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Old Person

*Please See Elderly

Olivia Rodrigo

To dream of Olivia Rodrigo represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets more attention) for feeling good to other people about never being in trouble, believing in yourself never deserving to talk about yourself being desperate, and likes believing that being "happening" is happening.

Opera Singer

To dream of an opera singer represents a person or situation that makes everyone feel that they need to act perfect. An aspect of yourself or an area of your life that motivates everyone else to show how responsible, professional, or dignified they are to everyone else.

Oprah Winfrey

To dream of Oprah Winfrey represents an aspect of your personality that getting attention by being self-assured and confident in addressing and discussing your own experiences, thoughts and feelings. You are comfortable in making others feel at ease and talking about themselves. You view conversation and attention as a means of creating positivity and ensuring things turn out well. This could be related to your job, as you are not afraid of speaking about yourself for a living and helping others to do the same.

Alternative, Oprah Winfrey may symbolize stepping away from the difficult and challenging aspects of your past and to move towards a more fulfilling and positive future.

Oprah Winfrey being famous may also reflect the dreamer's confidence about deserving getting attention or talking about themself in way that mirrors Oprah Winfrey's qualities.

Example: A woman dreamed of Oprah Winfrey not calling 911 for a man bleeding to death from being stabbed. She waits for him to die and then runs away. In waking life she quit her job as a caregiver for sick dying people and no longer knew what the purpose of her life was. In this case Oprah Winfrey may reflect the dreamer's desire for attention and her confident comfortable attitude in talking about herself and helping sick patients to do the same. However, the dream suggests that this confidence was undermined by feelings of guilt and a sense of purposelessness after leaving her caregiving role.


To dream of an optometrist represents a person or situation in your life that fixes or improves your poor ability to understand people or events around you. A situation that provides surprising insight into the truth of people's intentions or honest beliefs. Feeling that you have learned something new or shocking that you will never forget. An improved understanding that makes you feel stupid that you didn't realize it before.

Alternatively, an optometrist in a dream may reflect a long dragged out situation that causes you to learn about every single little thing wrong with other people that you wouldn't otherwise notice.

Negatively, dream about an optometrist represents shock or fear that you didn't understand a person situation for what they really are sooner. Being subjected to new ideas, facts, or realizations that you weren't aware of before. Feeling forced or embarrassed into a better understanding of a situation. A setback, coincidence, or moment of strange luck that completely changes your poor understanding of people or events.

Example: A man dreamed of leaving the optometrist. In waking life his entire family was fighting for years over an inheritance he was getting the biggest portion of. He felt it was unbearable to wait for his inheritance while also being surprised to keep learning about selfish, stupid, or arrogant each and ever member of his family members really were. While eager to get his money, he was somewhat relieved to understand his family member's true feelings about him.


To dream of an orphan represents feelings about yourself or someone else being responsibly cared about because nobody else wants to. Feeling obligated to care about someone because they might hurt themselves if nobody watches over them. Feeling that nobody likes choosing to take care of you. Feeling that your safety is all people really care about for purposes of being responsible with no love or enjoyment of it. Feeling a lack of sympathy, love, or true connection with others.

Feeling that people have "left you for dead" for more important things.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing orphans that need to be transferred to a different orphanage. In waking life he was very ill and his father whom he felt didn't love him was taking care of him. He soon realized he may need to go to the hospital. The orphans in the dream may have reflected his feelings about himself being ill with neither his father nor the hospital feeling like they were concerned with liking to take care of him. Feelings about himself being a loser who people were were obligated to take care of.

Osama Bin Laden

To dream of Osama Bin Laden may represent feelings about one "total asshole" ruining a good thing for everyone else. Feeling controlled by someone who is actively trying to make your problems worse. Feelings about enjoying yourself or being very close to achieving success and then experiencing someone show up at the perfect moment to stop you and keep you away from it. Feeling that everything in your life was running perfect until one "total asshole" had to ruin it.

Alternatively, dreaming about Osama Bin Laden may reflect your feelings about the war on terror and the consequences of September 11 on your happiness or sense of freedom. Feelings about how one act of terror or one day could have such a powerful negative impact on the rest of your life.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a puppet of Osama Bin Laden crawling on his ceiling. In waking life he was noticing that the war on terror was having a dramatic negative impact on his business because his business was run in US dollars and the US dollar was dropping in value after the war in Iraq started. The Osama Bin Laden puppet on his ceiling may have reflected his feelings about 9/11 and war in Iraq totally controlling his business and personal life.


