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Blood Transfusion

To dream of a blood transfusion represents feelings about attempting to reinvigorate the energy in a situation, relationship, or your own efforts into a problem. A need for renewal of energy. A need to renew vitality in some manner.

Negatively, a blood transfusion may reflect honest feelings about yourself not feeling as passionate about a situation or relationship as you want to. Feeling that you need a miracle to make a relationship work.

Example: A woman dreamed of needing a blood transfusion. In waking life he was planning to get married to a man she wasn't fully in love with. She was trying to force herself to fall more deeply in love with the man for the sake of her kids.

Body Parts

See the themes section for body parts for a more in depth look at body part symbolism.


To dream of a boy represents a masculine aspect of yourself that is developing or inexperienced. Assertiveness, anger, dominance, or insensitivity. A part of your personality or a situation that hasn't reached its full potential yet.

For a young girl to dream of a boy that she's attracted to may represent a desire for something to happen in your life. A goal or experience you want to happen.

*Please See Men


To dream of a having braces on your teeth represents a situation that forces perfection on you that is unpleasant to adjust to. It may point to perfect behavior demanded of you or preparation for something important that demands total compliance to guarantee good results. You may feel that something in your best interest is unfair, terrible, or embarrassing.

*Please See Teeth

*Please See Dentist

*Please See Orthodontist


The color burgundy represents situations that have the potential to become negative. Something you are thinking, feeling, or doing that has the potential to become a problem or go overboard.

The reason why burgundy represents potential negativity is because it's close to red, but not quite. So it's symbolically almost negative.

Example: A man dreamed of being inside a burgundy construction garbage bin. In real life he was planning on killing himself. The burgundy garbage bin reflected the potential he had to actually carrying out his suicide.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing his cousin in all burgundy. In waking life his cousin has agreed to buy the dreamers broken BMW SUV if certain repairs were possible and the dreamer found that the BMW dealership was making the likelihood of those repairs impossible. In this case the dreamer's cousin in all burgundy color may have reflect his feelings about a potential problem with selling the vehicle that he perceived with his cousins conditions.


To dream of a caduceus represents healing or a concern for health. Preoccupation with healing or improving your life somehow. The caduceus may be a sign that you need to take better care of yourself.

*Please See Doctors

*Please See Hospital


To dream of the disease cancer represents emotional or situational decay. An area of your life that slowly eats away at your well-being, happiness, or power. It can also reflect feelings of hopelessness, restrictions, or fundamental flaws. Feeling that a situation can only get worse or will spread to other areas of your life if you don't start taking action. Feeling that a situation is hopeless or can only get worse. Feeling that something eating away are you.

Example situations that could encourage a dream about cancer may be a difficult illness, financial problems, or a relationship that stifles you.

Alternatively, cancer can also reflect real life situations were cancer is a real possibility or someone you know is living with it.

Example: A man dreamed of having cancer. In waking life he was very depressed about his life and felt that life couldn't only get worse for him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of having lung cancer. In waking life he was experiencing anxiety about his habit of smoking cigarettes giving him cancer if he didn't quit.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing cancerous smoke. In waking life he was worried about the economic crisis.

Example 4: A man dreamed about a cancer club for children where the children were beginning to feel hopeless. In waking life he felt that his life was only getting worse and people who had previously inspired him couldn't inspire him any more.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing someone with cancer. In waking life she felt that her marriage was slowly deteriorating.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of having cancer. In waking life she was experiencing her mental health slowly deteriorating.


To dream of cars represents the ability to effectively make decisions in a given situation or the extent to which you feel in control of the direction your life is taking. Operating a car reflects how competent at managing a situation you or some aspect of your personality is. Who or what is in control of a situation or the way your life is going. Taking control of a situation.

The type of car represents the style of decision-making or control over a situation. The type of car may also reflect how you feel as you go about making certain decisions. People who drive your car represent aspects of yourself or projections of other people who are guiding your choices. People riding along with you in a car reflect aspects of your personality that are influencing your choices or problems that are "coming along for the ride" as you work towards a goal.

Cheap or rundown vehicles reflect vulnerability, a lack of resources, or lacking impressiveness with your style of control over a situation. Not feeling like a big winner or that showing off would look stupid.

Expensive or powerful vehicles reflect the impressiveness of decisions, effectiveness, or a direction in life that is unstoppable. Feeling like a winner with an effective way method of control over a situation.

To dream of getting a new car may represent a new approach to life as you take on a new relationship, new job, or start a new project. A fresh start or new way of going about your business. A new decision-making style or ability.

To dream of being unable to find your car represents feelings that the rules of a situation are not working out for you. Feeling cut off from being allowed to do what you want. Surprise that your decision-making style or control style is not possible or allowed. Feeling that you have not gotten what you bargained for. Feeling that your normal decision-making style is not giving you the satisfaction that you thought it would. A situation that leaves you feeling embarrassed or confused. You may feel that there is no meaning to some area of your life. You may not know what you really want to do with your life or where you want to go.

