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To dream of a supermodel represents you or someone else that is constantly aware of being better than someone else. Knowing you are always "positiver", more deserving, or that your ideals are always better. You can't help but notice your superiority being noticed. Assumption or air of "betterness."

Alternatively, a supermodel may be a sign that you are always aware of how negative, dirty, stupid, or low-class someone else is.

Example: A man dreamed of being a supermodel. In waking life he was always angry or giving the silent treatment to a family member that had lied to him. Being a supermodel reflected his constant sense of moral superiority and feeling that his family member was a low-class dirty liar with low standards.


To dream of a supervisor represents feelings about yourself or someone else watching over every thing someone else does. Feeling of awareness of needing approval and being watched over. Awareness of cheating or oversights being monitored. Feelings about yourself or someone else making sure nothing wrong happens. Ensuring no screw ups. Ensuring compliance or honesty. Feelings about someone who helps you or directs you to do something properly in your waking life.

Negatively, dreaming about a supervisor may reflect your dislike of someone watching over you, job frustrations, not liking being told what to do, or not liking some embarrassing you with every single thing you do. Feeling that nobody is listening to why nothing is working properly. Annoyance or frustration about an area of your life not being watched over properly. Annoyance that someone feels good bossing you around. Awareness of yourself being bossy or enjoying being lazy while being bossy. Excessive delegation without involvement. Frustrations with your job or authority figures at your workplace. A dislike of needing approval. Fear of talking back to someone. Feelings about incompetence or serious oversights. Feelings an area of your life that is obviously not being supervised properly.

Supervisor dreams are common to people changing jobs, finding a new job, or hoping for a promotions at work.

Example: A man dreamed of saying goodbye to his job supervisor and then sitting at the front of a bus. In waking life he had received an offer for a promotion at work which he didn't get, but was told he would be considered if the position opened up again.

Example 2: A man dreamed of noticing that his supervisor wasn't around. In waking life he looking for a new job because he was moving and felt that he didn't have a friend to set him up with a new job.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing her supervisor break a tombstone. In waking life she was leaving her current job for a new job and didn't want to tell anyone she was leaving her current job.

*Please See Manager


To dream of a surrogate represents feelings about using someone else to achieve goals you can't achieve in your own. Negatively, a surrogate in a dream may reflect cheating or dishonest means to achieve a goal you can't achieve through honest means. Using others to achieve your goals. Putting too much trust in someone else to be responsible enough to you fully realize your goals. Feelings about helping a friend or family member win at something.

To dream that you are a surrogate may reflect feelings about your wish to help someone achieve a goal that can't achieve on their own. Making sacrifices or carrying a big responsibility for someone else's benefit. Helping someone who can't help themselves. Negatively, it may reflect your attempt to help a cheater or someone who doesn't deserve help.

Sylvestor Stallone

To dream of Sylvester Stallone represents an aspect of the personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that believes in itself handling itself doing whatever it takes to be as tough as it needs to be. Feelings about resilience, strength, overcoming challenges, or being an underdog who rises against adversity through sheer determination and willpower. Feelings about not liking anyone saying you didn't try your best to be as tough as you need to be. A situation in your life that's highlighting the theme of courage, perseverance, and the will to succeed against all odds. An aspect of your personality with qualities like Rocky and Rambo.

Negatively, dreaming about Sylvester Stallone may represent feelings of aggression, competitiveness, or the need to constantly prove oneself in order to gain recognition or respect. Overdoing needing attention or showing off for being embattled, constantly fighting, or struggling to keep up with the challenges life throws at you.

Example: A man dreamed of Sylvester Stallone giving him advice about dealing with successful people who cared about absolutely nothing in his best interests by saying he had to be tough about believing in himself deserving to put himself first no matter what. In waking life, he received advice about surviving a financial and legal disaster during a very public situation by never putting up with anyone successful who didn't believe it was important to respect him putting himself first. In this case, Sylvester Stallone may have reflected his feelings about having received advice that encouraged him to believe in himself handling himself needing to be as tough as he needed to be during a very public situation.


