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C - C2 - C3 - C4 - C5 - C6 - C7 - C8 - C9


To dream of a coffin represents acceptance of change or loss. It can also reflect ideas and habits that are no longer of use and can be buried or given up. You may also be noticing that something in your life is ending or changing for the worse.

In a positive context, a coffin reflects your willingness to move forward. Negatively, a coffin symbolizes self-defeating thinking patterns.

Alternatively, a coffin may reflect an unhealthy preoccupation with death or failure.

To dream of building a coffin represents a progressive movement towards a grim result. You may be noticing how your actions are slowly contributing to a loss of some kind. Something you're doing isn't working out.

To find yourself inside a coffin in a dream symbolizes acceptance of defeat, or giving in to your problems. You may feel as though you can't win or that you're never going to be able to do something you want ever again.

Coffins can also symbolize thoughts about death. People who think about suicide or death a lot may see coffins in dreams accompanied by a lot red color to reflect the negative emotions associated with those thoughts.

Example: A man once dreamed of being inside a coffin. In real life he lost his job and felt like there was no hope for him. Being in the coffin reflected his acceptance of defeat.

Example 2: A woman once dreamed of building her own coffin. In real life she felt that all her attempts to rebuild a relationship were failing. Building the coffin reflected her feelings about all her failed efforts to rebuild the relationship progressing towards the impossibility of ever rebuilding it.

Example 3: A woman had a recurring dream of being in a coffin and listening to people talk about her life. In waking life she was very old and spending a lot of time thinking about her death.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing people asking him to get into a coffin. In waking life he was having serious business and financial problems. The coffins in this case may have reflected his fear of accepting the loss of his business.

Example 5: A young girl dreamed of her deceased Grandfather getting out of a coffin, socializing happily and then getting back into the coffin to sleep. In waking life her Grandfather had recently died and she was having issues remembering him or talking about him.


To dream of coins represents feelings about the perception of value of resources, power, insights, or capabilities which can be utilized to help you to do other things. Valuable insight that you makes you keep thinking about what you can do with it. Awareness of the value that something you are capable of holds which you want to maintain.

Negatively, dreaming about coins may represent wasting time believing in the perception of the value and capability of resources, power, and insights that are unimportant. An insight into a problem that is ultimately smaller than you thought. A sense of value in what you are capable of that isn't as important as you first thought.

To dream of finding coins represents feelings about a sense of newfound value of resources, power, insights, or capabilities that you've gained or discovered. Feelings about an unexpected gain or discovering valuable opportunities in their waking life. Feelings about the value of a gain, lucky discovery, or rare coincidence in waking life. Missed or lost opportunities that have reemerged. Feeling good being better off than you were before due to a small gain. The value of a small gain being made in waking life. The value of a discovery that makes you want to keep repeating it for further gain. Insight into problems, increased capability, or gains that increase a sense of getting ahead being possible. The discovery of hidden talents and resources.

Negatively, dreaming about finding coins may represent wasting your time believing that a new insight is incredible because it will ultimately never lead to much more happening.

To dream of losing a coin represents feeling a sense of carelessness, lost chances, or regret about something valuable slipping away. Feelings about missed opportunities or progress have been wasted or missed. Feelings of regret or frustration over a missed chance to improve your situation. You may feel that you've squandered a resource, power, insight, or capability that you once had but can no longer use effectively. A fear of financial loss or a warning about being more cautious with your resources. A loss of belief in your own value, power, or capabilities. Losing a coin can represent a diminishing sense of self-worth or a setback in your confidence. Concerns about decreasing resources or a loss of valuable insights that previously motivated you.

To dream of picking up coins from the ground represents feelings of regaining value, opportunities, or insights that you may have overlooked or underestimated. A second chance to make the most of a situation or resource that you thought was lost. Picking up coins in a dream may reflect your ability to recognize and seize valuable opportunities that others may have missed.

To dream of hearing a coin land on the ground represents feelings of anticipation or awareness of the value of a new idea or scheme to gain resources or power in your waking life. Excitement or recognition of a potential financial gain or opportunity. This dream could suggest that you are considering, strategizing, or becoming aware of ways to benefit from a situation, perhaps with a sense of cunning or cleverness.

To dream of coins stacked represents your awareness of accumulated resources, power, or capabilities. The accumulation of valuable knowledge and skills. You may also be saving resources or biding your time to cash in a favor or opportunity. Awareness of stored value in some area of your life.

To dream of casually flipping a coin represents feelings of value in taking a chance because you believe that the outcome will work out in your favor. You may be facing a situation where you feel unsure about which choice to make, and you are leaving it up to chance or fate to determine the outcome. Leaving an important choice to chance. It might suggest a lack of seriousness or consideration for the consequences of taking a chance,

To dream of playing heads or tails with a coin represents feelings about leaving a decision to chance or fate. A situation where you are unsure about which choice to make and are willing to let randomness or luck determine the outcome. A sense of randomness or unpredictability in your decision-making process, where you are willing to accept the consequences, whether positive or negative. A casual or carefree attitude about a decision. Letting life or fate choose something for you. A relaxed approach to resolving a dilemma, trusting that things will work out regardless of the choice made.

To dream of silver coins represents feelings about the perception of the value of resources, power, insights, or capabilities based on luck, intuition, or coincidences. Chance or surprises that have brought you insight, power, or freedom. You may feel lucky due to a valuable gain.

To dream of gold coins represents feelings about the perception of the value of resources, power, insights, or capabilities which are guaranteed as more valuable, secure, or precious if utilized. Feelings about using valuable resources, power, insights, or capabilities that will never be turned down because they are as "good as gold." The perception of guaranteed value and capability that you want to "hold on to" or keep thinking about. Power or resources with a guaranteed value that you can use whenever you want.

To see bad or evil people with gold coins may represent negative aspects of your personality that are benefiting from guaranteed power or resources. Using valuable skills or insights for unethical or harmful purposes. Negative aspects of your personality that are exploiting or misusing your valuable resources, power, insights, or capabilities for selfish or unethical purposes. Situations where you or others are using your strengths and advantages for negative intentions or personal gain, potentially leading to moral dilemmas or compromising your integrity. Alternatively, it could symbolize your feelings about others who are misusing their guaranteed advantages or secure resources in a way that you disapprove of. Jealousy, resentment, or a sense of injustice about others who have more security or guaranteed success and are using it in ways that seem wrong or unfair to you. You may also feel totally powerless to stop someone who has more power or resources than you.

To dream of a coin stamped with a specific year may represent a valuable idea, insight, or capability which only works in a specific way that is represented by whatever the symbolism of the year represents. See the themes section on number symbolism for additional meaning.

