To dream of being a philanthropist represents your generosity and giving nature. An area of your life where you are very focused on dealing with other people's problems. The dream may also readiness to share an important part of yourself or resources you have.
To dream of a photographer represents feelings about being adept or intelligent about making anything remembered looking as good as possible. Expertise at projecting yourself or others in a positive light. Intelligence about lasting impressions. Intelligence about making lasting lifelong impressions. An aspect of yourself that is a lasting impression expert.
Negatively, dreaming about a photographer may reflect an aspect of yourself that is adept or expert at creating lasting positive impressions based on dishonesty. Intelligence about lying to look good or dishonestly make good impressions. Focusing too much on making good impressions instead of being yourself. Doing deed or favors for people so they will always remember you in a good light.
Example: A woman dreamed of using her real life photographer skills. In waking life she was very focused on trying to get a job. In this case the photographer symbolism may have reflected her feelings about her own ability to project or market herself with an excellent resume or make a lasting impression with a job interview.
*Please See Doctors
Pick Pocket
To dream of a pick pocket represents feelings about yourself or others taking advantage of others status, power, or self-respect. Taking advantage of other people's honesty to achieve your goals. Feeling weary of being conned. Feeling that someone is not to be trusted. Feeling that you've been warned about someone else's untrustworthy behavior.
Alternatively, a pick pocket may reflect feelings about dishonest people who cleverly fooled you. Feeling that you "didn't see it coming" or could never suspect someone as dishonest.
Witnessing pick pockets at work in a dream may reflect issues with trusting people. Feeling that someone is trying to take advantage of you or use you.
Alternatively, pick pockets in a dream may reflect your negative feelings about people you feel want to borrow money from you and not return it. Feeling that someone is taking advantage of your stronger financial situation. Feeling that someone is trying to rip you off.
Example: A man dreamed of walking around a place where he saw pick pockets at work. In waking life he had lent money to someone whom he felt was not going to pay him back.
To dream of a pilot represents an aspect of yourself that is heading or directing a project or plan. You or someone else that is responsible for starting something new and keeping it going.
Negatively, a pilot may reflect someone else that is on control of a new experience that you have no say in. It may also reflect fear, guilt, or other negative thinking patterns that are keeping an unnecessary situation going. You may feel that you can't stop something or can't stop yourself.
To dream of a pimp represents a comfortable attitude towards exploiting advantages or resources. Feeling good or benefiting from using someone or something to win no matter what. Knowing how valuable something is and taking full advantage of it. Not caring about what anyone else thinks if it means winning.
Negatively, a pimp may reflect going too far exploiting an advantage or resource. A total lack of concern for standards or respect to keep yourself exploiting a situation. Pandering or the embracing the lowest standards to get ahead. It may also reflect forced exploitation.
To dream of Pinocchio represents your feelings about being unable to hide the truth or disguise your real intentions once it's uncovered. Noticing that it's impossible to lie or keep a secret. Embarrassment at having to see yourself lie. A sense of family life that doesn't see a problem with lying until it's embarrassed itself with being unable to hide it. Alternatively, Pinocchio may represents innocence that embarrasses itself lying.
Example: A young woman dreamed that she was Pinocchio and that her nose kept growing while talking to her father who wasn't listening to her. In waking life, she was aware of herself being dishonest, but decided changing her behavior wasn't important.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing Pinocchio. In waking life, he discovered that someone he just met had done some snooping on the Internet about him and discovered something he was thinking he could hide. In this case, Pinocchio may have reflected his feelings of embarrassment and inability to hide or deny the truth once it had been uncovered.
To dream of a pioneer represents a chaotic beginning. Charting new territory. Starting something new and never knowing what to expect. You may be looking for a new way to express yourself and expand your horizons.
To see a pirate in your dream represents an aspect of your personality that likes to take advantage of others, or exploit weaknesses for your own benefit. Taking advantage of passivity. A lack of concern for exploiting innocence. Social hijacking. Dominating a social atmosphere.
Negatively, dreaming about pirates may reflect casual feelings about dishonest or criminal behavior. A casual attitude about taking if there is nothing to stop you. Concerns about copyright infringement.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a pirate skeleton arm holding a sword. In waking life he was running an illegal business that was beginning to lose out to other criminal competitors.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a pirate ship sailing towards her. In waking life he was expecting her mother-in-law to visit whom she felt was a very dominate person who would always unfairly get her way.
To dream of a plumber represents an aspect of your personality that deals with blockages or backlogs. A person or action that restores progress. A plumber in a dream is a sign that there is an area of your life is "clogged." There's a problem in your life that's holding back progress. Issues that are stagnating.
A plumber in a dream reflects a need to deal with issues that may be building up. You may need to turn to a friend or professional in order to deal with your problems effectively.
Example: A man dreamed of talking to a plumber. In waking life he was being overloaded at work and a colleague had to take over.
To dream of a poet represents an aspect of your personality that are inspiring and idealistic. A poet in a dream is a part of you that wants to find a better way, or dreams of changes in their life they would like to see.