To dream of an outlaw represents you or someone else that knows that they are not doing anything that they're supposed to be doing all the time. Being fully conscious that you are constantly breaking the rules as though it were normal.

Alternatively, an outlaw in a dream may reflect your feelings that someone else has a bad reputation. A sense of being exiled, unforgivable, or impossible to trust. Rebelliousness that is impossible to manage.


To dream of an owner may represent feelings of control or power in a situation, as well as a sense of responsibility or accountability for certain outcomes. It can also symbolize a sense of possession or ownership over something, whether it be an object, a relationship, or a job. Feeling that a situation is yours to make decision with.

Alternatively, dreaming of an owner may reflect feelings of being owned or controlled by someone or something, such as a boss, a partner, or a belief system. Feeling that a situation is not yours to make decisions with. It may also indicate a desire for autonomy or a need to take ownership of one's own life and decisions.

Negatively, dreaming of an owner may represent a sense of entitlement or a desire to control others. It can also indicate feelings of being trapped or oppressed by a controlling or manipulative person or situation. Feelings of being owned or dominated by an abusive partner. Feeling accountable to recklessness or mistakes.

Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing dead birds and being blamed by their owner, even though she didn't kill them. In waking life, she desired to quit her job and pursue a career in cartooning, but felt guilty about asking her parents to fund her education. In this case, the owner of the dead birds may represent her inner critic, blaming her for the death of her own dreams and aspirations.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of the current owner to her old car crashing into her house. In waking life, she had found a wallet containing important information. In this case, the owner of the old car symbolizes the dreamer's past experience of losing something valuable, such as a wallet, and owning accountability for the loss. The dreamer may be questioning whether to empathize with the current wallet's owner and return it, just as she might have wanted someone to return her lost item in the past.


To dream of paparazzi represents feelings of being constantly monitored, scrutinized, or observed in order to hear anything about you while not caring about you as a person. The feeling that every move you make is under a watchful eye because you are more popular, important, or attractive than other people. A heightened state of public attention or the feeling that personal boundaries are being invaded by external forces. Feelings about people wanting to hear thing like rumors or status reports about you.

Positively, dreaming of paparazzi can indicate that you're gaining recognition, popularity, or are in the spotlight for something you've accomplished. It might symbolize validation, acknowledgment, or a sense of achievement that's drawing attention. Feelings about a powerful experience of getting attention or that people are interested in talking about you

Negatively, dreaming of paparazzi can signify a lack of privacy, feeling overwhelmed by unwanted attention, or being chased by past mistakes or indiscretions. Feelings of discomfort or being overwhelmed by the constant attention from others. A feeling of exposure, vulnerability, or being chased by persistent problems that you can't seem to escape. A fear of judgment, scrutiny, or the possibility of personal secrets being exposed. You may feel that your personal space is being violated or you can't get any time alone to yourself. You may feel that you can't ever do anything you want to do anymore because someone is always watching or talking about you to other people. It could also represent a desire for recognition, fame, or validation. Feeling that people want to talk about you without knowing anything about you as a person. Discomfort with your own popularity, importance, or physical attractiveness because about talk about you without seeing you as a person.

Alternatively, the paparazzi may represent your awareness of your own "noisiness", gossip, or discussions about someone you find more popular or more incredible than yourself for being popular, important, or physically attractive. Talking about status updates or rumors regarding someone you have a romantic crush on.

Example: A young woman dreamed of lots of paparazzi waiting for a bus to arrive that was rumored to have a celebrity on it. In waking life, she was thinking of a guy she had a crush on after receiving an email that said he was still with his girlfriend. In this case, the paparazzi may have reflected her feelings of talking to other people about her anticipation, excitement, and heightened curiosity about the status of someone she was interested in.


To dream of both your parents represents your conscience and intuition. There may be important choices that you are making or reconsidering.

Fathers reflect your conscience or ability to make choices between right and wrong. Your mother is your intuition or ability think ahead. She can also reflect how lucky you feel. To see your parents together is a sign that you have important decisions to make.

You might also have concerns about your own parents.

Example: A teenager dreamed of a man in a suit trying to take him away from his parents because his parents were selling drugs. In waking life he didn't like needing to return to school after a break. In this case the drug dealing parents needing to be taken away may have reflected his feelings about needing to separate from decision-making that felt addicted to pleasure during his break off school because going back to school required being serious again.