To dream of your car being out of control represents feelings about life situations where you feel a compromised sense of control. Feeling that you are losing control of a situation. Managing a situation or people is difficult. Feeling you have lost a sense of stability with control over a situation.

To dream of a stolen car represents feelings of being stripped of your identity or ability to make effective decisions. The loss of your job, a failed relationship, or some situation where you feel your role or momentum has been compromised. Feeling that a situation is not honest about letting you remain in control or make decisions freely.

Negatively, dreaming about your car being stolen may represent feelings about thinking you are better than someone else being abruptly cut off. Feeling embarrassed for being selfish, arrogant, or deluded in your decision-making abilities. Dishonest self-control over a situation that suddenly got cut off. Disbelief that you are no longer in control of a situation where you were totally selfish to the point that someone else embarrassed you by shutting you off. Feeling that someone else isn't supportive of you being in control of a situation anymore.

To dream of a car that won't start represents feelings of being unable to make a situation work to your advantage. Feeling unable to start making decisions because of problems, delays, or frustrations. Controlling a situation however you want is not possible to begin.

To dream of fixing your car represents your attempt to get back on track in your life. Trying to restore a decision-making process in your life that you were sidetracked from with problems or delays. Getting back your ability to control the direction your life is taking. Restoring your ability to progress or push ahead in some area of your life. Restoring your ability to freely make decisions or be in control of your own life. Negatively, fixing your car may reflect feelings of being sidetracked or prevented from doing what you feel you should be doing.

To dream of a car that is sinking in water represents feelings of being overwhelmed by uncertainty as you attempt to take control of a situation. Decision-making abilities are being overwhelmed by negative emotions or problems that are too big to control.

To dream of being in the backseat of a car may represent feelings about not being in control of a situation you are experiencing. Feeling that other people are controlling the direction of your life or that decisions you've made can't be stopped. Feeling that you are not in control of your own destiny. Feeling that someone is interfering with the direction of your life.

To dream that you are driving and that other people are in the backseat may reflect feelings about being in full control of a situation. Other areas of your life that are being "carried along" as you feel in control of a situation. Feeling that you can make decisions however you want anyone to stop you. Feeling able to effectively manage a situation away from problems as a leader. Negatively, it may reflect your tendency to take control of a situation and not listen to other people. Temporarily taking control over serious problems that could get worse. Casual control of something that is more powerful than you are to the point of being dangerous. Not respecting something that is bigger or more important than you are while you are in control of a situation.

To dream of a car on fire represents feelings of intense negativity, danger, or destruction associated with your decision-making as you pursue ambitions, goals or desires. The car is a symbol of the direction you're taking in life, and the fire indicates that something is wrong with that direction. The dream suggests that your plans or actions are leading to a potentially catastrophic outcome, and it may be time to reevaluate your approach. Alternatively, the car on fire could represent a sense of loss or failure in regard to something you have worked hard for, such as a job or relationship. You are unable to feel that you are in control of a situation anymore.

To dream of a black car represents control over a situation that is considered excessive. Control over a situation that scares you. Fearing others being in total control of a situation you can't control at all. Alternatively, dreaming of a black car may reflect a professional attitude about decision-making or control over a situation.

To dream of a red car represents control over a situation that is passionate and driven by a desire to achieve. It may reflect the enjoyment of a successful and fulfilling career or project that one is deeply committed to. Enjoying your life being rich or successful because you are passionate about what you are doing for a living. Negatively, dreaming about a red car represents decision-making control over a situation that is dangerous, and illegal, knowing what you are doing is wrong while you are the boss. Enjoying being a snob who never has to listen to anyone else tell you what to do. Getting away with dishonesty or immorality all the time. Knowing what you are doing is dangerous.

To dream of a light blue car represents control over a situation that is very sensitive, thoughtful, or very well-intentioned. A high degree of concern for honesty or caring about others feelings. Control over a situation where you or others are very concerned with caring for others. Positive management or control over a situation.

To dream of a dark blue car may reflect control over a situation in a manner that is very insensitive or brutally honest. Controlling a situation where being mean feels necessary. An all-business or emotionally immune honest attitude about control.

People changing jobs in waking life often dream of driving in a car that is not their real car. A possible reflection of a decision-making style that is not a usual style. Making decisions that you don't want to make while you change your life or adapt to your new job.

Older or elderly people may dream of cars that are too damaged or worn out to repair, often reflecting the aging process making certain areas of their lives impossible to continue with.

Pregnant women often dream of driving big trucks, buses, or cars that are difficult to maneuver.

For more on cars and vehicles see our cars themes section.

