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Jack Black

To dream of Jack Black represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about humor, irreverence, or unconventionality being used as a coping mechanism or as a way to make light of difficult situations. A casual attitude toward challenging circumstances, or a desire to minimize the seriousness of a situation through humor or playful behavior. Your own wish to approach life's challenges with a sense of humor or an unorthodox method. An aspect of your personality that attracts attention while believing in itself completely that terrifies others that it's reckless that it doesn't know what it's doing while actually ending up being safe about family life where everything works out great the way you wanted it to. Behavior that terrifies others that it's reckless about being awesome, but ends up being lovable about why it always wanted you to deserve to believe in yourself.

Positively, dreaming about Jack Black may signify that you're using humor or a light-hearted attitude to navigate difficult or stressful times effectively. Resilience, resourcefulness, and the ability to lift others' spirits even when faced with adversity. You might be someone who can always find the silver lining in any cloud or make the best out of a bad situation. Behavior that never is as dangerous as you first thought. Behavior that it might be embarrassing itself seeing the most awesome part, but ends up teaching you with unconventional methods that it was always there for you and just wanted you to see it yourself.

Negatively, dreaming about Jack Black may represent feelings of misunderstanding certain behavior as reckless when it was actually safe because you weren't listening or assumptions of always being right. Feeling surprised that you have to reverse believing you deserved to tell someone off for being reckless because they ended up being completely safe and wanted you to believe in yourself the whole time. Not wanting to think of someone as a winner because they didn't do everything perfect first.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Jack Black sitting at the end of a sidewalk and walking towards him. He is then temporarily immersed in water with 2 tigers, but the water recedes. He then continues walking down the sidewalk. In waking life, he was trained a skill by a friend that was supposed to help him, but appeared to end up causing a serious problem until the friend told him the complete details of his plans that made the future look wonderful. After being informed of the plans the dreamer confronted a final complication before everything cleared up. In this case, Jack Black may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about his friend's unconventional approach to teaching him a skill that seemed chaotic and reckless but is ultimately lovable and successful.

James Franco

To dream of James Franco represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than someone else about believing in yourself without a problem living your life however want as though you're supposed to. Respecting yourself believable about doing whatever you want like you're supposed to while not embarrassing other people with it being insane. Believeableness about never being scolded for doing whatever you want. Behavior with the freedom or 'license' to act according to one's desires without facing negative repercussions. Behavior that appears to go about its life freely with both versatility and a kind of untouchable charisma. Doing whatever you want without anyone getting back at you as long as you're believable about doing whatever you're supposed to.

Positively, dreaming about James Franco may represent feeling good talking back to someone who didn't respect you while you were believing in yourself without a problem doing whatever you want like you're supposed to. Feeling respected you for the first time deserving to believe in yourself without a problem doing whatever you want as though you're normal.

Negatively, dreaming about James Franco may reflect feelings of being overshadowed or rejected by someone who is more believable than you thought about deserving to do whatever they're supposed to do. Feeling that someone embarrassed you or talked back to you about deserving to believe in themselves without a problem living their life however they want.

Example: A man dreamed of James Franco getting angry at someone else. In waking life, he got angry at his father for suggesting he stop doing something they had both agreed was supposed to be allowed permanently. In this case, James Franco may have reflected how he respected himself believing that he should be free to live his life however he wants as he and his father had previously agreed upon.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of being in a bar and seeing a man and woman sitting down and talking to each other. The dreamer could read their minds. The couple was discussing how the woman had cheated on the man with James Franco which gave the man a strange grin. In waking life, all the dreamer's friends had canceled plans to give him a drive to a concert at the last minute. In this case, the woman cheating on the man with James Franco may have reflected his feelings about his friend canceling plans on him while annoying him with having the freedom or 'license' to live their life according to their desires without respecting scheduled plans.

Jamie Foxx

To dream of Jamie Foxx represents an aspect of your personality that's more incredible than other people (or gets more attention) for never being too serious about why feeling good is what you are always listening to make other people feel good with you with nothing getting back at you for it.