To dream of a tailor represents expertise at adjusting a personality. Needing to adjust your personality for an important or serious reason. Intelligently adjust your personality towards someone else for the sake of appearances. Behavior that is professional about adjusting or presenting appearances of your personality. Behavior that is serious about wanting you to look good all the time. Behavior that is serious about making sure you look good not saying or doing anything you are not supposed to. Making sure you don't look stupid appearing a certain way. Needing help to look more professional or likable than you normally behave. Personal help you out so you don't look stupid to others with your appearances. Using professional advice before doing something important or serious so you look good. Someone older or more professional than you that helps you prepare or practice before an important event where good appearances are important. Situations where you are not an expert or genius at something, but you know someone that is that can help you look good. Behavior that isn't afraid to be mean to others about not doing something stupid ever again to help good appearances.

Negatively, a tailor may reflect needing to adjust your personality for someone you don't like. Help with preparation to lie so you don't look bad. Lawyers or other professionals that may not fear being mean to you so don't look stupid ever again. Annoyance that you need to intelligently adjust your personality towards someone else for the sake of appearances even if you don't like the person. Not liking needing to have to stop being snobby or lazy for the sake of good appearances. Trouble not being as professional as you want to be.

Example: A woman dreamed of needing to get her dress altered by a tailor. In waking life she was annoyed by needing change her behavior for her sister with whom she didn't get along with well.

Talk Show Host

To dream of a talk show host represents feelings about an aspect of yourself that shows off talking about only the most important or interesting parts of an issue. Intelligence about ignoring anything that isn't interesting with other people watching. Intelligence about leading others with openly discussing or thinking about an issue as much as possible. Intelligence about beginning and carrying out discussions with full disclosure with people listening.

Example: A woman dreamed of Whoopi Goldberg's talk show being cancelled. In waking life she was pregnant while going though a divorce. Dreaming about Whoopi Goldberg as a cancelled talkshow host in this case may have reflected her feelings about herself choosing to not openly discuss her divorce to people close to her because her pregnancy was a priority making her doubt whether she could afford a divorce.

Taylor Swift

To dream of Taylor Swift represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than someone else that's wonderful about nothing snobby while being nicer than other people that's always listening to why other people think you're "originally happening" about everything going on in your life. Protecting yourself staying a happening person by being nice. Feelings about being a wonderful person who nobody embarrasses because you don't like to embarrass other people. Feelings of being "hooked up" at the office as a nice person with everyone paying attention to why your job matters. A wish to maintain a positive image, both personally and professionally, while remaining genuinely kind and respectful towards others. Believing that you're nicer and more passive than other people is the reason you can never lose. Behavior that likes why choosing to be safe is important.

Negatively, dreaming of Taylor Swift may represent feelings that handling yourself being nicer or more passive than other people doesn't work to make people help you or protect you looking good being happening in some area of your life. Concerns that despite your wonderful demeanor, you aren't receiving the support or protection you feel you deserve, especially in your professional life. Behavior that is too serious or uptight about controlling itself to maintain an incredible appearance of being happening person that's nicer than other people. Insecurity that being nicer and more passive than other people won't help you because people are too ignorant.

Example: A 16-year-old girl dreamed of being in a spa with Taylor Swift talking about what was going on in their careers. In waking life, the teenage girl was having realizations about her future career that changed the way she thinks. In this case, Taylor Swift may have reflected the teenage perception of herself enjoying wanting to appear successful, liked, and happening with her future career choice while talking about herself without snobbery that was nicer than other people while also listening to what people thought about it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in love with Taylor Swift in a lesbian relationship eating chocolate and having someone tell her that she should breakup with Taylor Swift. In waking life, she was a heterosexual with a boyfriend who had bought her chocolates and brought her to the movies trying to make up with her after a disagreement. In this case, the Taylor Swift lesbian romance affair that someone told her to breakup may have reflected her feelings about thinking it was more appropriate and acceptable to her friends to breakup with her boyfriend because it didn't look good getting attention for being a wonderful nicer person than other people getting back with her disrespectful boyfriend after she told all her friends about everything going on in her life.