Example: A woman dreamed of losing her car. In waking life, she was unhappy with the direction of her career because it had not brought her the happiness that she had expected it would. In this case, the lost car may have reflected the dreamer's feeling of being lost or uncertain about her career path, and that she had lost her way in pursuing her professional goals. The car may represent her sense of direction or the means by which she had hoped to achieve her aspirations, and its loss may reflect her fear that she had lost her chance to find fulfillment in her work.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in the backseat of a car that started moving and screaming "I'm not ready to go!" In waking life, she was experiencing anxiety before a surgical operation that was about to take place. In this case, being in the backseat of a car may have reflected her feelings of being "in the back seat" of the doctors controlling her life with the scheduled surgery.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of driving her mother's car. In waking life, she felt that her attitude and decision-making style in a situation she was involved in was based on her mother's influence and not her own.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of her car burning. In waking life, she was experiencing serious financial problems at work with no easy way to solve them. She felt unable to conduct business properly while losing a lot of money. In this case, the burning car may have reflected her feelings of financial ruin and the loss of control over her work life.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of being in the backseat of a car. In waking life, she felt that other people had interfered with her relationship and caused it to break up. In this case, the car may have reflected the dreamer's feeling of being a passive observer in her own life and the sense that other people were in control of the direction and outcome of her relationship. The backseat of the car may symbolize her feeling of being a passive passenger in her own life, without a sense of control or agency.

Example 6: A young man dreamed of crashing his car into another car while he tried to turn off the highway. In waking life, he got caught having sex with his friend's ex-girlfriend while trying to stop the relationship from reuniting. In this case, the car may have reflected his feelings of being out of control and unable to navigate the situation with his friend and ex-girlfriend, which ultimately led to a destructive outcome like a car crash. The dream may also have been a warning about the potential consequences of his actions and the need to take responsibility for his behavior.

Example 7: A young woman dreamed of having a crying baby in the backseat of a car that was being driven by her ex-boyfriend. In waking life, she felt jealous that she couldn't get back together with her ex-boyfriend while feeling that she couldn't control him or stop him from dating someone else. She felt unable to do anything except wait for her ex-boyfriend to show interest in her again hoping it would to a reconciliation. In this case, the car may have reflected her feelings about the journey of her relationship with her ex-boyfriend and how it was being driven by him, with her and her emotions being passengers in the backseat.

Example 8: A man dreamed of looking to buy a new car with more seats than his current car. In waking life, he was looking for a new job. In this case, the new car may have reflected the dreamer's feelings that a new better paying job would allow him to take control over his life to improve his ability to take care of everything happening in his life.

Example 9: A woman dreamed of getting a new car. In waking life, she had decided to take her new relationship seriously. In this case, the car may have reflected her feelings about being in control of her dating life with decision-making focused on not being single.

*Please See Accident

*Please See Breakdown

*Please See Driving

*Please See Car Brands


To dream of a caveman represents you or someone else that is totally preoccupied with surviving or living in the moment.

Negatively, a caveman may reflect a constant state of fear of serious troubles returning. To much focus on short term living and not focusing on long term living. Dangerously living in the moment.

Example: A man dreamed of being a caveman with an invincible club and invincible penis. In waking life she was experiencing uncontrollable sexual desires after having woken up from a catatonic "sleeping disease" and being put on strong medication. The caveman symbolism may have reflected his fear of not enjoying every last minute of his life that he could having sex or being risky before his disease returned.


To dream of a celebrity represents an aspect of your personality based on the most apparent qualities or traits that stand out the most about the celebrity. Ask yourself what feelings, behavior, or traits stands out the most about a celebrity when you think about them. A celebrity in a dream may also reflect an aspect of yourself that deserves recognition, success, or validation from others. A wish to be more influential or well-known, as well as the need to feel validated or acknowledged by others for your accomplishments. An incredible experience you are having that feels good deserving to talk about yourself to other people in a more prominent manner.

Celebrities in dreams can also represent your projection, thoughts and feelings about a celebrity. Perhaps, you are spending a lot of time thinking about a celebrity.

To dream of having having sex with a celebrity represents an enjoyable, exciting, or thrilling experience that embodies qualities mirroring your feelings about the celebrity. Fulfillment of your fantasies, ambitions, or desires that you may feel are normally unattainable. You may relish an experience that garners recognition or discussion about your accomplishments. Enjoyment in doing something uncommon or extraordinary, in a way that reflects a celebrity's most prominent qualities, while being acknowledged or praised by others. Enjoying getting away with something that other people recognize or talk about you for.

To dream about a celebrity that you have a crush on or are very attracted to may represent your desire for a certain life situation to occur. Consider how you feel when you think of them, and how those feelings or qualities may apply to a current life situation. Alternatively, it may be a sign that you need more realistic about your love life.