Example: A man dreamed of finding a coin. In waking life, he felt lucky about having discovered a solution to a problem that allowed him to never care about the problem again. In this case, the coin may have reflected a sense of newfound value about a lucky discovery of an insight for a resolution of a pressing issue in his life.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of hearing a coin land on the ground. In waking life, she had thought up a new idea to get money out of her husband before their divorce proceeding started. In this case, the coin may have reflected feelings of anticipation and awareness about how valuable her idea was as she attempted to come up with a scheme to get money from her ex-husband.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing herself pick up coins in an empty football field. In waking life, she was coming up with ideas to try to win back her ex-boyfriend who broke up with her. In this case, the coins may have reflected her feelings about how valuable the insights or ideas were as she attempted to come up with schemes to get back with her ex-boyfriend.

Example 4: A woman dreamed about a man being very interested in her and giving her silver coins to help her buy lunch. In waking life, she was considering dating a guy to help her pay her unpaid bills. In this case, the coins may have reflected feelings about the newfound value, luck, and opportunities offered by the potential relationship to address her financial needs. It may also have reflected her feelings of value in not wanting to let go of the potential to use the man for financial support.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of holding coins in her hand. In waking life, she was considering giving a lot of money to a charity to help it out. In this case, the coins may have reflected her feelings about the potential value and power of her financial contribution to the charity. She may have been weighing the significance of her donation and its potential impact on the organization. The act of holding the coins in her hand could symbolize her capability to choose whether to give the money or not, and her recognition of the potential influence her decision could have on the charity's success.

*Please See Gold

*Please See Silver

*Please See Money

*Please See Quarters


*Please See Soda Pop

*Please See Soft Drinks

Cold Sores

To dream of a cold sore represents feelings of embarrassment that other people are think you are a permanent failure or loser. Public embarrassment, fear that other people are talking about your behind your back, or feelings about yourself being perceived by others as someone who repeatedly makes a fool of themselves. Feelings about recurring failures or embarrassments that other people witness.

Alternatively, cold sores may reflect feelings about repeatedly embarrassing yourself in front of others making bad relationship choices. Feelings about yourself looking like you are too stupid to find the right person or that a relationship is impossible for others to succeed at with you.

Example: A woman dreamed of getting a sore sore. In waking life she was having doubts about her wedding for her second marriage. The cold sore most likely reflected her feelings about all her friends and family thinking something is permanently wrong with her if she left her fiancee at the last minute after already being divorced once.


To dream of having a cold represents feelings a situation where you might be feeling burdened, run-down, or overwhelmed by your responsibilities, expectations, or stress in your waking life that you don't like needing to take a break to get over. Temporary setbacks, disruptions, challenges, or minor obstacles while experiencing that are hindering your ability to perform or communicate effectively. Concerns about appearing weak or vulnerable, worrying about how taking a break could affect your job or how others perceive you. Pressure to perform, even when you're not feeling your best while needing to take a break or take time off to recover. Concerns about the impact of coping with temporary limitations on personal and professional responsibilities. Concerns about not being able to maintain usual performance levels. The importance of slowing down, self-care, and resilience in navigating difficult circumstances before more serious issues arise. A reminder for the dreamer to reach out for help from friends, family, or mental health professionals to navigate through their struggles and find healing and recovery.

Positively, dreaming about having a cold may represent an opportunity for rest, introspection, or taking a necessary break to recover.

Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing herself in a casket, but was unable to hear anything as though she had a head cold. In waking life, she was struggling with suicidal thoughts and depression. In this case, the ability to hear being similar or a head cold may have reflected her temporary feelings of being overrun by depression and suicidal thoughts with the awareness that she would recover from it in a short period of time if she kept herself in a positive mindset and listened to people trying to support her.


To dream of objects being cold may reflect purity or sterilization of negative influences. Some area of your life is perfectly positive. A lack of danger or negative influences. Some area of your life that is radiating positivity.

To dream of feeling cold may reflect feelings about situations feeling empty, unfeeling, or totally unfair.

To dream of very cold weather represents conditions in your life that feel terrible or unbearable. It may also reflect isolation or loneliness. Emotional restraint.

To dream of cold water represents uncertainty or negativity that isn't dangerous. Drinking cold water may represent replenishment with very pure influences.

Example: Women who have experienced the death of the baby in the womb often dream of feeling cold or being in cold rooms. They may also dream of cold babies.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of walking around in a terrible cold winter scene. In waking life he was kicked out of his house and felt that life was totally unfair and unbearable living on his own.

Example 3: A man dreamed that cold air was coming out of his eyeballs like an air conditioner. In waking life he had just experienced a life changing spiritual experience that gave him a new positive outlook on life that he didn't want to lose.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of holding her recently deceased friend in her arms as he grew colder. In waking life the friend had died the day before the dream took place and she was slowly beginning to feel the emptiness of his death grow stronger.

*Please See Snow

*Please See Winter


To dream of coleslaw represents feelings of acceptance and adaptability in any given situation that feels ideal for so nothing feels empty. Adaptability and acceptance despite the emotional turmoil.

Negatively, dreaming about coleslaw may represent feelings of being too accepting and adaptable that isn't ideal for you. Being too concerned with adjusting or adapting to someone else while hoping for an ideal outcome. Feeling overwhelmed by all the changes and adjustments you need to accept to keep someone else sense of ideal respected.

To dream of refusing coleslaw may represent resistance to accepting and adapting to change that someone else thinks is ideal.

Example: A woman dreamed of walking in a grocery store with her ex-husband who was pounding coleslaw inside a mortar with a pestle. In waking life, she missed her ex-husband while having feelings about trying to fix their relationship and feared it was over. She had 4 kids with him already. The ex-husband was with another woman, but she felt the oods for reconciliation were too great. In this case, the coleslaw may have reflected her feelings of acceptance and adaptability in the face of her ex-husband's new relationship, while still holding on to hope for reconciliation because she felt getting back together with him was ideal for the both of them for her family.


To dream that you collapse represents waking life feelings about something being too much for you. You may feel that you've reached the end point of tolerance, patience, or persistence.

To dream of seeing a building collapse represents outdated ideas, perspectives, or situations. Ideas or beliefs that are no longer powerful. An accumulation of pressure, stress, or opposition that's too much to continue with certain situations or beliefs.

Negatively, a building collapsing may also reflect deceptions that are too weak to resist the increasing power of the truth.

A collapsing building may also reflect feelings about a stable area of your life or stable relationship having no strength or support left...possibly by surprise or without warning. Feeling supported permanent perspectives lose support beyond your control. Feeling that winning or being accepted is not supported anymore.

Example: A man dreamed of the floor collapsing. In waking life he was worried about serious financial problems to the point of selling things to keep his life stable. The collapsing symbolism in this case may have reflected his feelings about potential financial collapse and the inability to pay his bills.

Example 2: A highschool girl dreamed of escaping a collapsing building. In waking life she felt that he had a chance to have a strong relationship with a guy she liked and then by surprise the guy started to reveal no interest at all. The collapsing building in this case may have reflected her feelings about escaping embarrassment of be perceived by others to have liked the guy too much because she felt his interest in her was strong.


