoying him with having the freedom or 'license' to live their life according to their desires without respecting scheduled plans.



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