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Robin Hood

To dream of Robin Hood may represent behavior that is focused on taking from others that are greedy or spoiled and sharing it with the less fortunate. You may feel that someone is not deserving of what they have or that someone has too much. Taking it upon yourself to restore balance when something has become excessive.

Rock Star

To dream of a rock star represents an aspect of yourself that can't help but be recognized for their achievements. Everyone you know is noticing you for being the best at something.

Positively, a rockstar reflects admiration and being looked up to for what you've achieved. Feeling good getting the respect and attention you deserve.

Negatively, a rock star may reflect you or someone else that has power they don't deserve. It may also reflect undesirable attention. People may be jealous or think you are too big for their comfort level. It may also symbolize your frustrations at not being respected for being the best.

Ronald Reagan

To dream of former US President Ronald Reagan may represent all important aspect of yourself that believes in itself thinking freely with qualities of conservatism, traditional values, optimism, and charisma that is affable. A desire for control, optimism, agreeableness amidst challenges. Having rapport with people being controlled that's easy, likeable, and never questioned. Feeling that people like you when you are in control with a sense of ease about people working for you aggreeably. Dreams with Reagan may appear when you or someone else has to control other people in a conservative situation where likeableness or rapport is important with little effort such as a pregnancy, jury duty, or a party with conservative people.

Negatively, dreaming about US President Ronald Reagan may reflect decisions that are overly rigid or stubborn in conservative traditional ways with charisma that wants others to think nothing about it is hated or wrong with it. Not liking someone else with power and rapport that's easy and likeable with other people.

Example: A woman dreamed of having a love affair with Ronald Reagan. In waking life, she was pregnant and was enjoying noticing how nice everyone she knew was treating her. She felt that her pregnancy forced everyone to think of her feelings first at all times. In this case, President Ronald Reagan may have reflected her perception of her own charismatic, positive persona that commands respect and love from others due to her pregnancy.


To dream of your roommate represents a quality in yourself based on your most honest feelings or memories about them. Ask yourself what stands out the most about them? What's the first thing that pops in your head when you think about them? Try to see that quality in yourself or in a waking life situation. Dreaming of a roommate may also point to issues with them that you are not confronting.

Alternatively, dreaming of a roommate could represent an aspect of your life that is ingrained or embedded. Something you feel is mandatory or required in order to function.

Negatively, a roommate may reflect problems that are established or difficult to change. Something you don't believe can go away. Issues or obligations that you are "sharing" an experience with. It may also reflect issues that are always on the back of your mind.

To dream that you are looking for a roommate suggests that you are ready to take on more responsibility or obligations.


To dream of royalty represents assumed power or automatic respect. Having control, leverage, or authority given to you without ever having to do anything for it. Coming first no matter what.

*Please See King

*Please See Queen

*Please See Prince

*Please See Princess


To dream of a sailor represents an aspect of your personality that is adept at navigating negative or uncertain situations. Feelings about yourself being experienced with troubling situations to the point of being an expert at keeping life smooth no matter how difficult the situation gets. Experience in the "deeper waters" of life. Experience at dealing with difficult emotional situations and relationship problems.

Positively, a sailor may reflect experience and perseverance to get through a troubling or highly emotional situation. Experience safely enduring the worst possible situations. Experience with keeping difficult situations smoothly running and progressive. Expertise at managing turbulent moments in life.

Negatively, dreaming about a sailor may reflect awareness of dishonest behavior being used to keep your own life in "smooth waters" while other people are unhappy. Smoothly maintaining your own happiness through a difficult situation while other people are unhappy. Perseverance to endure any difficult situation only for your own happiness. Using deceptive tactics through a difficult situation to maintain stability for yourself.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing an evil sailor. In waking life he was a young man trying to move out on his own to enjoy his new successful career. He felt that his father was using deceptive tactics to stall him and keep him living at home so that the father could maintain stability in his own life and resist any change to the family life. He felt that he father was very experienced at being deceptive at keeping life unchanged for himself without any consideration for the dreamer's feelings. The evil sailor in this case may have reflected his feelings about his father's dishonest attempts to avoid any family turbulence whatsoever.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing an sailor on a sailboat. In waking life he had endured a very dangerous situation safely and intelligently. He was very preoccupied with never having to experience the same situation ever again and felt that he was smart enough to ensure he didn't while still having anxiety about potential problems.


To dream of a sales person represents an aspect of your personality that is trying to convince you or sell you on an idea. Feeling "sold" on ideas, options, or who you are in life. You may be struggling to accept or compromise on a situation and trying to weigh the pros and cons of it. You could also just be trying to convince someone else of something.

To dream of a car salesman may reflect feelings a situation or person that you feel is interesting you in a new way of living or decision-making. New professional, spiritual, family life, or even dishonest ways of living your life. Feeling "sold" on the idea of changing who you are day to day.

Example: A woman dreamed of being sold a car by a salesman and talking about her new car to a few men. In waking life she was a devote religious person who accepted God into her life as a way of life and was depending to God to give her a man to marry. She was having problems finding a man. The car salesman in this case may have reflected her feelings about religion being "sold" to her as a way of life.