To dream of a collar represents ownership or belonging. You or someone else that is controlling someone else. It may also reflect how you believe you are someone else's property.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a red collar. In waking life she felt she disrespected her husband and felt she should make up for it by proving that she belonged to him.

Example 2: A teenage boy saw a dog wearing a collar that had an envelope attached with a message in it that blamed him. In waking life he lost his virginity with a girl and feared getting her pregnant. The dog collar in this case may have reflected his feelings about the girl belonging to him or his own feelings of belonging to the girl.


*Please See Coworker


To dream of collecting things represents feelings about needing to be comprehensive about something in your life or have all of something. Accumulation of experiences or goals. Serious interest. Serious study.

Negatively, dreaming about collecting things may reflect needing to be comprehensive in some way that is dishonest, excessive, or wastes time. Feelings about orderly conquest for revenge or sexual enjoyment. Getting revenge on one person at a time. An excessive interest in something that is not impressive to you, but is very impressive or shocking to others.

To dream of owning a collection represents feelings about an accumulation of experiences, goals, or achievements. Feelings about an area of your life that is impressively comprehensive.

Negatively, it may reflect an excessive accumulation of bad habits, problems. Feeling that it's important to be comprehensive in some way that makes other people uncomfortable.

To dream of an insect collection represents feelings about a psychologically comprehensive accumulation of annoying experiences in some area of your life such as marital problems.

To dream of collecting money represents feelings about gaining every last insight possible or leaving no idea unverified. Feeling good that you were right about something you took a risk with. Feelings about favors or debts being repaid. It may also reflect feelings about needing to do everything possible to afford your bills in waking life.

Example: A man dreamed of black man collecting blood stained furs in a cave. In waking life he was aware of another man having a number of sexual conquests with woman as though they were "notches on a bedpost."

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing an insect collection. In waking life she was having marital issues with a loss of affection while undergoing counselling. In this case the insect collection may have reflected her thoughts about the psychological comprehensive accumulation of annoying experiences with her husband she discussed in counselling.


To dream of college represents issues or situations in your life that you are giving serious thought that benefit you and increase your status or power. It can also represent well-earned relaxation, success, or compensation for hard work.

College in a dream may be a sign that you are very busy or focused on an issue that is allowing you to improve yourself or benefit in some way. You may want to show off your skills or take a well deserved break.

College dreams are common when people are learning new skills, finishing work projects that allow them to gain in some way. You may have worked hard to earn something and now want to "play" with it.

*Please See University

College Credits

*Please See School Credits


*Please See Crash


To dream of cologne represents your wish to make someone else feel good about your actions, ideas, or behavior. You may be saying something to someone that you want liking you. Wanting someone feeling good about you.

To dream of bad smelling cologne may represent something you or someone else is doing to be liked by others that isn't working well. A sign that new ideas are in order or that someone just isn't "getting it."

To dream of samples of cologne may represents an opportunity to try to make a new impression with someone. To experiment with something that may make others feel good about you.

Example: A man dreamed of buying cologne. In waking life he told a girl to how beautiful he thought she was. The cologne reflected his wish to be liked or seen more attractive by her with what he was saying.


To dream of Colorado represents a mindset that is self-sufficient about noticing it's safe on it's own if it needs to. Noticing you're tough about nobody else saying you are a problem. Self-sufficient and confident in your ability to keep yourself safe without needing anyone to acknowledge it. Self-sufficient about other people thinking your safe on your own. Nothing weird about you seeing yourself safe. Safe on your own while not thinking you can't handle yourself. Confident about handling yourself with nobody thinking you're dangerous. As safe as everyone else about being self-sufficient about whatever you need to do. Seeing yourself safe so other people don't mind it. Thinking style that isn't little about liking seeing safety is chosen self-sufficient. Tougher than someone else about being safe without a reason. Nobody has to say you have a problem with being safe on your own. A mindset between people that doesn't have to be talked to like a child about why it can safely handle itself.

Negatively, dreaming of Colorado represents a mindset that is overdoing being self-sufficient about noticing it's safe on it's own if it needs to. A mindset that can't be seen by other people that you can't safely do things for yourself. Being self-sufficient on your own that feels safe, but empty. Prioritizing financial self-sufficiency or your career that feels safe, but you feel alone. Self-sufficiency that's safe on your own, but other people don't agree with it. Feeling the pressure to be self-sufficient and safe without support or guidance from others. A mindset of being emotionally disconnected and self-sufficient, prioritizing practicality and stability over love and emotional connection. An inner conflict about balancing practicality and emotional needs, and may suggest the need to reevaluate your priorities and choices. Anxiety or fear about being on your own safe and self-sufficient, or feeling like you are not ready or prepared to handle the challenges of living away from home.

Example: A man dreamed of being in Colorado. In waking life, he was busy with work building franchises while believing that finding a woman wasn't important until his finances were in better order. In this case, Colorado may have reflected the mindset of the dreamer being desiring to be financially self-sufficient and safe already without anyone questioning it.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of going to a movie theatre in Boulder, Colorado with Patti Smith, her favorite punk rocker. They were going to see a large selection of horror movies, but decided to power up their jetpacks and fly outside the front door after finding the movies boring. In waking life, the dreamer was accepted into University for journalism after pressure from a mentor doctor friend, but then dropped out to become a psychic. In this case, Colorado may reflect the mindset of the dreamer being self-sufficient about being safe on her own with an education that leads to a job without anyone questioning it.

Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed about being in Colorado while driving a limo. In waking life she was learning to drive. In this case Colorado may reflect the mindset of the dreamer being self-sufficient and safe with her driving skills without parents having to watch over her to question her driving ability.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of being in the military in Colorado. In waking life, his girlfriend broke up with him because she left the country while he had a nightshift job and lived 3 hours away from her. He still talked to her in email. In this case, Colorado may have reflected his feelings about his life requiring him to be self-sufficient about being safely employed with a nightshift job was more important than his long distance relationship.

Example 5: A woman dreamed moving back to Colorado. In waking life, she and her family were employed by the military. In this case, Colorado may have reflected her feelings about being self-sufficient and safe with her time off military duty without he military questioning it.

Example 6: A man dreamed of being in Colorado. In waking life, he was accepted into University and was preparing to leave in September to live in the school dorms away from his family. In this case, Colorado may have reflected his mindset of needing to self-sufficient about being completely safe on his own away from home without anyone questioning it.

Example 7: A young woman had recurring dreams of leaving New Zealand to reunite with her boyfriend in Colorado, but each time it ended badly and she regretted leaving New Zealand. In waking life, she was in an open long-distance relationship with her boyfriend while exploring her new life and developing feelings for other guys. In this case, New Zealand may represent her sense of security and safety in her friendship attitude about accepting an open relationship with her boyfriend as safe, while Colorado represents her dislike of her and her boyfriend's ability to handle an open relationship safely without her once she confronts it actually happening.

Colored Pencils

*Please See Pencil Crayons


To dream of coloring a picture in may reflect feelings about trying to bring meaning, love, or happiness an otherwise empty situation. Trying to make a lifeless or empty situation feel good. Trying to give a situation purpose. Trying to "bring something to life."