*Please See Mother

*Please See Father


To dream of a passenger represents an aspect of yourself that is being carried along with circumstances, but not necessarily active or in control. Feeling led or guided by someone. Feeling led or guided by your own decisions that carry you through life. Passive aspects of your own character, or people in your life who are impacted by your decisions. It may also reflect secondary factors, problems, or situations that are happening concurrently while you are focusing on a primary task or objective.

To dream of being a passenger may reflect how you are being carried along by a decision or situation. Living with the effects or consequences of a choice. Feelings about someone else controlling or influencing a situation you are involved in.

Negatively, a passenger may be a sign that you are not in control of a situation. You are letting others decide for you. You may be devoting too much energy to pleasing others. Alternatively, it may signify a feeling that others are leeching off your resources or efforts.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in the passenger side of a car with her husband driving. In waking life, her husband was someone who led her and guided her before he died. In this case, being in the passenger side of the car may represent her feelings of being carried along by her late husband's lingering influence and guidance in her life.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being in the passenger side of a van his Dad was driving. In waking life, he decided to not commit suicide just to see what the future would bring. In this case, being in the passenger side may have reflected his feelings about himself being carried along in life by his conscience or decision-making ability to choose to live in order to experience what the future would bring.


To dream of a pedophile represents you or someone else that feels good taking advantage of others naivety or inexperience. Getting pleasure and empowering yourself with others inexperience or inability to fight back. Feeling good knowing that there are no consequences to exploiting an unfair advantage. Feeling good knowing that someone else can never matter or be important. You or someone else that feels wonderful using or exploiting others who are too weak or stupid to do anything about it. Feeling powerless to stop someone from taking advantage of you.

Negatively, a pedophile may reflect sadistic pleasure in keeping someone else powerless. A sign that you or someone else gets off feeling like a winner while forcing others to be a loser. Taking advantage of unsuspecting people. Feeling powerless to stop a naive person from being taking advantage of.

Feelings about taking advantage of people who are naive with no consideration for the damage it causes in the future. Robbing someone of their innocence or their chance to succeed without interference. Feelings about parents exploiting their children's success, money, or future plans. Feeling that someone is creepy or despicable in their willingness to use someone.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a room filled with children that had been abused by a pedophile. In waking life he was beginning to realize that his father was attempting to manipulative his life so that he would never get to leave home so that his father could use him for money.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a good-looking pornstar become a pedophile towards a young boy whom she was having sex with. In waking life the dreamer was aware of a very sexually attractive girl he knew on facebook who was very selfish, financially broke, with a tendency to use men. The dreamer witnessed this girl using a new guy she met for money and moving out of her parents house. He felt powerless to stop the naive young man from being used by the girl.

*Please See Molestation

Peter Pan

To dream of Peter Pan may reflect feelings about yourself or others that are showing off in a role where losing never happens. Feelings about enjoying acting roles. Feelings about how wonderful it feels to never lose no matter what. Issues with sharing or losing when showing off is important. Deluded beliefs about yourself deserving to show off in a perfect winning roles.

Example: A young girl had recurring dreams of Peter Pan. In waking life she was desiring to be an actress and was taking acting classes regularly. The Peter Pan symbolism may have reflected her feelings about being unable to show off her skills in the interesting fantasy acting roles that she wanted because other people got them first in the class.


To dream of a Pharaoh represents you or someone else that has unquestioned authority that must be looked up to and assumes more importance. Authority that always assumes it will get its way without question. Feelings about authority requiring perfect respect. Authority that doesn't even know what being ignored means with serious consequences if you do ignore it. Authority with an ego of excellence or godliness. Excellence that deserves everything it does respected with total control. Leadership excellence that never gets told no. Authority that isn't asking you and expects you to accept it anyway.

Negatively, dreaming about a Pharaoh represents tyrannical oversight that scares others that they made a single mistake or even spoke about it wrong. Tyrannical oversight that cares about nothing except its feelings respected. Control that never even believes it isn't a perfect authoritarian boss. Fear of a leader finding out that you didn't respect it. Feelings about an entire situation being "thrown in the garbage" if a leader doesn't like it.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing herself laying still and powerless while a Pharaoh had sex with her body. In waking life she was consulting a priest to perform multiple exorcisms on her. In this case the Pharaoh may have reflected her feelings about the priest having unquestioned spiritual authority over her which required her to look up to him as he assumed more importance.



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