Samurai Soldier

To dream of a samurai soldier represents a defensive attitude that scares others into compliance with higher levels of honesty, integrity, or safety. Demanding perfect loyalty, honor, duty, and discipline from others with serious consequences if they don't. Scaring other people with your demands that perfectly respecting you is mandatory. An aggressive attitude about something positive in your life never being embarrassed ever again. Scaring other people that they are in danger if they don't start doing what they are told.

Alternatively, a samurai solider may reflect your serious attitude about feeling it's your responsibility to boss people around who are not being perfectly honest or not perfectly doing what they are told to do. Being too bossy about honest or safe behavior. A complete unwillingness to accept criminal or dishonest behavior at all. Feeling that it's your duty to insure perfect honesty or safety with no regard for needing to be nice about it.

Negatively, a samurai solider may reflect your fear of being told what to do by someone you don't like listening to. A wish to avoid perfect compliance because you don't feel it's as serious as someone else feels it is.

*Please See Ninja


*Please See Barbarian

School Shooter

To dream of a school shooter represents feelings of extreme conflict, aggression, or a drastic measure being taken in response to an issue that you feel prevents you from taking your time to think about your problems safely. A situation where you feel under threat, attacked, or aggressively opposed while attempting to safely deal with issues, cope with anxiety, or think about your problems. Fear of losing control, experiencing violence, or dealing with extreme anger either from someone else. The manifestation of fear or conflict in your life. Feelings of wanting to retaliate against others for not allowing you to handle your problems peacefully. Behavior that retaliates against people for being bullied, overlooked, or denied thoughtful consideration. Repressed malice, rage, envy and hatred.

Negatively, dreaming about a school shooter could represent feelings of being overwhelmed by anger, frustration, or resentment. Feelings about other people having a lack of control over impulses or that a situation is spiraling out of control. Perhaps you are struggling with feelings of powerlessness, fear, or revenge from other people in your waking life. A fear of unexpected violence, betrayal, or extreme measures being taken by someone around you. Tensions, conflicts, or feelings of aggression that need to be addressed or resolved in a safe and healthy manner.

Example: A woman dreamed of a school shooter. Some people escaped and some people didn't. She was asked to stand up to the shooter by following a man to confront the shooter directly. In waking life, she recently decided to separate from her husband. In this case, the school shooter may have reflected her feelings about her husband retaliating against her for choosing the separate instead of spending more time figuring out how to reconcile their troubled relationship.

Additional Keywords: Conflict Resolution, Aggression Management, Fear of Violence, Powerlessness, Retaliation fear, Emotional Coping, Crisis Response, Betrayal, Anger and Frustration, Repressed Emotions, Safety and Security Concerns, Bullying, Navigating Tensions, Assertiveness vs. Aggression, Emotional Health and Well-Being.


To dream of scientists represents as aspect of your personality that is experimenting or trying new ideas. You are exploring new territory in some manner. You may be trying express yourself to others differently, taking new approaches to life situations, or trying new things just to see what happens.

Secret Admirer

To dream of a secret admirer represents feelings about signal your desire, love, or interests without being open about it. Showing off that you think a person or situation is awesome without revealing yourself. Spending a lot of time and resources being near your desires and not enough of taking action to achieve them for real.

Negatively, dreaming about a secret admirer may reflect issues with secretly desiring people or outcomes that are not possible. Choosing desire while playing with signals that may not be working. Wasting time sending signals about people or things you desire. Wasting time and resources not being open about your love, desire or interests. Feeling that you are wasting your time showing someone you like them. Enjoying noticing your not desperate to someone who doesn't even know who you are.

Example: A woman dreamed of person with a secret admirer. In waking life she was having difficulty telling the man she had a crush on that she liked him while spending a lot of time near him.

Secret Agent

To dream of a secret agent represents stealth, infiltration, or false pretenses. Doing whatever it takes to secretly get a job done or fail something without being noticed. Pretending to like someone or keep up false appearances in order to stop something.

Alternatively, a secret agent may reflect lying or cheating being done to help someone else.

*Please See Spy

*Please See Agent


To dream of a secretary represents feelings about a social proxy. Using friends, family, or technology to deal with people for you. Feeling that you need to go through someone in order to get to the person you really want to speak to. Socially delegating to others.

Negatively, a secretary may reflect feelings about using friends, family, or technology to avoid people you don't like. Putting up some kind of social proxy between yourself and others. Using answering machines to breakup with people or avoid people. A wish to avoid direct social contact. Feelings about yourself being too important to deal with people directly. A lack of confidence in yourself speaking to people directly. A lack of confidence in yourself asserting yourself in a relationship to the point of being the social manager for someone else. Feelings about yourself being a social manger for your family while the other spouse delegates.

Example: A woman dreamed of wanting to use a secretary to call 911. In waking life she was unhappy with a man she began to date so she left a fake message on his answering machine to make having a relationship appear impossible to continue with.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being a secretary and sitting around a table with other secretaries when her boss walked passed her. In waking life she was discussing her uncertainty about her relationship to her friends while they all felt like the men in the lives delegated responsibilities in the family to them.

Security Guards

To dream of a security guard represents caution or carefulness that your actions stay within certain bounds. Making sure you don't go to far with something. It may also reflect someone in your life that is acting as a chaperone or supervisor. A person or situation that's maintaining boundaries.

Example: A young man dreamed of talking to a security guard. In waking life he had an argument with someone and was being very cautious about not speaking to them again. The security guard reflected how careful he was being about avoiding the other person.



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