Example: A man dreamed of coloring in a lot of pictures. In waking life he had lost his career. He had to find other ways to fill the emptiness of his life until a new career opportunity was available. He created a lot of art and shared it with friends while waiting for a new job opportunity.

Coloring Book

To dream of a coloring book represents a goal you are emotionally invested in. Something you are trying your best to ensure ends up perfect.


Colors in dreams can carry various metaphorical meanings depending on the specific color and the context in which it appears. Colors are used in dreams to classify your beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. Consider how vibrant, dark, or dull the colors are. Consider the specific shade of a color to reflect a specific type of feelings.

See the themes section for color for a more in depth look at color symbolism.

To dream of colors may represent your feelings about how interesting something is.

To dream of colors turning into sounds represents experiences of seeing how something interesting you experienced changed into new feelings about it afterwards. A new experience that you feel is interesting that converting into feelings you've never had before when you finally experience it yourself. Hallucinogenic drugs are known to make colors turn into sounds and this may be because it's a symbol for how interesting taking a hallucinogenic is to experience the first time followed by liking talking to people about personal experiences with hallucinogenics afterwards.

To dream of sounds turning into colors represents awareness of how something feels making you think about it becoming interesting. Hallucinogenic drugs are known to make sounds turn into colors and this may be because it's a symbol for hearing about hallucinogenic drugs from someone else that makes you take them yourself to discover how interesting they are.


To dream of a colt represents an ambitious and driven aspect of yourself that is immature and assertive. A sign that you need to listen and learn more before pushing ahead to fast with your goals.

Alternatively, a colt may simply reflect motivation and ambition that is growing in your life. You are ready to go, but may still have a few things to learn or need a little more practice.

*Please See Horses


To dream of a column represents feelings about yourself, other people, or situations you are experiencing being supportive in a strong way. Negatively, you may feel burdened by having to support a situation or person for too long a period of time. Feelings about family or parents. Feelings about yourself being a supportive parent.

Alternatively, column or pillar may reflect behavior or some area of your life that is unwavering. Security or strength that is reliable.

Example: A man dreamed of standing near columns. In waking life his mother had died and he was feeling burdened having to keep up a supportive attitude for the rest of his family.

Example 2: A man dreamed of himself being physically turned into a pillar and slowly withering away. In waking life he was very old and close to death while thinking about his role as a parent no longer being important as he neared death.


To dream of yourself being in a coma represents helplessness, total dependency on others, or an inability to function. Feeling totally impotent to take action or do things for yourself. Feeling cut off from others or that other people are so busy that they can never listen to you. Feeling cut off from the world around you. Feeling that you are boring to other people.

Dreaming of a coma may also reflect a feelings about being emotionally distant or unresponsive. Threats that neutralized, but still possible to return.

Negatively, dreaming about a coma may reflect feelings about someone ignorant in your life being too empty-headed to be aware of their ignorance. Feelings that someone is so crazy, corrupt, or over-emotional that they will never "wake up" to rational thinking. A threat of violence from someone whom you are confident can't get you anymore.

Alternatively, a coma may reflect some area of your life that has been permanently sidetracked or delayed until further notice. Feeling an unbearable sense of uncertainty while you wait for something to be restored to normal.

To dream of waking up from a coma represents a new sense of control over your life and gaining powerful insight into your problems. You are relying less on others and dealing with your own problems. A long period of being sidetracked or powerless may have come to an end. Insights that shake your entire belief systems or outlook on life.

Example: A woman dreamed of her ex-husband in a coma. In waking life she had a restraining order placed on her ex-husband. The coma in this case may have reflected her feelings about the threat of violence from her ex-husband being neutralized by the restraining order, but still obviously a problem. He ex-husband was unable to harm her, but still obviously very angry at her.

*Please See Sleep Paralysis


To dream of a comb represents awareness of yourself wanting to do something better. You want to go over elements that are not clear to you in a situation or relationship.

To dream of brushing or combing your hair represents correcting thoughts, attitudes, or opinions regarding a problem or issue you have in waking life. You are clarifying issues.

Alternatively, combing you hair may highlight your preoccupation with appearances or looking good to someone else.


*Please See Fighting

*Please See War

*Please See Battles

Combination Lock

To dream of a combination lock represents emotional, or situational requirements in order to notice something. It also may reflect what you require of others in order to reveal something to them.

If the combination lock is yours then you may need to feel a certain way, or see something happen in order to share power or knowledge with others.

If the combination lock is not yours then you may need to satisfy the demands or needs of another person or situation before you can gain power or knowledge.

*Please See Lockers

Combing Hair

*Please See Brushing Hair

Combover Hairstyle

To dream of a comb over hairstyle represents a thinking style that is concerned with hiding failure or embarrassing losses. Being concerned with maintaining appearances while covering up your problems. Not caring about what anyone else thinking about an obvious problem you have. Feeling sensitive about looking stupid.

Negatively, a comb over hairstyle may be a sign that you are having difficulty excepting a loss or being open about embarrassing situation. Embarrassing yourself trying to hide your problems.


To dream of a comedian represents you or someone else that is making an effort to prove that everything happening in a situation is ridiculous. A carefree attitude or someone that is trying to encourage you to be carefree.

Alternatively, a comedian may reflect embarrassments or surprises that serve to relieve pressure or tension. A problem may be proving itself to be consistently over-hyped or ridiculous. A comedian may also be a sign that you are trying to laugh at yourself or not take a situation too seriously.

Negatively, a comedian may be a sign that you or someone else is too concerned with never being serious. Making light of everything to the point irritating other people, hurting others feelings, or not taking a dangerous situation seriously at all.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing the comedian Chris Rock. In waking life his father was trying to sell a house for a price that he felt was ridiculously too high to ever have a serious buyer. The banks ended up rejecting every buyers offer just like he predicted. The comedian Chris Rock reflected his perception of the banks rejections proving his belief that the asking price was ridiculous.


To dream of a comedy show represents an experience you are having where are noticing how ridiculous other people are being or how unimportant certain beliefs or situations are. Awareness of your own stupidity or that of others.

*Please See Sitcom


To dream of a comet represents feelings of how incredible it is to witness change in your life that has either never happened or rarely happens. A rare spectacle of change. Big temporary issues or events that can't be ignored until they're gone. Shock or awe that you are experiencing something rare.

Negatively, a comet may reflect feelings about how dangerous a rare powerful moment of change is.


*Please See Bedspread

Comic Book Store

To dream of a comic book store represents your attempt to decide how best to impress others with a incredible story of power or odds defying achievement.

*Please See Comic Books

Comic Books

To dream of a comic book represents storytelling or daydreaming of incredibly powerful feats. Telling or hearing stories where everything is amazing or powerful. A wish to take part in an incredible or odds defying experience.

