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To dream of employing people as part of your staff represents feelings about your decisions being supported at all times. Expectations about your decisions being supported or carried out with delegation. Feelings about yourself or others delegating decisions. Feeling reassured in your ability to manage or lead. Expecting others to do everything for you. Feeling that people should "answer to you." Feeling that people are obligated to do with you tell them. Feelings about yourself being a better manager or delegate than other people.

Alternatively, dreams about staff may reflect feelings about waking life situations where people are required to serve you. Feelings about servants, employees, city workers, contractors, or people whose job it is to help you in some way. Frustrations or honest feelings you have about these people.

Negatively, dreams about hired staff may reflect too many expectations from others supporting you. Delegation that is excessive or asks too much of others supporting you. Ego that expects subordination or has a low view of people beneath you in status. Overworking or taking advantage of people who support you. A naive belief that people are going to support you the way you asked them to. Expectations that others will follow orders flawlessly. Negatively expecting everyone else to do everything for you. Feelings about yourself controlling a relationship. Feeling that nobody cares about a problem as much as you do.

To dream of yelling at staff may reflect frustrations or impatience with others not being as supportive of a situation as you'd like them to be. Frustrations or impatience with people you believe are obligated to your decisions. Frustrations with people being lazier than you. Proving to others that you are more competent then they are. Frustrations with people who don't listen.

To dream of a magical staff represents powerful feelings about how easy it is to change something or cause something impossible to occur. Scaring other people with a highly skilled abilities to change something. Feelings about being an authority in incredible feats. Feeling that other people need to respect your powerful abilities.

To dream of a staff used as a weapon represents feelings about other people needing to respect your ability to be dangerous or experienced in conflict.

Example: A woman dreamed of yelling at hospital staff to hurry up and deliver a baby before seeing her grandmother in the corner of the room. In waking life she was eager for her boyfriend to help his girlfriend deliver her baby in the hospital so that her secret relationship with him could continue. The symbolism of the hospital staff being yelled at is this case may have reflected her initial supportive instructive attitude towards her boyfriend on the telephone pushing her boyfriend to be more intelligent about demanding the hospital staff do more, while her grandmother in the corner of the room may have reflected her intuition about the situation feeling that the relationship was never going to be what she wanted it to be.

*Please See Coworker


To dream of a stepfather represents a decision that you have no control over. Fathers in dreams typically reflect the conscience or our ability to make a decision. A stepfather is then symbolically a substitute choice that is beyond our ability to control. You may feel a choice has been made for you or that you've been pressured into a decision.

Negatively, a stepfather may reflect a decision that you can't stand putting up with. Struggling to come to terms with a change that you don't like.

Alternatively, a stepfather may reflect tension or disappointment with your real father.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her deceased stepfather standing up from a coffin with bullet holes in him. She told him to rest and he didn't listen. In waking life she got into a big fight with her sister over an issue which she had no control over. She had accepted losing the argument so that she could move on with her life and stop talking to her sister. However, she started talking to her sister again which brought up the old arguments. The stepfather in this case may have reflected her decision to speak to her sister when she didn't like her sister as a person because she felt unable to avoid her sister.

*Please See Father


To dream of a stepmother represents intuitive choices that you can't control. Luckiness that doesn't feel good. Plans for the future or carefulness that bothers you. An unpleasant situation you are experiencing that is "just to be safe."

Mothers in dreams typically reflect the intuition about the future, how lucky we feel, or our perception about coincidences in our lives. A step mother is the symbolically a substitute form of intuition is beyond your ability to control.

You may feel smothered, neglected, or held back. A call for safety that you don't respect. Feeling pressured into having to be careful.

Negatively, a stepmother may reflect a situation that you can't stand putting up with. Struggling to come to terms with a change that you don't like. Not getting to do something the way you hoped you would.

Alternatively, a stepmother may reflect tension or disappointment with your real mother.

*Please See Mother


To dream of people that you never seen before represents thoughts, feelings, or situations that you've never experienced before. Strangers may also reflect inability to confidently trust a person or situation.

To dream of being chased by a stranger may reflect your attempt to avoid something you don't trust.

*Please See People


To dream of seeing someone streaking represents embarrassment of others by not caring about anything their thinking at all. Total embarrassment of others with honesty that will not be tolerated for long. It may also reflect a sense of risk that you are taking by speaking out or expressing your true feelings in their entirety. Protesting with beliefs that are uncomfortable to others. "Naked" defiance.

Alternatively, streaking may reflect how you are making a spectacle with your true feelings in a situation that is conservative, serious, or otherwise inappropriate to do so. Shocking others with your true beliefs.

