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Prosthetic Limb

To dream of a prosthetic limb represents make-shift ideas or habits. Feeling that you can't do what you really want in your life, but can do other things to "get through" a situation. Settling on less powerful alternatives to support normal function in your life. Feeling that certain choices are only good enough and not what you really want.

Positively, a prosthetic limb may represent a willingness to do anything to achieve a goal. Putting up with embarrassment or unpleasant compromises to make sure you win.

Negatively, a prosthetic limb may represent desperation to continue bad habits.


To dream of pus represents feelings about a situation in your life that is festering, getting worse, or needs to be addressed with a sense of embarrassment at having potentially ruined yourself. A need to confront and deal with unresolved issues or hidden problems that are causing distress or discomfort that you may have ruined yourself without being aware of it. Feelings about something unhealthy or unproductive in your life is festering, requiring attention, action, or release. Unresolved issues, or toxic situations that need to be addressed.

Positively, dreaming about pus may represent a desire to rid yourself of harmful influences, toxic relationships, or emotional baggage that is weighing you down. Your readiness to confront difficult truths or face challenging situations in order to achieve emotional healing and growth.

Negatively, dreaming of pus could represent feelings of disgust, revulsion, or discomfort with certain aspects of yourself or your life. Avoiding dealing with unpleasant emotions or difficult situations, allowing them to fester and worsen over time. Feelings of shame, guilt, or embarrassment about something that you find unpleasant or unacceptable that is festering or noticeably getting worse. A fear of confronting painful truths, acknowledging personal flaws, or dealing with the consequences of your actions. A problematic situation that is worsening or spreading negativity in your life. Holding onto negative feelings or experiences that are festering beneath the surface, causing emotional discomfort or turmoil.

To dream of forcing pus out of your body represents a need to confront festering unresolved issues. Proactively dealing with issues head-on rather than allowing them to fester and continue to cause harm. Feelings of taking active steps to purge yourself of negativity, discomfort, or emotional pain that has been festering within you. A conscious effort to confront the unpleasant situation and actively seek solutions to alleviate the stress and discomfort it has caused.

Dreams about pus appear to be common to people experiencing financial problems that are getting worse.

Example: An older woman dreamed of forcing pus out of her finger. In waking life, she was experiencing financial problems which put the fate of her business and mother's medical care at risk. She was unable to pay her bills. In this case, the pus squeezed out of her finger may have reflected recognition of the urgent need to draw attention to, proactively address, and resolve the festering financial problems she was facing so that they couldn't get any worse while hoping she hadn't ruined herself already by staying quiet about them.

Example 2: An elderly woman dreamed of seeing pimples on her face with pus. She found it unusual because she usually never gets pimples. She was deciding whether or not to pop them. In waking life, she had tried to help her son improve his life but ended up with $6000 in debt on her credit card which she could only pay the interest on. In this case, the pus in the pimples may have reflected her feelings about the festering embarrassment of interest payments on her credit card debt caused by her son making her look bad as a parent with a financially hopeless adult child.

Example 3: A man dreamed of removing yellow claw-like things from his fingers and seeing pus come out of the puncture holes. A fingernail fell off. In waking life, he was experiencing work stress and lost clients. He felt personal growth was reduced. In this case, the pus may have reflected his feelings about a festering embarrassment at work that needed to be addressed to prevent further client losses while having a sense of potentially ruining his personal growth at work.

Quack Doctor

To dream of a quack doctor represents irresponsible advice or unverified claims. Feelings about having gotten stupid advice or that someone else's suggestions to your problems are dangerously naive. Feeling that you are taking dangerous risks if you listen to someone's advice. Unconventional advice that scares you.

Alternatively, a quack doctor may reflect a fear of listening to advice if other people aren't agreeing with it first. A fear of unconventional advice.


To dream of rabies represents overwhelming feelings of aggression, loss of control, or irrationality. Fears or anxieties that something in your life could suddenly turn against you, causing emotional or even physical harm. Worries about sudden changes in behavior either in yourself or someone close to you, transforming an otherwise harmless or predictable situation into one that is dangerous or uncontrollable. A contagious irrational problem that will cancel itself out if you can avoid being too personal with it.

Positively, dreaming about rabies could act as a warning mechanism, heightening your awareness of potential pitfalls or volatile situations in your life. It could serve as a signal for you to exercise caution or to look closer at areas where you might be losing self-control.