Example 3: A man dreamt of Taylor Swift giving him oral sex under a table and then discussing giving him her phone number. In waking life, he was dealing with a difficult copyright infringement issue affecting his website. He believed that by being nicer and more honest, he could win the web host's cooperation in resolving the infringement issue and restoring his site's reputation. The website quickly helped him and told him to email them if the problem returned. In this case, Taylor Swift giving him a blowjob may have reflected his feelings about how being genuine and kind would paid off with the webhost serving his needs quickly, while offering the phone number reflected the webhost asking to be communicated with any time the problem returned.

*Please See Celebrities


To dream of a teacher represents the answer or solution to a problem you have. They are beliefs, knowledge, or your projection of a something that holds the perfect solution to a problem. The realization that if you do something it will solve your problem. Coming to conclusions about problems you have. Answers you feel you would be ignorant or stupid to ignore. Intelligent attempts to mediate a problem. Feeling that someone you know "knows best." Ideas that you feel are a good idea to listen to.

Negatively, a teacher may reflect embarrassing truths or feeling the reality of a situation telling you what to do. Coming to scary or unpleasant conclusions that you realize are true. Feeling terrified that you have to do something differently than you currently are. Feeling intimidated by someone smarter than you. Resisting listening to a difficult answer.

To dream of kissing a teacher may reflect appreciation or approval of good advice. Liking someone that's helped you solve a problem.

To dream of having sex with a teacher may reflect waking life situations where you are having a really enjoyable experience listening to someone else's advice. It could reflect an enjoyable experience solving a problem or making a change you first believed would be horrible.

To dream of being a teacher may reflect feelings about how important it is to make others understand the truth. Situations where you feel the need to explain, instruct, or inform others.

Negatively, being a teacher may reflect problems with accepting others beliefs the way they are. Lecturing others when they aren't interested in listening to you. A desperate or pointless need to tell people the truth when those people don't respect you. Frustrations with being smarter or better informed that other people.

What the teacher says, wears, or does in the dream are all symbols that reflect what your problem is, or your unconscious awareness of a solution.

Consider the grade of the teacher for additional symbolism as dream numbers tend to use numerology. For example your grade 5 teacher may reflect the solution to a problem you have during a change you are experiencing because in dream numerology 5 represents change.

Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing a teacher comfort a crying girl on in a bathroom stall. The teacher was telling the crying girl that everything will be okay and that she went through something similar when she was younger. In waking life the girl had come to the conclusion that breaking up with her boyfriend was important because the relationship had no future. She felt breaking was the answer to her problems.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being very uncomfortable talking to a teacher. In waking life he was very insecure about people whom he felt were smarter than him.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of being a teacher with no class showing up to see him. In waking life he felt the need to explain himself and tell the truth about an very embarrassing incident that occurred in order to clear his good name, but he felt nobody cared about the issue anymore. He felt it was impossible to reverse his bad reputation because people weren't respecting him at all. The teacher symbolism in this case may have reflected his feelings about himself needing to explain, instruct, and inform others with the truth about his situation when it was obviously pointless.


To dream of a teenager represents an aspect of yourself that is struggling for independence and autonomy. Knowing what power is without having it completely. Not being fully mature in some area of your life.

Positively, a teenager may reflect open-mindedness or rebelliousness. Being open to anything. Having the guts to take chances. Negatively, a teenager represents selfishness, jealousy, or naive thinking that overrides good judgment. Not fully understanding what you are up against. Petty ideas or social interaction. An aspect of yourself that still needs to develop in order to realize a goal or achieve fulfillment.

*Please See Adolescent


To dream of a Terminator represents feelings about behavior that is relentlessly determined in the pursuit of an objective, where failure is not an option. Thoughts about someone or something in your life that is unyielding, unforgiving, and absolutely determined to achieve its goal or mission. Behavior that seems mechanical, devoid of emotions, and can't be reasoned with. Evil, immorality, or criminality that feels impossible to subdue or defeat.