Streetcar Driver

To dream of a streetcar driver represents an aspect of your personality that is guiding you on a journey in life where there is no turning around. A possibility or choice that is irreversible.

For elderly people or people thinking about their death, a streetcar driver may reflect your feelings about God directing your life year and year towards death.


To dream of a stripper represents an aspect of your personality that shows off being too awesome to do anything about. Feeling teased or tantalized by other people that can do something amazing that you can't do. Feelings that you are realistically not going to do anything with something except think about it being too awesome or amazing to have yourself. To see someone stripping may reflect a goal that you feel is taunting you with always being out of reach. Feeling teased with desire.

To dream that you are a stripper may reflect waking life situations where you are showing off with something incredible. Feelings about yourself being so attractive or unique that you can rub it in other people's faces. Teasing or tantalizing other people that they can't be as amazing as you are. To dream that you are stripping may represent your attempt to tease or taunt others with desire. Making others feel close to their impossible goals.

Negatively, dreaming of being a stripper may reflect your awareness of yourself teasing or tantalizing with people with desire or impossible experiences. Showing off being "too hot to have."

Dreams of stripping are common to people who are strippers to reflect their feelings about showing off their superior good looks and abilities to people who less deserving in life.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a room filled with strippers. In waking life he was being promised a lot of money from someone who ended up being a big liar. He felt silly and teased with desire for believing in all the enjoyable possibilities of the money.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being a stripper in a club that got shut down. In waking life she was considering returning to a job as a stripper, but couldn't because her boyfriend wouldn't let her.

*Please See Lap Dance

Sumo Wrestler

To dream of a sumo wrestler represents a willingness to use leverage or power to get your way. Unwilling to change your stance or choices. Throwing your weight around to get your way or letting others know that you're in charge.


To dream of a superhero represents an unusually high degree of courage or nerve when facing an evil or antagonistic force. Using your above average talent, intelligence, or strength to face the worst problems. Being at your best when you are faced with hopelessness. You may be experiencing issues that feel unsolvable. Feelings about yourself or someone else being a savior of a situation with an incredible ability that overcomes a problem easily.
Alternatively, a superhero may reflect talents, strength, or courage that you never realized you had.

Example: A young man dreamed of a young woman he met being a superhero. In waking life he had just broke up with his girlfriend 3 weeks earlier and the new woman was exciting, fun, and made him smile every time he taught about her. In this case the superhero symbolism may have reflected his feelings about the new young woman being a "savior" of his social life with her personality as well as helping him get over difficult negative feelings about his ex-girlfriend.

*Please See Hero

*Please See Superman

*Please See Spiderman

*Please See Batman


To dream of Superman represents behavior that rescues or "saves the day" when all else has failed. Power or strength in the face of overwhelming adversity. Enormous sacrifices being made for which you or someone else refuses to give up on. Displaying enormous courage to "hold on" in the face of impossible odds. Super-human courage or willpower. Resisting corruption or negativity to a scale that is unheard of in normal people. Disbelief or shock at how strong you or someone else has behaved.

Negatively, Superman may reflect the belief that you are too strong or powerful to have to listen to a powerful opponent. Believing in yourself too much or believing that you are too strong to face real opposition. A dislike of having to withstand an enormous problem that takes all your willpower and heart to overcome.

Superman in a dream may also reflect a tendency to put to much effort into helping or "saving" people who don't deserve it. Exhausting yourself to protect something vain or superficial.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Superman struggling to hold up a boulder falling from the sky with all his strength. In waking life he was undergoing the most difficult spiritual test of his life which required no food, water, sex, or social contact for days on end.


To dream of a supermodel represents you or someone else that is constantly aware of being better than someone else. Knowing you are always "positiver", more deserving, or that your ideals are always better. You can't help but notice your superiority being noticed. Assumption or air of "betterness."

Alternatively, a supermodel may be a sign that you are always aware of how negative, dirty, stupid, or low-class someone else is.

Example: A man dreamed of being a supermodel. In waking life he was always angry or giving the silent treatment to a family member that had lied to him. Being a supermodel reflected his constant sense of moral superiority and feeling that his family member was a low-class dirty liar with low standards.


To dream of a supervisor represents feelings about yourself or someone else watching over every thing someone else does. Feeling of awareness of needing approval and being watched over. Awareness of cheating or oversights being monitored. Feelings about yourself or someone else making sure nothing wrong happens. Ensuring no screw ups. Ensuring compliance or honesty. Feelings about someone who helps you or directs you to do something properly in your waking life.