Negatively, dreaming about rabies may represent feeling out of control, fearing that once manageable situations or relationships are turning harmful. Latent aggression or deep-seated anger that you're afraid will erupt in an uncontrollable manner. Fears of losing your rationality, becoming unpredictable, or harming those around you, either emotionally or physically.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing mice with rabies. In waking life, his son had money problems that he didn't want to help him with because he'd lose all his savings. In this case, the rabies may have reflected his feeling about needing to avoid helping his son's debt because he feared that the situation could spiral out of control if he wasn't careful about avoiding being irrational himself. The man might have feared that if he gave in to his son's financial needs, it would become a recurring issue that he couldn't manage, depleting his own savings and possibly causing tension or resentment between them.


To dream of a skin rash represents feelings of irritation, discomfort, or embarrassment in waking life. Anxiety and frustration about a situation and not knowing how to fix it. Something that is abnormal or uncomfortable that you would like to get rid of, but are struggling to do so. A situation that is causing emotional or psychological discomfort. The rash may represent repressed emotions or unresolved issues that are causing a negative impact on your life. Alternatively, the rash may be a metaphor for something you are "itching" to fix or a situation you are having difficulty resolving. Annoyances that you feel stuck with, and that you don't have the experience or knowledge to deal with on your own. A signal that a problem needs extra attention and care, and that you should take steps to address it before it gets worse.

Consider the location on the body of the rash for additional meaning.

Example: A man dreamed of having a rash on his feet. In waking life he dropped out of university and was worried about how to reenroll. In this case the rash may have reflected his anxiety and frustration about not knowing how to fix his finances to afford University a second time so he could feel good about himself again.


To dream of rehab represents feelings of recovery, transformation, starting anew, or overcoming problems. Feelings of recognition that you need help or support to overcome a problem or addiction in your waking life. Your willingness to address issues or habits that have been negatively affecting you. A proactive approach to healing and self-improvement, confronting personal demons, or the journey toward a healthier state of mind. The process of healing or working through issues that have been detrimental to your well-being or personal growth. An understanding that the path to healing is not going to be quick or easy.

Positively, dreaming about rehab might symbolize your commitment to change, self-betterment, or the determination to overcome obstacles. A conscious choice to remove yourself from negative influences or behaviors that have held you back. The support system that you have or need to achieve your goals of personal transformation. A desire to make positive changes in your life, seek guidance, or develop healthier habits. Your commitment to personal growth and a willingness to confront and address your issues.

Negatively, dreaming about rehab could represent feelings of struggle, relapse, or the challenges associated with changing ingrained patterns. Fear of facing the underlying issues that led to the need for rehab or a feeling of being judged or ostracized for past behaviors. Perhaps you are feeling forced into making changes you are not ready for, or you might be experiencing the pain that often comes with growth and self-discovery. Feelings of shame, guilt, or remorse related to your actions or behavior. A fear of losing control over a situation or addiction, or concerns about the consequences of your actions catching up with you.

Alternatively, dreaming about rehab may reflect literal waking life issues with needing rehab.

Example: A young woman dreamed of trying to warn her dead friend that after 30 days of rehab, she was going to overdose and die. In waking life, her friend died of a drug overdose a year earlier. In this case, the reference to rehab may have been literal while it reflected her issues with regret, helplessness, or unresolved grief regarding her friend's death while pointlessly wishing she could change the past.

Example 2: A person dreamed of being in a mental institution rehabilitation facility. In waking life, they were experiencing a traumatic time in their life. In this case, the rehab may have reflected their feelings about the need to recover emotionally and mentally from the trauma. The dream might be pointing towards their realization that they required help or support to deal with the intense emotional impact of their experiences. It could also suggest their understanding that the path to healing was not going to be quick or easy, but a necessary process for their overall well-being.


*Please See CPR


To dream of wearing a retainer represents feelings about maintaining or preserving perfect compliance with habits that help you to retain a strong sense of vitality or confidence about yourself after a difficult adjustment. Awareness of the necessity to stay disciplined and focused on new habits to sustain a revitalized sense of identity. Security measures taken to ensure you perfectly maintain a personality adjustment the way someone else wanted you to. The need to hold onto or stabilize a particular aspect of yourself, such as your identity, values, or achievements so that you remain confident about yourself. Your efforts to keep things in their proper place or to prevent regression in areas you've worked hard to improve.

Negatively, dreaming about a retainer may represent feelings about maintaining or preserving perfect compliance with adjustments that you feel are unfair, terrible, or embarrassing. Something or someone that is just making sure you don't return to old habits after making positive adjustments to yourself. A fear of losing ground or backsliding on progress made. Perhaps you feel pressured to keep up appearances or maintain certain standards that are exhausting or challenging to uphold. Insecurities about looking like a loser that has to maintain conservative or uptight habits in order to maintain or preserve yourself.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a retainer. In waking life, he had undergone the most powerful spiritual experience of his life which gave him a renewed sense of confidence as a person. He felt the need to maintain new habits to confidently retain his new sense of self. In this case, the retainer may have reflected his feelings about the importance of adhering to new practices or behaviors that supported his renewed sense of confidence and spiritual growth. The retainer in the dream symbolized his commitment to maintaining the positive changes he had experienced, ensuring that the transformative effects of his spiritual journey were preserved and continued to influence his life positively. The dream highlighted his awareness of the necessity to stay disciplined and focused on these new habits to sustain his revitalized sense of identity and purpose.