*Please See Caretaker


To dream of Jay-Z represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that is notorious for feeling good being more arrogant than someone else about trusting it being more happening than other people while already deserving to be over every last problem because you don't even see yourself as a loser from the beginning. Self-perception of success that is far removed from the notion of failure or loss. Behavior that looks hooked up and problemless that doesn't have to explain it because someone already took care of problems for you. Showing off, being louder, or respecting yourself always being hooked up to something happening while moving on from whatever problems you have without difficulty like it's always easy.

Negatively, dreaming about Jay-Z may represent overdoing showing off with a self-perception that sees itself successful and effortlessly deserving to be problemless. Noticing you aren't lethal when there might be something lethal happening. Arrogance that brags to other people about moving on from whatever problems you have without difficulty like it's always easy.

Rap Stars in general may symbolize arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A woman dreamed of having sex with Jay-Z while Beyonce was in the next room. In waking life, she was concerned that her lesbian marriage was about to end due to conflict in the relationship. In this case, Jay-Z may have reflected her feelings about enjoying talking to someone other than her partner about a potential new life that could easily allow her to confidently move on from the relationship as though it was always easy.

*Please See Rapper

*Please See Rap Music


To dream of a Jedi represents total uncompromising morality during a situation that is weird, crazy, or totally unexpected. Defending "positivity" when you have no idea about what direction your life is about to take. A Jedi may also reflect perfect proper conduct in the face of a seemingly impossible and unpredictable threat.

Jeff Bezos

To dream of Jeff Bezos represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than someone else (or gets more attention) for being safe and professional about believing in yourself without a problem, being more resourceful than other people, while noticing you're intelligent about why everything you're doing never has to stop being easy for other people no matter what happens.

Negatively, dreaming about Jeff Bezos may represent feelings about other people who are too safe and professional about being the way they are, more resourceful than you, while being intelligent about nothing be able to top them because they are too good at thinking about what other people want being made easy that you can't do better yourself.

Example: A young man dreamed of being on a train with many stops which he never got off at. One of the stops was Jeff Bezos' mansion. In waking life, he was an unemployed software engineer who had scheduled a job interview. In this case, Jeff Bezos' mansion may have reflected his intuitive feelings about talking to a potential employer of a technology company during an upcoming job interview being more safe, well known, and successful than he could ever be while never believing he could even begin to do that himself.

Jekyll and Hyde

To dream of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde represents extreme sensitivity about keeping a promise or doing what you said you'd do. Kindness or seduction before being irrational and arrogant. It may also reflect difficulty not being able to have something both ways.

Alternatively, Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde may represent a person that you feel was wonderful before shocking you with being terrible. You may feel shocked that someone is so arrogant or negative that they like hurting you after you thought they were your friend.

Jennifer Lawrence

To dream of Jennifer Lawrence represents an aspect of your personality that's more incredible than other people (or gets more attention) for deserving to believe in yourself not seeing yourself being too attractive while not thinking about yourself being too serious about saying you're older than someone else. Not minding being a regular person who isn't too serious while believing in yourself mattering. Approachability, comfort in your own skin, deserving to matter, and unpretentiously successful. Feeling good that you'll survive a situation by having to have a sense of humor.

Jessica Alba

To dream of Jessica Alba represents feelings about getting attention, ease, and feeling superior all at once in some area of your life. This could reflect a situation in which you feel like you're getting attention or recognition for doing something that isn't very challenging, or that makes you feel attractive. A desire for financial success that comes easily and without much effort, but where there is a sense of needing to constantly talk about it or prove one's superiority.

Lots of attention for why something isn't difficult to interact with for why doing anything at all with it that makes you like feeling better than someone. Possibly a symbol for making money feeling easy with little work that never has to stop talking about it like you're better than other people.

Negatively, dreaming about Jessica Alba represents a desire for fame, ease, and feeling superior in some aspect of life. This could reflect a situation in which you feel like you're getting attention or recognition for doing something that isn't very challenging that makes you feel better than someone else. The dream may also symbolize a desire for financial success that comes easily and without much effort, but where there is a sense of needing to constantly talk about it or prove one's superiority. Unrealistic expectations or a feeling of inadequacy in regards to achieving fame, ease, or financial success. It may also indicate a tendency to focus too much on external validation or attention from others, instead of finding true satisfaction within oneself.