Negatively, dreaming about a supervisor may reflect your dislike of someone watching over you, job frustrations, not liking being told what to do, or not liking some embarrassing you with every single thing you do. Feeling that nobody is listening to why nothing is working properly. Annoyance or frustration about an area of your life not being watched over properly. Annoyance that someone feels good bossing you around. Awareness of yourself being bossy or enjoying being lazy while being bossy. Excessive delegation without involvement. Frustrations with your job or authority figures at your workplace. A dislike of needing approval. Fear of talking back to someone. Feelings about incompetence or serious oversights. Feelings an area of your life that is obviously not being supervised properly.

Supervisor dreams are common to people changing jobs, finding a new job, or hoping for a promotions at work.

Example: A man dreamed of saying goodbye to his job supervisor and then sitting at the front of a bus. In waking life he had received an offer for a promotion at work which he didn't get, but was told he would be considered if the position opened up again.

Example 2: A man dreamed of noticing that his supervisor wasn't around. In waking life he looking for a new job because he was moving and felt that he didn't have a friend to set him up with a new job.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing her supervisor break a tombstone. In waking life she was leaving her current job for a new job and didn't want to tell anyone she was leaving her current job.

*Please See Manager


To dream of a surrogate represents feelings about using someone else to achieve goals you can't achieve in your own. Negatively, a surrogate in a dream may reflect cheating or dishonest means to achieve a goal you can't achieve through honest means. Using others to achieve your goals. Putting too much trust in someone else to be responsible enough to you fully realize your goals. Feelings about helping a friend or family member win at something.

To dream that you are a surrogate may reflect feelings about your wish to help someone achieve a goal that can't achieve on their own. Making sacrifices or carrying a big responsibility for someone else's benefit. Helping someone who can't help themselves. Negatively, it may reflect your attempt to help a cheater or someone who doesn't deserve help.

Sylvestor Stallone

To dream of Sylvester Stallone represents an aspect of the personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that believes in itself handling itself doing whatever it takes to be as tough as it needs to be. Feelings about resilience, strength, overcoming challenges, or being an underdog who rises against adversity through sheer determination and willpower. Feelings about not liking anyone saying you didn't try your best to be as tough as you need to be. A situation in your life that's highlighting the theme of courage, perseverance, and the will to succeed against all odds. An aspect of your personality with qualities like Rocky and Rambo.

Negatively, dreaming about Sylvester Stallone may represent feelings of aggression, competitiveness, or the need to constantly prove oneself in order to gain recognition or respect. Overdoing needing attention or showing off for being embattled, constantly fighting, or struggling to keep up with the challenges life throws at you.

Example: A man dreamed of Sylvester Stallone giving him advice about dealing with successful people who cared about absolutely nothing in his best interests by saying he had to be tough about believing in himself deserving to put himself first no matter what. In waking life, he received advice about surviving a financial and legal disaster during a very public situation by never putting up with anyone successful who didn't believe it was important to respect him putting himself first. In this case, Sylvester Stallone may have reflected his feelings about having received advice that encouraged him to believe in himself handling himself needing to be as tough as he needed to be during a very public situation.


To dream of a tailor represents expertise at adjusting a personality. Needing to adjust your personality for an important or serious reason. Intelligently adjust your personality towards someone else for the sake of appearances. Behavior that is professional about adjusting or presenting appearances of your personality. Behavior that is serious about wanting you to look good all the time. Behavior that is serious about making sure you look good not saying or doing anything you are not supposed to. Making sure you don't look stupid appearing a certain way. Needing help to look more professional or likable than you normally behave. Personal help you out so you don't look stupid to others with your appearances. Using professional advice before doing something important or serious so you look good. Someone older or more professional than you that helps you prepare or practice before an important event where good appearances are important. Situations where you are not an expert or genius at something, but you know someone that is that can help you look good. Behavior that isn't afraid to be mean to others about not doing something stupid ever again to help good appearances.

Negatively, a tailor may reflect needing to adjust your personality for someone you don't like. Help with preparation to lie so you don't look bad. Lawyers or other professionals that may not fear being mean to you so don't look stupid ever again. Annoyance that you need to intelligently adjust your personality towards someone else for the sake of appearances even if you don't like the person. Not liking needing to have to stop being snobby or lazy for the sake of good appearances. Trouble not being as professional as you want to be.

Example: A woman dreamed of needing to get her dress altered by a tailor. In waking life she was annoyed by needing change her behavior for her sister with whom she didn't get along with well.



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