Positively, dreaming about a Terminator may represent unwavering determination, strength, and resilience. Your own relentless efforts to overcome challenges or admiration for someone else's determination in your waking life. The dream might suggest that nothing can deter you from your goals or that you are feeling powerful and unstoppable. The indomitable will, focus, and determination that either you possess or recognize in someone else. The power of unwavering resolve in overcoming obstacles or completing a difficult task. An aspect of yourself that's striving for self-improvement or for the achievement of an important life goal.

Negatively, dreaming about a Terminator could represent fears or anxieties about something in your life that feels relentless, determined, and can't be stopped. Feelings of helplessness against a powerful enemy or situation. A situation or person in your life that seems relentless in causing you harm or distress. The dream might indicate that you're feeling overwhelmed or pursued by some relentless force. You might be struggling with internal or external forces that you perceive as unstoppable and damaging, or you may be the one displaying a harmful, relentless attitude toward others. Feelings of being pursued or targeted by something relentless and inescapable, like a fear, an addiction, or a powerful individual. Feelings about needing to intelligently avoid or confront a determined enemy or problem with all your strength because if you don't then nothing important will ever matter.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing the Terminator movie character standing on a beach looking at him. In waking life, he was beginning to feel the onset of what became the most powerful hallucinations of his life requiring him to stay inside his house for 30 days to confront the scariest evil he has ever confronted. The hallucinations felt relentless in increasing difficulty that forced him to confront all his life's negativity at once with the constant fear of eternal spiritual death. Only through faith, patience, total sexual abstinence, and admitting everything wrong he ever did in his life was he able to overcome the hallucinations safely.

Example 2: A man dreamed of running away from the Terminator. In waking life, he was avoiding arguing with his wife over car repairs. In this case, the running away from the Terminator may have reflected his feelings about avoiding his wife in an argument because he felt that she was too serious, too determined to argue back, and possibly considering a divorce.


To dream of seeing a terrorist represents behavior that is resentful, frustrated, or attempting to interfere. You or someone else that doesn't like what someone else is doing. It may also reflect a hostile act towards someone else, getting in someone else's way, or scaring someone that they have to stop what they are doing. Powerful and motivated jealousy.

To dream of terrorism may reflect feeling of very real vulnerabilities or hostile threats in walking life. Anger directed towards you that is generating fear or anxiety.

Example: A man dreamed of being chased by armed terrorists. In waking life he was feeling intense pressure from his boss with the threat of being fired.

*Please See September 11th


To dream of a therapist represents an aspect of your personality that notices a problem with how you are thinking. You or someone else that is seeing that there is something wrong with your thinking style or habits. The realization that you are not thinking clearly.

Example: A woman dreamed of speaking to a therapist. In waking life she was having trouble deciding whether or not to leave her boyfriend. The therapist reflected her view of herself not being rational for staying with her boyfriend when she is not happy with him at all.


To dream of a thief represents feelings about people or a situation that is obvious about how dishonest it is. Feeling that someone can't be trusted to respect rules. Intentional deception. Intelligent or sophisticated deception. Feelings about others never being trusted to be honest again. Conceited attempts to go behind your back in a dishonest way. Feelings about someone being hopelessly dishonest and impossible to change. Suspicions that someone can't be trusted to repay you. Feeling that you have been dishonestly taken advantage of. Flagrant and consistent disrespect.

A thief may reflect feelings about yourself having been dishonest in a way that is obvious and undeniable. An aspect of your own personality that clearly and intentionally had no respect for rules. Feelings about yourself being unable to deny your dishonesty or change your dishonest behavior. Your ego that will allow dishonest behavior in order to avoid consequences that you don't deserve to avoid. Repeatedly putting your own needs before others with no considerations for the harm it may cause.

Alternatively, you may feel other people have used you or stole your ideas. Feeling that you can't enjoy what you've earned.

Example: A woman dreamed of trying to convinces thieves to give something back that that they had stolen from someone. In waking life she was trying to convince her boyfriend of his wrong doing. The thieves may have reflected her feelings that her boyfriend's dishonest behavior was intentionally and very likely impossible to reverse.