Negatively, comic books may reflect too much focus on showing off incredible power and not enough on realistically confronting problems with the resources you currently have. Feeling that being incredible or too powerful is the only way you can be interested in solving a problem or make someone like you.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing herself wanting to buy some comic books. In waking life she got dumped by her boyfriend for being too much of a party girl and wanted to impress her ex with how much she had changed by getting amazing grades in school.

*Please See Comic Book Store


*Please See Ten Commandments


To dream of a commercial represents a person or situation that is trying to sell you on ideas that are not a priority to you or not your first choice. Alternative choices or ideas that you are not interested in, find distracting, or believe are inappropriate.


To dream of communication represents the exchange of thoughts, ideas, and emotions between people or within oneself. It can symbolize the need for connection and understanding with aspects of yourself or in relationships. The ability to express oneself effectively, and the desire for clarity and honesty in communication. Dreaming of communication may also reflect a sense of being heard and understood by others or feeling confident in one's ability to express oneself.

Negatively, dreaming of communication may reflect difficulties in expressing oneself, feeling misunderstood, or not being heard by others. A need for improved communication skills or addressing unresolved conflicts in relationships. Anxieties about communication, such as fear of being judged, rejected, or ridiculed for one's thoughts or ideas. Overdoing thinking of something dishonest or criminal that you can't gone through with yet.

To dream of clear and effective communication may reflect a sense of being heard and understood. You may feel empowered and confident in your ability to express your thoughts and feelings to others.

To dream of having difficulty communicating may represent confusion and difficulty in understanding the intentions and motives of others. A sense of being unheard or misunderstood. You may feel frustrated or powerless in your attempts to convey your thoughts and feelings to others. It may also suggest that there are barriers to effective communication in your waking life, whether they be internal or external. This could indicate a need to work on improving your communication skills or to find new ways of expressing yourself. Additionally, dreaming of communication issues may reflect anxieties about being judged or rejected for your thoughts and ideas. It may be a sign to work on building confidence and assertiveness in your interactions with others.

Example: A woman dreamed of her ex-boyfriend trying to communicate with her on the phone, but she couldn't understand what he was saying. She tried to call back, but could get through to him. In waking life she she felt that her relationship with her ex-boyfriend was complicated. He wanted to remain in contact with her, but that contact remained limited. She would prefer if he would leave her alone. In this case the communication that can't be understood may have reflected her confusion and difficulty in understanding the intentions and motives of her ex-boyfriend. The dream may be a reflection of her desire for clarity and clear communication in her relationship with him, but she is unable to achieve it. The dream may also indicate a need to set clearer boundaries and communicate her wishes more effectively in the relationship.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of telepathic communication with a black cat. In waking life she was having marriage trouble trying to hold the marriage together. She felt some anger towards her husband. In this case, the telepathic communication may have reflected her desire for a deeper, more intuitive understanding and connection with her own instincts and emotions in regards to her marriage.

*Please See Telephone

*Please See Cell Phones

*Please See Internet

*Please See Mail

*Please See Texting

*Please See Mind Reading


To dream of communion represents feelings about being safe noticing that the worst or most difficult part of your life is over with. Accepting yourself as accomplished after making enormous sacrifices. A serious or structured acceptance of a sacrifice or challenging time of your life coming to an end. The symbolism is based on combining the three symbols of bread, wine, and Jesus. Comfortably feeling that you've done enough work or service to others.

Negatively, dreaming about communion may reflect a naive view that other people will easily accept your wish to move on. Incorrectly believing that it will be easy to accept yourself as accomplished by other people. A wish to move on with your life that may be too attractive for your own benefit to be easily accepted that way by others. Not liking having to be professional about communicating to others that you are finished with a sacrifice or service to others. Feeling that you've had enough stress or service to others and that other people will not take your news lightly.

Alternatively, dreaming about communion may reflect feelings about being finished with serious work in your church. A wish to feel good believing you have publicly served God enough.

Example: A man dreamed of administering the holy communion. In waking life he was considering telling his family, friends, and people in his church that he wanted to retire from working in the church so he could start a new business outside the country.


To dream of communists represents feelings about conformity and equal treatment being more important than feeling good. Feeling that people are insensitive about making you conform to certain rules. No special treatment.

Negatively, communists may reflect feelings about people being mean to you or completely unconcerned with your feelings because treating you special is not allowed. Pain or a crisis may be treated inconsiderately due to schedules or policies. Being annoyed that feeling good is not important because conformity and equal treatment are more important.

Example: A young man dreamed that the Communist Party was going to execute him. In waking life he had a serious injury and his felt that his teachers at school didn't care. He felt that he teachers expected conformity and no special treatment for anyone even if something negative or unfair happened even if it meant he would fail at school.

Community Centre

To dream of a community centre may reflect feelings about social situations where there is feeling about shared resources or shared experiences. Feelings about something you did or are doing that is something other people also did. Shared roots or common upbringing. Memories of attending the same school or having grown up in the same neighborhood. Social activity between neighbors.

Positively, a community centre may represents a supportive atmosphere that negates jealousy. Feelings about a resource in your life that everyone can use. Discussing property matters with neighbors.

Negatively, dreaming about a community centre may reflect frustration or jealousy of having to share. Not liking feeling that you are not unique or powerful on your own. An inability to have privacy or do something on your own. Not liking having things in common with others.

Example: A man dreamed of being in a community centre. In waking life he was talking to an old friend about the past when they were in the same high school together. He was jealous that his friend attended the same school, but did a lot better in life.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being at a community centre the middle of the desert. In waking life she was having a poor inhospitable relationship with his neighbor.


To dream of a compass represents an indicator in your life about how well you are doing or how well you are progressing. A benchmark or comparison to indicate what direction you are taking in a situation or that you direction need to take.

Alternatively, a compass may reflect a mentor or adviser you communicate with when you feel lost.

A compass may be a sign that you are reconsidering the direction of your life and need to rethink the path you are taking in a situation.


To dream of a competition represents feelings about being challenged. Struggling to remain become dominant in a situation. Your attempt to avoid jealousy or embarrassment. Struggling against other people in your life with similar goals. Situations in life where you are unwilling to accept defeat or a passive role.

Negatively, competition in a dream my reflect issues with being overly-dominant or controlling. Anxiety about being viewed as a loser. Fearing that a passive role in a situation will result in total humiliation. An ego that is out of control. A need to maximize. A need to feel better than others. Fear of losing an opportunity.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a very dangerous life threatening competition. In waking life she was struggling for social dominance against her mother-in-law who simply would not accept her in a leading role.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of watching a swimming competition. In waking life she was interested in a man and began to realize that other women were interested in him too.

*Please See Race


To dream of a complaint represents of feelings of something being wrong. Frustrations that have either been voices or not been voiced. Feelings about feedback that something is not good enough. Feelings about yourself or someone else that is not being listened to in some area of your life. Feelings of dissatisfaction. Feelings about the potential for a problem to get worse. Grumpiness. Frustrations with how long something in your life is taking. Frustrations with the function of something. Difficulties. Feeling that something different needs to happen. You or someone else that doesn't like a situation the way it is. A sense of urgency to correct something.