To dream of police officers represents discipline, intervention, and enforcement of behavior. Rules or structure. Feelings about changes being forced on you or others. A need to restore sanity, rationality, or justice to a situation. A need for fairness, order, or respect for adherence rules. Feelings of being in trouble for not behaving or staying disciplined. Maintaining order and safety in your life. The enforcement of boundaries, or the protection of your own values and principles.
Positively, police may reflect the use of power or authority to force changes on people who are misbehaving. Keeping "troublemakers" in line. Standing up to bullies or confronting people who are abusive to others. Choosing to make difficult changes that you know are in your best interest. Confronting liars, rule breakers, or dishonest people. Feelings of security. Calming a situation down or fixing one that is a total mess. Intervening in a wrongdoing. Choosing to confront addiction. Providing help in a crisis. Protecting something sensitive or beautiful from harmful individuals. Preventing recklessness. Restoring calm. Calming a situation down.
Negatively, dreaming of police may represent your fear of change, discipline, punishment, or correcting a bad habit. It may also reflect feelings about yourself or others being too authoritarian or controlling. Forcing change on people when they don't like it or don't want it. Abusing authority, power, or your ability to protect people. Feeling like you are facing bad karma. Feeling that you have no choice in a matter that requires change. Knowing you are misbehaving and not liking having to change. Problems with resisting change. Experiencing situations where there is a sense of "lawlessness" or arrogant abuse of power. Resisting confronting addictions. Avoiding punishment or facing consequences. Fearing someone else will get away with wronging you. Feeling that you were caught breaking rules. Overbearing authority figures, or feeling controlled and restricted by rules and regulations.
To dream of police corruption represents feelings of betrayal, loss of trust, or moral compromise in a situation where you expected protection, order, or fairness. It could also symbolize your own negative thoughts or actions that undermine your sense of integrity, or a situation where you are allowing dishonesty or injustice to occur without consequences. Feelings about people in your life that like dishonest control in order to cheat or think that they're the best. Not liking why someone else is getting away with something.
To dream of a female police officer represents a passive form of discipline, intervention, or enforcement of behavior. Enforcement of rules or structure that doesn't have to be assertive. Negatively, a female police officer may reflect a scumbag in your life that stays quiet about secretive control over you.
Spiritually, police in a dream may reflect feelings about you life being controlled or guided by God. Feeling that God is forcing you to change or intervening to punish bad people with a life lesson.
To dream of running away from police represents your attempt to avoid discipline, consequences, or facing the reality of your actions. A fear of change or an unwillingness to confront personal issues, bad habits, or negative behavior patterns. You might be trying to evade responsibility, accountability, or the need to address problems in your life.
To dream of being arrested by police represents being held accountable for your actions or that discipline is being enforced upon you. It may also symbolize a situation in which you are forced to confront your issues or face the consequences of your decisions. This dream can signify an acknowledgment that you need to make changes or take responsibility for your behavior, habits, or life choices. Addicts may dream of being arrested when they have to get sober. Feeling that a change that is being forced upon you.
To dream of police cars represents control over decision-making regarding disciple, intervention, or enforcement of behavior. Controlling correcting problems. This could also indicate your ability to confront issues, set limits, and uphold your values and principles in various situations.
Example: A woman dreamed of police officer raping her. In waking life, she felt scared being alone while separated from her abusive husband and kept sleeping with men that ended up using her. In this case, the police raping her may have reflected her feelings about being taken advantage of by people who were supposed to protect and support her.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of running away from the police. In waking life he was trying very hard to avoid having to give up drugs when people he knew were trying to intervene in his life. In this case, the the police may have reflected his feelings about people in his life who were trying to enforce discipline, intervention, and change in his behavior.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing police arresting people. In waking life, his boss at work as firing people for abusing privileges in the work place. In this case, the police arresting people may have reflected his feelings about the enforcement of rules and discipline at his workplace, as well as the consequences faced by his colleagues for abusing their privileges.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of screaming for the police to help her. In waking life, she was frustrated with being unable to stop another woman from talking about her negatively behind her back. In this case, screaming for the police may have reflected her desire for intervention, authority, or someone with power to step in and put an end to the negative gossip being spread about her.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of the police intruding into her home after accepting a gift from one of two men she was interested in seeing. In waking life, she was involved with two men and after one of the men proved himself to be immature she changed her mind about him and started respecting the second more mature man as a better partner. In this case, the police may have reflected her feelings of self-discipline and enforcement of her own values and principles in her romantic life.
Example 6: A man dreamed of an arrogant female police officer. In waking life, he was experiencing police corruption that chose to waste years of his life waiting for police assistance. In this case, the female police officer may have reflected his feelings about how arrogant the police corruption was with it's passive tactics.
Example 7: A man dreamed of seeing a police officer being killed. In waking life he was having problems making a lifestyle change. In this case, the police officer being killed may have reflected his feelings of losing the sense of discipline, order, or self-control needed to successfully make the lifestyle change.
