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Iron (Metal)

To dream of iron metal represents strength, endurance, and willpower. Steadfastness, resilience, hardness. Standing firm or standing strong. Easily withstanding pain, pressure, or hardship. An unwavering stance. Negative emotions, harsh words, or bad situations rolling off you as though they didn't matter.

Alternatively, iron may reflect feelings of being stronger than someone else.


*Please See Murder


*Please See Eating

*Please See Breakfast

*Please See Lunch

*Please See Dinner

Measuring Tape

To dream of a measuring tape represents your attempt to measure or feel the strength or severity of a situation. Noticing exactly what you need and nothing more. Doing something to test a person or situation to feel how powerful or capable they are. It may also reflect a comparison you are using to notice how bad something is or how strong something is. Doing something to see how you measure up. You may be trying to figure out why someone else can get away with something and you can't.

Alternatively, a measuring tape may reflect your preparation or research before doing something. Figuring out how much emotion, aggression, or work will be required to reach a goal. Negatively, you may be doubting yourself or trying to see what you can get away with.

*Please See Tools


To dream of meatballs represents feelings about being sustained with strength, power, or confidence made easy for you. Easily feeling big about why other people are little. Easily feeling strong about why other people are weak. Strength that is not professional. Strength that's easy because someone was so wonderful they did all the hard work for you. Strength that is made easy by family, friends, or someone caring about you.

Negatively, dreaming about meatballs represents feelings about person or situation being unintelligently too easy about strength. Strength sustained with brawn and not brains. Strength that is childishly too easy. Feeling stupid that family, friends, or others did all the hard work for you. Feeling that you didn't earn your power and someone made it easy for you. Strength made easy for you that you don't want to talk about being made easy for you because it will make you feel little.

To dream of wanting meatballs and not being able to have them may reflect feelings about other people not being willing to make strength or power easy for you. Feeling that a professional will not help you make something easy. Feeling that you have to make yourself strong on your own.

Example: A woman dreamed of not being able to afford meatballs. In waking life she was waiting for her husband to return home to fix a problem for her.

Mech Suit

To dream of a mech suit may reflect a need to use something to your advantage to defend yourself emotionally. Using something to make yourself stronger than you are on your own. Taking advantage of an opportunity to make yourself more impenetrable to opposition or defensive against criticism.

Negatively, a mech suit may reflect a dependency on using an ability or resource to make yourself look stronger than you really are. A fear of confronting a conflict without an advantage you can control. Knowing that "underneath it all" you are not as strong as you project yourself to be.

Example: A young man dreamed of wearing a mech suit while chasing an armored car. In waking life he was stubbornly telling all his friends and family that he had to live his life on his own without them as he left his hometown to look for better financial opportunities. He used his need to be on his own as an excuse to look strong while excluding people because he didn't want to look weak.


To dream of a mechanic represents feelings about a thinking style or decision-making style being wrong. Feeling that your lifestyle "needs to be repaired." Feeling that your life needs a change to help you become a bigger winner or "get back on track." Advice or acknowledgement about what kinds of changes you will require to return to a happy or smoother functioning life.

A mechanic may reflect insight or acknowledgement about your flaws or oversights. Realizing that there is a need to be more sophisticated about your approach to goals. It may also reflect the healing past hurts or traumas that are holding you back. Repairing or changing some area of your life that has stopped you from making progress.

To dream that you are a mechanic may reflect informing others about what they have to do to make their choices or goals work. Helping others be more intelligent about the choices or decision-making. Revealing to others their lack of understanding or sophistication with their methods or decision styles. Feelings about yourself helping others move on from trauma, bad relationships, or painful conflict. Helping others learn about flaws or weaknesses that stop them from being a bigger winner.

Example: A man dreamed of an incompetent mechanic that tried to fix his car, but left it with a fatal error. In waking life was recently divorced and felt that he had made a big mistake in choosing to start dating a woman that he was too afraid to break up with. The incompetent mechanic in this case may have reflected his feelings about his decision-making style regarding dating women needing some changes.

*Please See Cars

Medal Of Honor

To dream of a medal of honor represents an acknowledgement or pride in having done more than other people would do. Pride or recognition in knowing you didn't turn away from a difficulty when other people would. Recognition or a reminder of how you went unusually beyond what was expected of you during a difficult or scary situation.


*Please See Printing Press

*Please See Journalist

*Please See Reporter

Medieval Times

To dream of medieval times represents a dangerous situation in your life where there is always the threat of total failure. People around you may be very risky or irresponsible with you. The constant threat of failure if your behavior isn't perfect. Feeling that your life is dominated by harsh circumstances. Stoical acceptance of suffering. Brutality.

Alternatively, medieval scenery in a dream may reflect how dangerously ignorant you feel people are. People that claim expertise with dangerous results. Confident or powerful people who scare you with their incompetence or ignorance.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing medieval buildings in a field. In waking life she had a medical problem that doctors seemed to primitive to her to figure out. They gave her medication that never worked and kept trying to do other things that never seemed to work either.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a medieval castle. In waking life she felt that her family was very controlling and domineering.


*Please See Sizes


To dream of using a megaphone represents your wish to be more vocal about an issue or making sure you are heard. Guaranteeing that you are not overlooked or ensuring that your message is getting across. Making sure that nothing except your opinion or feelings are heard.