Example: A young man dreamed of Jessica Alba's face being orange giving him oral sex and then pulling away making the dreamer scream to her face "No, no, come back!!!" In waking life the man was a webmaster that had made an adjustment to his website that made $300 in a day making him feel that making money was easy, and then the sales stopped dead the day after. In this case Jessica Alba may have reflect his desire for making money feeling easy that didn't require much more than a link on a website which made him feel stop liking talking about himself better than other people as an example of success.

*Please See Celebrities


To dream of a court jester represents you or someone that is always available to make someone laugh whenever they need it. You may be a "joker" with your friends. A Jester may also reflect self-embarrassment to make others feel good.

Alternatively, a jester may reflect you or someone else that is always called on to make them feel better.

Negatively, a jester may symbolize being used by others to cheer them up or have a good time.

*Please See Clowns

Jesus Christ

To dream of Jesus Christ represents an aspect of your personality that embodies selflessness, compassion, and sacrifice for a higher purpose or belief. Pain, suffering, unbearable challenges to overcome problems. Giving up what you like for the better good. Making history doing every single last thing you can to do what you believe God wants or to be completely moral. Making history making the strongest sacrifices to overcome negativity completely. Shedding things in your life that are unwanted or unneeded to become completely moral. Making history sacrificing something or feeling bad to achieve a goal because you believe it's for a greater good. Feeling that life is testing your strength.

Jesus often points to giving up bad habits or trying your hardest to to rid yourself of negativity because you want to become 100% moral, inline with God, or feel that you are good enough.

Positively, dreaming of Jesus Christ may reflect a strong desire for personal growth, moral support, or overcoming personal struggles. You may be striving for self-improvement, maintaining your faith, and facing challenges with grace and humility.

Negatively, Jesus Christ may reflect your feelings about overdoing making history sacrificing to do what you believe God wants or to be completely moral. Wasting yout time making history trying too hard to make difficult sacrifices to become moral. Enormous stress or suffering to make a serious change in your life. Fear of being a loser for rest of your life if you aren't perfect or don't suffer horribly for a good cause. Feelings of guilt, unworthiness, or failure in meeting your own moral or spiritual standards. A struggle with self-doubt, shame, or feelings of inadequacy. A critical inner voice that highlights your perceived shortcomings or reminds you of the importance of spiritual growth. Wasting your time never liking achieving redemption.

Alternatively, Jesus Christ in a dream may reflect your feelings about the strength of your faith and your commitment to moral or spiritual ideals. Your feelings about organized religion and how faithful you are to it. Negatively, Jesus may be a sign that you are too serious about organized religion.

To dream of the blood of Jesus Christ represents feelings of ultimate sacrifice, selflessness, and profound commitment to a higher purpose or belief. Feelings about the pain and suffering required to achieve spiritual growth or overcome personal challenges. Feelings about how awful, painful, or humiliating making history sacrificing was in order to do what God wants, experience salvation, or to be become completely moral.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing Jesus. In waking life, she was trying to quit smoking. In this case, Jesus may have reflected her strong desire to overcome her addiction to cigarettes and align her life with a higher purpose or healthier lifestyle because she believed it's what God wanted from her.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of Jesus being stabbed. In waking life, she was having conflicting feelings about her catholic faith and organized religion. In this case, Jesus may have reflected her inner struggle with her faith, feeling that her commitment to organized religion was causing her pain and suffering. The stabbing of Jesus in the dream could symbolize her feelings of being hurt or betrayed by her religious beliefs, or that her spiritual ideals were being challenged in a negative way.

Example 3: A man dreamed that Jesus came to him and said that "No one could get to the father, but through him." In waking life, he was too preoccupied with believing he needed religion to be complete as a person. In this case, Jesus may have reflected the man's strong belief in the importance of organized religion and his need for spiritual guidance in order to find personal fulfillment. The dream could be a reflection of his feelings that the only way to achieve a deep connection with God or higher power was through Jesus, which could be a sign of his overdependence on organized religion.