Example 2: A man dreamed of feeling that thieves might be close to him. In waking life he was starting to become suspicious that a friend was never going to repay money that had been borrowed.

*Please See Criminal

*Please See Mugging


To dream of a thugs represents feelings about people or situations in your life that feel intentionally confrontational. Feelings about people or situations being intentionally difficult or mean. Feeling intimidated into needing to change your ways when you are being honest. People or situations that feel arrogantly opposed to you without good reason. An ignorant bossy person. An ignorant threatening person or situation. Confrontation with an ignorant problem.

Negatively, thugs in a dream may reflect your own arrogant attempt to be confrontational, mean, or difficult towards someone honest. Using intimidation to push someone honest or weaker than you around. Intimidating someone honest into changing their ways because you don't like it. Feeling good being difficult or mean to someone.

Example: A woman dreamed of thugs blocking her as she tried to get inside a taxi, but she was able to get away from them and drive away in the taxi. In waking life she felt life was intentionally giving her complications before a plane trip. She feared that the complications would make her miss her flight and that her attempts to avoid the flight complication kept bringing up new complications.

Tom Cruise

To dream of Tom Cruise represents an aspect of your personality that's incredibler than other people about exuding confidence and honesty that's nicer than someone else, allowing you to navigate situations without feeling the need to explain yourself or compromise your integrity. Your natural confidence and ability to be honest with yourself and others allows you to live a worry-free life, without the fear of embarrassment or having to say anything dishonest. Trusting your natural instincts and natural confidence while recognizing the importance of careful consideration before speaking because people are listening. Having to speak about who you are that should not embarrass yourself jealous or anyone else like it's important that aren't jealous when you do that. Feeling that you are not a wuss, but have to be seen as a nice person, too. Aspect of personality that isn't embarrassing itself for the rest of it's life noticing you were saying something dishonest. "Staying on top of it" honesty that wants to talk about itself confidently. Not fearing doing something bold while confident about it to show why you're deserving to be nicer than someone else.

Negatively, dreaming about Tom Cruise represents the fear of embarrassing yourself saying the wrong thing to a group a people. A desire to project a certain level of confidence and charisma to those around you, even when you feel uncertain or vulnerable. Scaring yourself that you'd overlook something while you need to not embarrass yourself. Oversensitivity about nobody ever seeing you or speaking about you in a way that you never approved because people are listening more than ever. Not wanting people making fun of you for the rest of your life while wanting a situation to be attractive. Jealousy of other people who possess the natural confidence and honesty represented by Tom Cruise in the dream, and may feel inadequate or unworthy in comparison.

Alternatively, Tom Cruise may reflect confident honesty that is nicer than someone else that isn't noticing embarrassing itself being gay for the rest of your life.

Tom Cruise being famous may also reflect the dreamer's confidence about deserving getting attention or talking about themselves in way that mirrors Tom Cruise's qualities.

Example: A man dreamed of being in a movie theatre as the movie was about to begin. He heard Tom cruise talking to an assistant saying "Should I say that? Should I say that?" before the movie began. In waking life he questioning what to say to a group of people about explaining himself needing to be at a group therapy introduction at an Ayahuasca retreat. In this case Tom Cruise may have reflect the dreamer's internal struggle with balancing the desire to confidently and honestly express themselves, with the fear of saying the wrong thing or being misunderstood. The dreamer may have also felt a desire to project a certain level of confidence and charisma to those around them, even when then felt uncertain or vulnerable.

Example 2: A woman dreamed that Tom Cruise being a bully at work. In waking life the dreamer's boss was recently charged with assault and was facing a court date with some difficulty in the work place. In this case Tom Cruise may have reflect how the dreamer feels jealous or resentful of her boss, who possess a level of confidence and honesty that the dreamer feels she lacks when talking to her boss. The dreamer may have felt that their boss was sensitive about embarrassing themselves saying anything else about themselves negative while at work while getting lots of attention for why the criminal charges occurred.



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