To dream of a memorial represents feelings, thoughts, or situations in your waking life that are focused on honoring and remembering the past or someone from your past. Respect, commemoration, or acknowledgment of influences, memories, or lessons learned from what has transpired or from who has existed in your life. Your inner need to make peace with the past, show respect for your personal history, or acknowledge something that has had a significant impact on shaping who you are. Being respectable about remembering something for the rest of your life. Reverence, respect, and remembrance. The importance of honoring and preserving the memory of someone or something significant. Unresolved emotions or the need to process and heal from a painful memory. Seeking a form of closure or a way to move on. Feelings about honoring a role or behavior for the rest of your life after experiencing a serious failure or mistake. Serious feelings about wanting to remember a mistake.

Positively, dreaming about a memorial might symbolize the healing process, acceptance, or the honoring of wisdom gained from past experiences. A period of reflection, understanding, and valuing the past, allowing for personal growth. Acknowledgment of the strength and resilience you've gained from past experiences or the memory of someone important in your life. A deep sense of appreciation and gratitude for the past, whether it's related to a person, event, or historical moment. Your wish to keep the memory of someone or something alive, ensuring that their legacy continues to inspire and guide you. Guilt and sadness over a perceived failure.

Negatively, dreaming about a memorial could represent feelings of being stuck in the past, difficulty moving on, or preoccupation with regret, loss, or failures that you can't let go of. Sorrow, grief, sadness, or the inability to come to terms with change or loss. Perhaps you feel haunted by past events or unable to forgive and find closure, which is hindering your progress or well-being. Feeling guilty for a mistake you made and being respectable about remembering it for the rest of your life. A fear of forgetting or neglecting the importance of a significant event or individual in your life.

Example: A woman dreamed of her mother getting hit by a car and dying. While trying to plan the memorial she felt lost and scared. In waking life, she felt guilty about not knowing how to be a good mom while dealing with her out-of-control son. In this case, the memorial may have reflected her unresolved guilt and sadness over her perceived failure as a mother, and her need to process these emotions and find a way to honor her role as a parent. She was very emotional about wanting to remember her mistake.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing her crush and looking at a memorial of someone who had died in a limousine accident. In waking life, the young man she had a crush on had died a month earlier. In this case, the memorial may have reflected her deep feelings of loss, longing, and the need to honor and remember the individual she cared for who was no longer in her life.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a memorial for Princess Diana and Mother Theresa on TV. In waking life, Princess Diana and Mother Theresa had recently died. In this case, the memorial may have reflected her feelings of communal grief and the global impact of losing two prominent figures.


To dream of memories may represent feelings and reflections on past experiences, events, or people that are relevant to your current life situation. The impact of the past on your current life. The influence of previous experiences, emotions, or decisions on your present situation.

Positively, dreaming about memories may represent a sense of nostalgia, wisdom, and personal growth gained from your past experiences. It can reflect your ability to learn from past mistakes, apply lessons learned, and make better decisions in the present. It may also indicate a deep appreciation for the valuable memories that have shaped your life. The comfort of nostalgic feelings.

Negatively, dreaming of memories may represent feelings of being stuck in the past or dwelling on past regrets that affect or overshadow your current life negatively. A sense of being stuck in previous patterns. Feelings of being haunted or hindered by the past. You may find it challenging to let go of old grudges, painful memories, regrets, or unresolved issues that are affecting your current well-being. This dream might encourage you to address and heal from past wounds in order to move forward more positively.

Example: A young woman dreamed of walking down a hallway filled with memories of being at parties and drinking with friends. In waking life, they were moving away to another US State. In this case, the memories may have reflected her nostalgia and reflections on the social life and friendships she was leaving behind as she embarked on a new chapter in her life.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being a ghost who could touch the forehead of anyone he wanted to turn into babies. When he did this he would retain all their memories and knowledge. In waking life, his contract at work was running out and he had to look for a new work or contract. In this case, the memories he retained from each person may have reflected his desire to acquire the knowledge and experiences of others to adapt to his changing work situation, symbolizing a need for versatility and adaptability in his career.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing memories she had with her ex-boyfriend as though they were movie scenes. In waking life, her ex-boyfriend broke up with her with no clear explanation. In this case, the memories may have reflected her process of reviewing and analyzing her past relationship, trying to understand what went wrong or what signs she might have missed in an attempt to find closure and make sense of the relationship's end.

Example 4: A young woman dreamed of memories flashing on a screen of her childhood that progressed up until her child was born. In waking life, she recently moved back to Las Vegas and lived with friends while trying to get a job. In this case, the memories on a screen may have reflected her feelings about moving home forcing her to remember the past.

Example 5: A young woman dreamed of being in her childhood home with happy memories. Someone threw bricks through her windows. In waking life, her son had been in contact with his father and the father had been telling things to the son that caused the son to want to kill himself. In this case, the happy memories of the childhood home may have reflected her longing for simpler, happier times before the current family turmoil.

Memory Card

To dream of a photo memory card represents an impermanent impression or accumulation of events. Beliefs, opinions, or notions that can be changed. A fresh start is always an option if you decide to change your mind. Your impression of a situation based on a choice that can be changed at anytime.

A memory card is a sign that a decision you made has left a noticeable or lasting impression on you, and that you can "wipe" this impression clean by changing your mind.

Example: A man dreamed of having a 64 Gig photo memory card. In waking life he refused to go along with demands being made of him knowing it would punish him with terrible lasting memories that he could have chosen to live through differently if he wanted to.



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