Example 4: A man dreamed of Jesus being beside him and that God had severely judged Jesus. This left the dreamer feeling uncomfortable while he felt that the judgement given to Jesus was actually directed towards him. In waking life, the man had tried everything he could to give up a drug problem, but relapsed. He felt he failed in God's eyes. In this case, Jesus may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about himself having the ability to make enormous spiritual or personal sacrifice to overcome drugs and feeling enormous guilt and regret when he couldn't succeed.

Jim Carrey

To dream of Jim Carrey represents an aspect of your personality that's more incredible than other people (or gets more attention) for being laughable about never believing it embarrasses itself seeing anything is wrong with why everyone saw it being completely insane without a problem.

Negatively, dreaming about Jim Carrey may represent feeling about being stuck with other people's perception of you needing to be laughable about never believing you embarrass yourself seeing anything is wrong with why everyone saw you being completely insane without a problem.

Example: A person dreamed of seeing Naomi Watts with Jim Carrey's face. In waking life, they had a mental illness which, according to their therapist, caused them to have a wild and abstract imagination. In this case, Jim Carry's face on Naomi Watts' body may have reflected the person's feelings about their sense of humor about talking about themself needing to go to therapy with their wild and abstract thoughts being incredibly noticeable and memorable to the others in a way that might not be taken seriously. This could signify their struggle with how their mental illness makes their perceptions or behaviors appear unusually exaggerated or humorous to others, similar to how Jim Carrey's characters often behave in a wildly expressive manner.

Joan Of Arc

To dream of Joan Of Arc represents feelings about carrying or leading others to success when it seems incredibly impossible. Leadership that feels totally selfless.

Negatively, Joan of Arc may reflect feelings of being obligated to help people when it may be more appropriate to help them help themselves.

Example: A woman dreamed of Joan Of Arc pointing down at her feet. In waking life the woman felt a strong moral obligation to pay her daughters tuition bills even though she was going broke herself. She felt that her daughters education was too important and would risk everything to help her finish it.

Joaquin Phoenix

To dream of Joaquin Phoenix represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than someone else (or gets more attention) about wanting to be safer than someone else, but struggles with it. A person or situation that behaves safe mostly, but might snap. Behavior that feels like it might not be there for you when you need it the most while it feels good seeing itself safe. Behavior that might snap once it's thought of something it didn't like. Behavior that is unpredictable or difficult to believe in being 100% safe. Behavior that is intriguing yet unpredictable, charismatic but potentially volatile. Your thoughts about dealing with a situation or a person who has a strong presence but whose reactions or intentions are hard to gauge.

Positively, dreaming about Joaquin Phoenix may represent behavior that benefits you with other people who you make feel that you might snap. Being unafraid to stand out or be different

Negatively, dreaming about Joaquin Phoenix may represent the feeling of being overwhelmed or intimidated by someone or something that is unpredictable or hard to understand. Fears of instability, erratic behavior, or feeling out of control. Dealing with a situation where you are unsure of someone's intentions, or you might be struggling with internal conflicts that are difficult to resolve. Anxieties about embracing your own unconventional traits or dealing with someone whose behavior is intense and hard to predict. Unpredictability, intense emotions, and the potential for sudden, dramatic changes. A sense of inner turmoil, emotional instability, or a fear of the unknown. Uncertainty about the outcome and the unpredictable nature of the situation. A feeling that you are risking everything by saying anything else to someone.

Joaquin Phoenix being an actor may give the symbolism additional meaning of being fake, meddling, or having a teenage quality about getting serious attention. Managing oneself getting attention or being fake about being more important than other people.

Symbolism that might appear in a dream with Joaquin Phoenix may be the apocalypse, fire trucks, mental institution, or feelings of Joaquin Phoenix being dangerously close to you.

Example: A man dreamed of Joaquin Phoenix walking towards him and asking him if he was okay. He felt that Joaquin Phoenix might be violent without being totally sure. In waking life, he had filed DMCA complaints with Google against a copyright infringer who was trying to clone his business and wasn't easy to deal with. Google responded to parts of his complaint but left the rest of the complaint unprocessed without any communication. In this case, Joaquin Phoenix may have reflected his fears about the situation escalating or becoming more problematic due to the partial response from Google.



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