If you dream of a celebrity that you know little or nothing about, it's suggested you research that person's life to help form an opinion of them. Try to identify or feel the quality most apparent about them.

To dream of wearing a celebrity's clothes represents your personality matching up with the qualities you see in that celebrity the most. Your desire to adopt or emulate the qualities, traits, or characteristics of that celebrity. This could be an indication of your feelings of deserving recognition, success, or validation from others in your life, or simply to express yourself in a manner similar to that of the celebrity.

Example: A man dreamed of talking to Matt Damon. The quality of Matt Damon that stood out the most to him was being more concerned than someone else to see something unintelligent wasn't happening. In waking life, the man found himself surrounded by less experienced people than himself at work and had to use his intelligence to solve problems they couldn't. In this case, Matt Damon may have reflected the man's desire to be recognized for his intelligence and problem-solving skills while dealing with less experienced colleagues at work. The man may have felt that he deserved acknowledgment for being more competent and proactive in making sure unintelligent decisions or actions were avoided.

Example 2: A man dreamed of Jessica Alba. In waking life, he discovered an opportunity that he couldn't believe made money by trying it out once. In this case, Jessica Alba may have reflected his feelings about the surprising and attractive nature of the opportunity that presented itself to him. Just as Jessica Alba is perceived to be beautiful and successful, the opportunity he discovered seemed highly appealing, potentially rewarding, and almost too good to be true.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a beautiful famous model that he was obsessed with when he was younger. In waking life, when he was younger he used to paste every single picture he could of this model on his wall. In his current life he was obsessed with a goal that never happened.

Example 4: A man dreamed of having sex with Oprah. In waking life, this man was a successful public speaker. Oprah to him represented excellent communication skills. In his case, Oprah reflected how he felt about himself being good at public speaking.

*Please See Famous

*Please See Paparazzi

*Please See Actors


To dream of chemotherapy represents a powerfully unpleasant ordeal that you must endure in order to free yourself from a difficult problem. Feeling subjected to a situation where nothing you like or want can happen at all in order to move on. It may also reflect a dangerous or humiliating risk you are taking to separate yourself from an ingrained problem.

Chemotherapy may reflect feelings about your life becoming a disaster in order to escape a problem like addiction or a troubling relationship. Having to grow up harder and faster than ever before. Knowing you could "lose it all" trying to get rid of a degenerating problem.

*Please See Skin Cancer

Chicken Pox

To dream of chicken pox represents a problem you are experiencing that can only be solved with inaction or patience. You may be experiencing a negative situation where you have to "bite your tongue", sit it out, or impotently experience a problem from beginning to end without being able to act against it lest you aggravate it. Chicken pox may be a sign that you need to put priorities first or that enjoyment needs to be placed on hold for more serious matters.

Alternatively, chicken pox may reflect a serious problem you believe only has to be confronted once.


To dream of having claustrophobia represents your fear of commitment or limiting yourself to anything. You don't like feeling chained to anything. You may be sensitive about not having your own space or the ability to change plans whenever you want.

Alternatively, dreaming of claustrophobia may be a sign that you feel a problem in your life is impossible to escape from or becoming too limiting to bear. You may feel that your options keep shrinking. You may benefit from speaking to friends or family about your problems. It may also be a sign that you might need to tell someone to back off. You may feel overprotected.


To dream of a clinic represents feelings about fixing or dealing with a problem that isn't critical. A professional feeling about focusing on your problems. Resourcefulness to discreetly focus on or fix your problems. Problem fixing that isn't lethal, critical, and isn't impossible to wait for. Accepting yourself needing to be looked at or given an expert opinion. Impersonal feelings about fixing a situation.

Negatively, dreaming of a clinic may represent cold feelings about a problem being patiently look at. Feeling that nobody really cares about you personally while you deal with a problem. Feelings about problems being looked at with an emotionally immune or impartial attitude. Feelings about problems being looked into by an expert, but that will require you to deal with the problem on your own. Feeling bad that nobody wants to make you feel good taking care of you. Coldness or emptiness that nobody wants you to feel good being taken care of or nurtured. A serious non-family oriented problem fixing situation. Having a problem that isn't serious and feeling that nobody can fix it.

Dreams of clinics are common to people with colds, the flu, or a non-threatening illness that they don't know the cause to.

Example: A retired woman dreamed of her local health clinic wanting to use her home as a clinic. In waking life she caught the flu and was impatiently waiting at home to get her health back.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in an abortion clinic. In waking life she was trying to find a way to end her marriage as quickly and cleanly as possible to avoid future plans with her husband.


To dream of clutter may represent disorder or chaos in some area of your life. It may also be a sign that you need to be better organized or structured. It may reflect a lack of routine or professionalism.

To dream of someone else's clutter may reflect frustration with your own inability to get organized. It may also reflect your frustration with someone else that is not being as responsible, organized, or professional as you'd like them to be.



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