Negatively, dreaming about a complaint may reflect whining or "moaning." Petty whining. Internal dissatisfaction you have about an issue that you don't verbalize. Noticing that something is wrong, but not doing anything about it. Feeling ignored or voiceless. Disgruntled. Frustrations with something excessive. Lingering health problems that bother you and that you aren't having checked out. Feeling that decisions may not have been as intelligent or effective in hindsight requiring them to be corrected. A sense urgency to correct something that you don't agree with.

Example: A man dreamed of complaining about an impossible schedule. In waking life he was having trouble coping with high work loads.

Example 2: A man dreamed of complaining about foot cancer. In waking life he was experiencing chronic foot pain. In this case the complaints about foot cancer may have reflected his feelings about the foot pain getting worse and not doing anything about it.


To dream of giving someone a compliment may represents feeling good for yourself or self-recognition. Patting yourself on the back or being confident about yourself in some way. Alternatively, it may reflect feeling good for someone else or recognizing someone else's strengths.

To dream of getting compliments may represent acknowledgment of being the best at something. It may also reflect unspoken reactions or social cues that give you affirmation.


To dream of composting represents the channeling or transformation of outdated ideas or past experiences into a learning experience. Not wanting to let a bad experience or failure go to waste.

To dream of using composted soil represents a new beginning in your life based on the learning experiences of your failures or past.

Computer Games

To dream of playing computer games, represents a win or lose situation in your waking life. Consider the type of game and how may symbolically parallel your life.

Alternatively, a computer game may represent situations where you are very concerned about doing everything right. You may sensitive about making any mistakes.

*Please See Video Games

Computer Lab

To dream of a computer lab represents awareness, focus, or interest on what other people are thinking. Other people's true feelings or beliefs may be visible to you.

Computer Memory

To dream of computer memory represents your short term memory. You may be cramming for a test or trying very hard to remember a lot of information. It may also reflect your ability to apply what you know while under pressure or to adapt to difficult situations.

Computer Mouse

To dream of a computer mouse represents control over your thoughts. The direction of your thinking. Telling yourself what to focus on or what to do. It may also reflect the ability to prioritize.

To dream of a computer mouse being controlled by someone else represents an aspect of your personality that is guiding your decisions. It may also reflect people who are telling you what to or what to focus on.

To give or sell someone a computer mouse may represent helping yourself or someone else to think for themselves. Negatively, it may also point to giving up the ability to think independently or losing sight of what's most important.

To dream of a malfunctioning computer mouse represents confusion, setbacks, or delays.

Computer Virus

To dream of a computer virus represents uncontrollable issues that frustrate you. Ideas or thoughts that cause irritability or anxiety. Feeling forced to think about something that you can't stand. Negative thoughts or feelings that seem impossible to get off your mind. Experiencing frustration due to someone else's actions.

Example: A young man dreamed of his computer getting a computer virus. In waking life, he feared embarrassing himself by revealing his true feelings to a girl he liked. In this case, the computer virus may have reflected his frustration with having to think about the girl too much to the point that it interfered with his ability to function normally without distraction.

Example 2: A person dreamed of their phone being hacked by a virus that uploaded random photos to Instagram, causing them anxiety. In waking life, the dreamer was grappling with COVID-19 lockdowns and disliked giving others the impression that they were less successful than usual due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. In this case, the computer virus may have symbolized their feelings about the uncontrollable nature of COVID-19 and the mounting frustration it caused to their social life and appearances.


To dream of a computer represents the brain and how you think. What you do or see on a computer symbolizes issues you are focused on or interests you have. You are noticing the manner in which you are thinking and may be motivated to explore issues or improve yourself.

Problems with your computer or glitches reflect mistakes, bad choices, outdated beliefs, and faulty logic.

Example: A man dreamed of looking at his personal computer. In waking life he was very focused on monitoring his regular thought processes and thinking skills.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her work computer being on fire. In waking life she was very unhappy with her work life and wanted a new job. The computer being on fire may have reflected issues at work making thinking professionally impossible or not becoming so bad it ruined ever wanting to work there again.

Refer to the themes section for technology for a more in depth look at technology symbolism.

Con Artist

To dream of a con artist represents an aspect of yourself that is leaves others feeling embarrassed or stupid. Feeling cared about or lucky before being left with none of it. Being made to feel that nothing is wrong or that everything is perfect before being embarrassed. Feeling played, manipulated, or taken advantage of.

To dream of being a con artist represents your ability to manipulate or "play" a situation or relationship. The dream may be reflecting a lack of conscience or your attempt to embarrass someone. Intentionally leading someone on.

Concentration Camp

To dream of a concentration camp represents a problem that you believe or fear may never end. You may be questioning whether or not you will ever move on from a problem. It may also reflect self-doubt or pessimism.

Alternatively, a concentration camp may reflect an embarrassment that you feel stuck with and see no end in sight.

*Please See Holocaust

*Please See Nazis


To dream that you are concerned about something or someone suggests that you are feeling anxiety, unhappiness, or uneasiness in waking life. You may feel that something or someone you care about is at risk or in danger. Alternatively, you may fear losing control or stability in some area of your life.

*Please See Anxiety

*Please See Fear

*Please See Worry


To dream that you are at a concert represents situations where you don't care about anything except noticing yourself feeling good all the time. Going out of your way to notice yourself feeling good. Making an effort or trying your hardest to enjoy yourself. Concerts may reflect social gatherings or moments where you are doing something you like all the time.

Consider the way the band's music makes you feel and how that feeling may apply to a positive situation in your current life. Dark or negative music at a concert may reflect other people's awareness of you feeling good about something a lot that they don't like.

Example: A man dreamed of being at a concert with a friend. In waking life he was always talking to everybody he knew about his preparations to sell his house and move to a beautiful tropical country.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of getting tickets to a concert from a friend. In waking life that friend invited him to come over to his house to watch a movie later that day.

Concert Tickets

To dream of a concert tickets may represents a plan or invitation to an event is totally focused on feeling good all the time. You may have an invitation to a social gathering or exciting situation.

Example: A young man dreamed of getting tickets to a concert from a friend. In waking life that friend invited him to come over to his house to watch a movie later that day.


To dream of concrete represents ideas, plans, or situations that are permanent. A solid foundation or absolutely knowing that something in your life can't fail. An area of your life where there is absolute certainty. Confidence in a situation or relationship that doesn't go away.

Negatively, concrete in a dream may reflect feelings of being stuck with something permanent. An area of your life is too solid or secure to do anything a about.