Example 2: A woman had recurring dreams of putting a retainer in her mouth that she felt didn't fit. In waking life, she was experiencing an abusive relationship with her boyfriend after moving in together. In this case, the retain that didn't fit may have reflected her feelings about the unnatural or forced effort she was making to adapt to the relationship and maintain a sense of self. The uncomfortable retainer symbolized the difficult adjustments she felt compelled to make to preserve the relationship due to its abusive nature, even though it was damaging her sense of identity and self-worth.


To dream of salami represents feelings of confidence about choice that isn't important to say anything else about it. Confidence about choices that aren't robbing you of anything important, but aren't seen as special by other people. A confident choice that "isn't an idiot", but isn't talked about a lot. Confidence that a choice counts, but isn't impressive. The last thing you would ever think is special, but you know it believes in itself.

Negatively, dreaming about salami may reflect confidence that doing something a little bit is the reason you'll get away with it. Not liking why other people are confident about a small detail being unimportant to talk about further when you feel disrespected and think it is important to talk about further.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being fed food with salami in it by friend who knew she was a vegetarian. She pretended it didn't matter at first, but then spat out the food. In waking life she was going on a trip to Japan and the question of whether or not she would eat meat was on her mind. The salami in this case may have been a double symbol that reflected both her dislike of meat and her feelings about other people's casual confidence about meat not being a problem to serve her without needing to explain it, when being a vegetarian was serious to her. She may have frustrated that visiting Japan might mean being served a little bit of meat at all, and didn't like that possibly slipping passed her with a discussion.


To dream of a scab represents a healing process or awareness of yourself "getting over" something. An emotionally ugly recovery of some sort is taking place. Uncomfortable feelings or embarrassment that takes time to get over. A need for patience, understanding, or forgiveness so that you can move on.

To dream of picking a scab represents issues with letting a healing process take it's natural course. You may be getting angry or aggravated with some aspect of a conflict that has been settled. Nitpicking, pettiness, or hypersensitivity after an apology has been made. A sign that you have issues being forgiving, understanding, or patient.

To dream of scabs on the face may reflect you or someone else that is emotionally recovering from a significant unpleasant confrontation about their behavior. Conflict about one's actions, habits, or behavior that has resulted in sensitive feelings or unpleasant feelings about changes being required.


To dream of a scalpel represents separation or conflict that is precise, accurate, or very attentive to details. You or someone else may be confronting a problem with expert knowledge. Knowing exactly what to do to remove a problem.

To be attacked with a scalpel may represent problems or situations that seem to effect you or attack your strengths with surprising accuracy. Something knows exactly what to do to harm your interests. It may also reflect an excessive need for perfection that's frustrating you or distracting you.


To dream of a scar represents pain, struggles, or a negative experience that you can never forget. Negative emotions or memories that linger. Never being able to forget how bad something was for you.

Negatively, you may be living too much in the past or allowing it to influence your present life.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing scars on a man's back. In waking life she was afraid to ask his wife for sex because she was very sensitive about past sexual trauma.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing an enormous scar on a man's back. In waking life he had endured a very powerful spiritual test that was so traumatizing he could never forget it.


To dream of being seasick represents feelings of wanting to do nothing except get a negative or uncertain situation over with. Regretting having decided to try to confront a problem. Having a lot of difficulty confronting your honest emotions as you face an issue. Feeling uneasy about having to endure uncertainty.

Feeling that you can't deal with uncertain situations anymore because it's too unpleasant, uncomfortable, or unbearable. Regret or rejection of wanting to deal with uncertain situations anymore.


To dream of being sedating represents your wish to put a situation or relationship temporarily on hold. Avoiding responsibility, getting involved, or taking action for the moment. Not doing something you wanted just for interim. It may also reflect your wish to temporarily spare yourself or someone else of pain.


To dream of having an epileptic seizure represents extreme emotional sensitivity or anxiety. Possibly a sign that you are too emotionally invested in situation or dependent on an attachment.

To dream of seeing someone else having an epileptic seizure may represent surprise or shock with someone else's emotional sensitivity or anxiety.

To dream of property being seized by police or the government represents intervention. Feeling powerless to stop someone with more power than you. Waking life situations where you or someone else has to be stopped because they may be going overboard with unhealthy or negative behavior. Feeling that someone with more power than you doesn't want you to do something ever again.



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