Example 8: A woman dreamed of police telling her that she can file charges against her husband. In waking life, her husband left her for another woman and she felt used. In this case, the police may have reflected her feelings about wanting to get back at her husband with a divorce for using her so he'll feel punished for it.
Example 9: A woman dreamed of police discovering a man badly burned inside a vehicle while she tried to take this body to clean it. In waking life, the her boss had told her that she is her boss's biggest failure. In this case, the police may have reflected her feelings of self-discipline in confronting the issue of being labeled as a failure by her boss.
Example 10: An older woman dreamed of her pastor at church being a police officer. In waking life, she was having a problem in her church with getting a white supremacist kicked out. In this case, the pastor being a police officer may have reflected the dreamer's desire for someone in a position of authority to enforce the rules and maintain order in the church community, particularly in dealing with divisive and harmful beliefs. The dream may be suggesting that the dreamer sees their pastor as someone who can act as a moral authority and ensure that everyone adheres to the principles and values of the church.
*Please See Arrested
To dream of a politician represents feelings about influence, power, decision-making, and diplomacy. It could symbolize the importance of tactfully managing one's image and appeal, as well as the need to navigate complex social interactions. This dream might reflect your views about the art of persuasion, negotiation skills, the exercise (or misuse) of authority, and the dynamics of social, professional, or political relationships. Situations where you have to balance image and substance. Awareness of a 'political game', where perception and persuasion can be as crucial as qualifications.
Positively, dreaming about a politician might symbolize your ability to effectively influence others or lead. It could suggest strategic thinking, persuasive communication skills, or the successful navigation of complex situations. It may reflect your ability to balance different interests and foster cooperation, indicative of a sense of ambition, advocacy, and diplomatic finesse.
Negatively, dreaming about a politician could symbolize feelings of manipulation, deceit, or corruption. It might symbolize anxieties or conflicts about ethical dilemmas, power struggles, or political unrest. The dream could reflect a lack of trust or cynicism towards political systems, institutions, or individuals in positions of authority. It might also suggest feelings of powerlessness, frustration, or cynicism about the current state of affairs. This dream could also represent a situation where the need to be likable or popular overrides logic and sincerity.
If you dreamed of a real-life politician then consider what qualities stand out the most about that person and how those qualities may apply to yourself or a current waking life situation.
A politician in a dream may also reflect a need to persuade others to accept you, agree with your views, you convince others to like you. Negatively, it may reflect unpopular or sensitive opinions about political issues.
Example: A woman dreamed of being a politician. In waking life, she felt that her good looks may be a problem when it came to being taken seriously enough to get a good job. She had to work hard to come up with a strategy to convince her potential employer to hire her. In this case, being a politician may have reflected her feelings about the need to tactfully manage her image and appeal to the employer's interests. The dream may suggest her awareness of the 'political game' in the job market, where perception and persuasion can be as crucial as qualifications.
*Please See Politics
*Please See President
*Please See Leader
Popeye The Sailor
To dream of Popeye The Sailor represents behavior that is ridiculous about believing in nothing snobby while being the most impressive example of never being a wimp as it's job once a situation is too serious. Behavior that is ridiculous about being the strongest example of standing up for itself once a situation is too serious. A ridiculous example of standing up for yourself tougher than you ever have. A battle of confidence and the need to "power up" self-belief to deal with the challenges.
Negatively, dreaming about Popeye The Sailor may represent behavior that is ridiculously overdoing being an example of standing up for itself tougher than it ever has when it might not be realistic. Embarrassing fake displays of strength once a situation gets too serious. Overdoing a strong need to believe in oneself not being a wimp that doesn't think of why it might hurt you. Looking silly showing off not being a wimp. Becoming a laughing stock to friends or family for an over-dramatic display of strength. Going overboard showing off strong even if it makes you look like an idiot. A lack of awareness of how silly you or someone else looks showing off strong. A "priceless" humorous moment of over-displaying strength. Feelings about not needing to take someone seriously when they stand up for themself tougher than they ever have.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing Popeye The Sailor. In waking life, his son had achieved financial goals as a requirement to be given money to leave the country when he never thought his son would achieve those goals. He secretly never wanted his son to leave the country, preferring to control him, and chose to not take his son seriously at the last minute. In this case, Popeye The Sailor may have reflected his feelings about seeing his son making a strong, unexpected effort to achieve his goals, and not wanting to take him seriously because his son was younger and not being controlled.
Porn Star
To dream of a porn star that you know represents feeling good wanting something that never materializes. Ask yourself what feelings or memories stand out most about that porn star for further symbolism.
An ugly porn star would possibly represent your feelings of how unpleasant it feels to wait or doing nothing while being told to feel good about it.
To dream of being a porn star represents your interest in making others desire things that may never happen. You may be lying to someone or trying to make someone feel good being patient.
Example: A man dreamed of a porn star named Kira Kener. His most honest feeling about this porn star was that she was so beautiful he couldn't think of anything else. In waking life he had a long standing health condition that finally began to slowly improve. Kira Kener in his dream reflected how preoccupied he was with how wonderful it was to heal while never healing completely.