Example: A young man dreamed of hanging off a concrete ledge like his life depended on it. In waking life his father whom he lived with was close to death and he knew he'd have to move and start a new life if he died. The concrete ledge reflected the solid foundation of his home life that was "on the edge" of changing for good.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of falling into the ocean and scraping her hand on a concrete as she climbed out. In waking life she hand badly injured her hand in a accident and felt that her cast was irritating her and scratching her while she slept. The concrete may have reflected the solid permanent feeling of the cast.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of a foundation to a home with concrete already poured. In waking life she was preparing to leave her job for a new job to build a new career for herself.

*Please See Sidewalk


*Please See Mustard

*Please See Relish

*Please See Ketchup

*Please See Mayonnaise


To dream of a condominium represents a professional or experienced attitude about putting up with other people in your everyday life. A professional or experienced attitude about putting up with problems while living your life normal. Feeling pressure to avoid danger, angering others, or respect others while trying to live normally. Excepting that other people deserve to be respected for appearances as much as you do. Feeling pressure to put up with appearances. A responsible attitude about accepting a situation the way it is so that everyone likes it. A noticeably higher about of support and respect between close people to endure a difficult situation with integrity.

Dreams of condos are common to people who feel forced to share living arrangements. Issues related to the stress of living with another person.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a condominium. In waking life her son had moved into her home and she was trying her best to comfortably alter her life to cater to her son needs.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a condo. In waking life she was experiencing a lot of death in her family and felt pressure within her family to respect and support each other more than usual to cope safely.


To dream of a condom represents readiness for intimacy, protection, and responsibility. Preventing emotional pain or going overboard enjoying yourself. Protection, safety, and boundaries while enjoying yourself. Wanting to feel good completely while experiencing something and feeling that you need to be careful about it. A need or desire to protect oneself from emotional or psychological harm in a situation. It could also suggest a fear of vulnerability or risk-taking in personal or professional endeavors. A reminder to exercise caution and maintain a level of emotional distance to prevent vulnerability or unwanted commitments.

Alternatively, dreaming about condoms may reflect a desire to take their relationship to a more intimate level while also acknowledging the need for emotional protection and responsibility in such a scenario. A need to be more responsible in sexual or intimate relationships.

Negatively, dreaming about a condom may represent feelings of insecurity or inadequacy, particularly regarding intimate relationships or personal endeavors. It might suggest a fear of fully committing to a situation or a relationship due to the potential for emotional pain. There could be feelings of not being ready or capable to handle the consequences of a situation, or anxiety about the risks involved. Overdoing seeing your are ready for an experience with intimacy, protection, and responsibility. Overdoing saying you are ready to enjoy yourself completely in a safe way when you're not. Fear or jealousy that an enjoyable experience isn't stopped for someone else. Feeling of intimacy, closeness, or comfort that has been lost in your life.

To dream of an ill-fitting condom that is too big for your penis represents feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, or the perception that he might not be fully prepared for the possible implications of deserving to enjoy yourself the way you want to. Feelings of insecurity inadequacy in a sexual relationship.

To dream of taking off a condom may represent removing the mental or emotional barriers that were inhibiting one from being open and vulnerable in a particular situation. Feeling unprotected enjoying a situation when you usually are protected. It could represent a desire to take risks and be more authentic in relationships or ventures. Alternatively, it could also symbolize a reckless disregard for consequences or a need for immediate gratification.

To dream of a red condom represents passionate or dangerous readiness for intimacy, protection, and responsibility.

Example: A teenage boy dreamed of putting on a red condom while near a girl he had a crush on, but noticed his penis was smaller than usual and that the condom didn't fit right. In waking, life he had told the girl he had a crush on about his true feelings, but she had a boyfriend already. In this case, the ill- fitting condom may have reflected his feelings about readiness for an intimate relationship with the girl, but also his perceived inadequacy and the potential emotional risks involved of revealing his feelings to her.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having sex with a Middle Eastern man and then realizing that he didn't have a condom. In waking life, she her computer's anti-virus program had expired and she had realized she was "unprotected." In this case, the lack of a condom may have reflected her feelings of vulnerability and exposure to potential risks in her digital life. This dream could symbolize her subconscious awareness of the need for protection against online threats, similar to the physical protection a condom provides. It could also indicate her concerns about the potential consequences of neglecting digital security, just as unprotected sex can lead to unforeseen consequences.

*Please See Sex


To dream of a music or orchestra conductor represents controlling how other people feel. You or someone else that is managing people or trying to keep them in a specific mindset. Controlling the mood of a situation or always adjusting yourself to keep others feeling good about something. Keeping a situation feeling perfect or just right.

Using all your knowledge and skill in a harmonious way.


To dream of a conference represents feelings of importance of various aspects of yourself being "on the same page" with all problems noticed. Feelings about needing to "confer" about all areas of an issue. Concern with all aspects of an operation functioning together with perfect understanding. Feelings of openness, consensus, sharing, new developments, and common problems all at once. Feelings about all areas of something being in the open so that nothing is left out. Feelings about encouraging all aspects of a situation to be in agreement. An attempt to get full approval in all areas of your life for a particular issue.

Negatively, dreaming of a conference may reflect an excessive need to have all areas of your life in agreement to achieve your own goals. Not listening to anything except a need for consensus or agreement for a whole issue. Jealously needing all areas of your life aligned in some manner to feel like a perfect person without any concern for anything else. Too much concern for getting all areas of your life in agreement because you want to please someone else or do something dishonest. Not feeling completely approved on in all areas of your life.

To dream of a conference that doesn't help you or leaves you without confidence may reflec feelings about being unable to get full confirmation or consenus on an issue that you are interested in. Spiritually it may reflect feelings about not getting all areas of a religion in agreement with your life choices.

Spiritually, dreaming of a conference might be a sign that you are too concerned with spiritual or religious agreement with all areas of your life. Too much concern for religion being perfectly accepted dominant in all areas of life. It may also reflect feelings of not being completely approved of in all areas of faith. Spiritual or religious consensus or caring what other people in your church think.

Example: A woman dreamed of attending a conference. In waking life she was very concerned with her children being supported by their father financially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of attending a conference to see people singing. In waking life she was very confident that she was going to get a scholarship that paid fo rher education because parents, teachers, friends, and all conditions seemed to make a scholarship a certainty.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of attending a married women conference. In waking life she gwas etting pregnant while married and self-employed. The married women conference in this case may have reflected her feelings about needing all areas of her life (husband, home, business) working together to have a successful family life.

Example 4: A man dreamed of feeling insecure at a conference which made no sense to him. In waking life he was a born again Christian that didn't feel confident that he was doing everything properly for his faith.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of being in a business conference room where the people eventually went away. In waking life she fought and lost to keep guardianship of her son.

Example 6: A young man dreamed of being at a Christian youth conference. In waking life he was trying his best to learn to improve his relationship with God as possible.

Confession Booth

To dream of a confession booth represents a need to clear your conscience, to speak up, or reveal a secret. You may feel guilty, are blaming yourself, or simply feel the need to come clean or do the right thing.


To dream of confetti represents celebratory feelings, feelings of rejoice, or feeling of happiness that something good is happening. Expression of joy, victory, freedom or festivity. Fanfare. Victory.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her husband on stage with confetti coming down on him while she stood in the distance. In waking life her husband had left her 15 years ago never bothering to have an official divorce while being with another woman. In this case the husband having confetti fall on him may have reflected her feelings about witnessing her husband enjoy himself finding love with someone else.


To dream of confidence represents feelings about self-assurance, certainty, or trust in your abilities, decisions, or identity. Your belief in yourself, your capabilities, or the correctness of your actions. A strong sense of purpose, determination, or the inner strength needed to overcome challenges and achieve goals. A phase of life where you feel empowered, assertive, and capable of handling whatever comes your way. You are becoming more adept at navigating life's complexities. Awareness of yourself being unusually confident in a waking life situation.

Positively, dreaming about confidence may represent a heightened sense of self-esteem, clarity, or the ability to take decisive action. Your belief that you are on the right path, that you have the skills or knowledge necessary to succeed, or that you can face challenges without fear. This dream could indicate a time of growth, personal empowerment, or the courage to pursue your desires and aspirations. The dream may be intuitive about a future moment of high confidence.

Negatively, dreaming about confidence may represent feelings of arrogance or overconfidence. Believing in yourself too much when other people don't like it. A situation where you are taking risks without fully considering the consequences, or where your self-assuredness could lead to mistakes or oversights. An indication of potential pitfalls of overconfidence.

Example: A man dreamed of feeling like a warrior with moments of high and low confidence while battling another warrior. In waking life, he felt like his life was in a battle of impossible spiritual warfare. In this case, the moments of high and low confidence may have reflected the man's fluctuating self-assurance and determination as he faced the intense challenges of his spiritual struggle.


*Please See Fighting


To dream of a yourself confronting someone may represent feelings of having to stand up for yourself. Accepting the reality that problems or situations that scare you need to be addressed. Feeling that a person or situation is becoming too serious to ignore.

Positively, confronting someone in a dream may reflect waking life situations where you are standing up to fear, bravely proving people who doubt you wrong, or fixing a scary problem.

To dream of someone confronting you represents feelings of people or situations with opposite intentions becoming difficult. Negatively, it may reflect awareness of yourself acting dishonest or ignoring other people's feelings until a limit is reached. Selfish not considering others until they need to get angry. Problems excepting what you are doing as being wrong.

Example: A woman dreamed of having to confront an intruder into her home. In waking life she felt the need to confront a woman who was embarrassing her by gossiping about her behind her back.

Example 2: A teenage boy dreamed of confronting his childhood enemy who would always call him weak then they were younger. In waking life the dreamer lost his virginity with his first girlfriend. The dreamer very had spent a lot of time being fat and ugly before losing weight and was very insecure about himself. Losing his virginity with his first girlfriend made him feel vindicated.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of having to have a confrontation with a scary shark and couldn't avoid it. In waking life she was fearing having to have a serious talk with her boyfriend about their future because she feared the relationship would end if she brought up the difficult topics she felt needed to be addressed.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing someone he didn't like wanting towards him for a final confrontation like it was serious and then at the last second jump on the ground out of the way. In waking he experienced the threat of a lawsuit that bluffed and then gave up at the last second.


To dream of being confused may mirror waking life situations where you are unsure, lack clarity, or are unsure about how to address problems. Lacking determination, confidence, or clear aims. Problems speaking up about needing help. Feeling insecure about choices you've made not being perfect. Feeling overwhelmed by complications, sophisticated problems, or too much information. Allowing your sense of obligation or obsession with problem solving to frustrate you or distract you. You may benefit from focusing only on simple things or what's most important in a situation. Putting up with problems for extended periods of time. Naively believing you have no choice about putting up with a problem.

Negatively, being confused in a dream may reflect fear or anxiety about looking incompetent in front of others. Problems making a final decision. Insecurity about asking for help or answers. Dangerously allowing yourself to "drift along" in a situation without asking for help. Fearing asking for help or getting a second opinion. Choosing to live with complications. Frustrations with problems you are coping with.

Alternatively, from a negative perspective confusion in a dream may reflect ego problems. Trouble understanding why other people don't like you when you are too controlling, arrogant in your ways, or refuse to change to accommodate others. A lack of experience dealing with other people's feelings.

Example: A man dreamed of feeling very confused and hazy. In waking life he was dealing with a health problem that made it difficult for him to concentrate.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of getting confused. In waking life her doctors decided to take her off her medication when she felt she wasn't better and didn't know what to do to help herself deal with her problem.

Example 3: A man dreamed of feeling confused. In waking he was having trouble trying to figure out why he was always making bad choices that ruined his life.

Conga Drum

To dream of a conga drum represents situations where you are feeling good respecting yourself all the time. Feeling good believing in yourself being independent or not needing anyone. Feeling good being dangerous. Feeling good being disrespectful to people you don't like. Feeling good choosing to liberate yourself. Showing off to people you don't like that they don't matter to you. Feeling happy with yourself being a jerk. Enjoying a lack of inhibition. Sexual liberation. Enjoying feeling impressed by yourself. Never allowing someone else to stop you from enjoying yourself.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a conga drum. In waking life he was enjoying writing nasty humiliating letters to people who were terrible to him in his past. He was quite passive about confronting these people in his past and now he was feeling quite liberated to totally respect himself humiliating these terrible people.


To dream of a congregation may represent a sense of community, belonging, and shared values. It may symbolize a need for support or guidance from others who share your beliefs or goals. Alternatively, it could indicate a sense of conformity or the pressure to fit in with a particular group. It may also represent a desire to be part of a larger whole or to have a sense of purpose in life. Becoming too reliant on the opinions and beliefs of others. Feeling like you are being judged or criticized by others in the group, or feeling like you have to hide your true self in order to fit in.

Alternatively, dreaming about a congregation may represent your feelings about people you go to church with. Not wanting to upset a group of people of faith.

Example: A young man dreamed of a secret room inside a church that very few people in the entire congregation knew about. In waking life he wanted to turn away from a group of people that he felt were pulling him away from God. In this case the congregation may have reflected his feeling of being part of a group or community that was supposed to be united in faith, while he felt that they were not genuine in their beliefs or were leading him astray.

Example 2: An older woman dreamed of urging her pastor to clean dead animals away from a crawl space so that it wouldn't contaminate the church congregation. In waking life she was frustrated with her pastor for years of stubbornness and behavior that stopped him from being looked up to. In this case the congregation may have reflected the woman's concern about the pastor's actions potentially harming the reputation or well-being of the church community.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in a public hall with a congregation of people who end up leaving while he just sits there wondering why. In waking life he lost his job as a banker and former boss wouldn't give him a clean reference. No matter how hard he tried to get his banking career back it seemed he potential employers rejected him at the last minute after interviews finished and vetting began. In this case the congregation of people who leave the public hall while the dreamer sits wondering why may reflect the dreamers feelings about likeminded bank employees he expects to support him getting a job ultimately rejecting him despite his efforts.

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