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To dream of being sick represents problems, disappointments, or setbacks that you must wait to pass before getting to do what you really want. Feeling held back by something you can't control.

A constant state of unhappiness in your life due to an issue that you feel is impossible to address.

Negatively, being sick in a dream may reflect a sense of hopelessness or impossibility about being able to to fix a problem
you feel you need to constantly put up with. Accepting problems or unhappiness without taking action. Whining about lingering problems or making excuses for problems you continue to live with.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her friend at work very sick and vomiting. In waking life she this friend was obese and spoke about how desperate she was to lose weight every time they spoke. The sick symbolism may have reflected the dreamers feelings about her friend being in a constant state of unhappiness about her life due to her weight problems.

*Please See Illness

Skin Cancer

To dream of skin cancer represents an inability to feel good enjoying yourself again in some manner. Fearing that your ability to feel good is cut off and can only get worse.

A problem may have been created in your life due to too much enjoyment or freedom. Living with the consequences of having enjoyed yourself too much. Caution, anxiety, or careful avoidance of pleasure because you may have abused certain behavior to the point of causing a noticeable problem.

Feeling embarrassed into a conservative moderate mindset after first being rebellious or carefree to you heart's content.


To dream of your body feeling sore represents how worn down you feel by a waking life situation. Physical, mental, or emotional exhaustion. A sign that you need time away from someone or something. Consider where on the body you are sore for additional meaning.

To dream of having sores on your body represents lingering pain or resentment about a situation or relationship. You may not be quite ready to forgive or move on. A sore may also reflect a waking life reminder of a mistake you made.


*Please See AIDS

*Please See Herpes


To dream of a stethoscope represents your perception of how confident or afraid you are. You are noticing how calm or fearful a situation makes you. You might also be paying too much attention to your heart rate.

Alternatively, a stethoscope may represent being aware of how passionate your feelings are for someone you like.


To dream of a baby being stillborn represents last minute disruptions or failures. Feeling close to achieving something and losing it at the very end. Experiencing a loss at a final pivotal moment. A sudden or unexpected end to something.

Alternatively, a stillborn baby may reflect a sudden or last minute loss of trust in someone.

*Please See Abortion

*Please See Miscarriage


To dream of a stretcher represents a need support or help for an overwhelming problem.

To dream of being on a stretcher represents an ability to deal with a problem on your own.

To dream of someone else on a stretcher represents an aspect of yourself or your projection of someone else that requires support to get through difficulties.


To dream of a surgeon represents an aspect of yourself that is experiencing noticeable healing or dramatic changes. You may be experiencing emotional or situational improvements that require care, patience, or preparation. Absolutely nothing that something is going to be fixed perfectly.

*Please See Surgical Mask

Surgeon Uniform

To dream of a surgeon's uniform represents an area of your life that is experiencing healing or noticing a dramatic change. You may finally be putting a problem to rest. A separation from some negative aspect of your life.

To dream of wearing a surgeon's uniform represents your focus on making serious changes or improvements in some area of your life.


To dream of surgery represents noticeable healing or dramatic changes. Significant problems are being eliminated or confronted. A problem might be getting "cut out" of your life. Feelings about serious intervention being required with a problem.

Example: A woman dreamed of having heart surgery. In waking life she was getting married. The heart surgery reflected the dramatic change in the way she loved others with the permanent commitment of marriage.

Surgical Mask

To dream of a surgical mask represents resistance to unwanted influences. You or someone else that is very focused and may not want to compromise or change in any way.

Positively, a surgical mask may reflect adamance, reliability, or a situation that is unyielding. Negatively, a surgical mask may reflect an unwillingness to change.


To dream of a syringe represents feelings of being influenced by something or emotional immunization against weakness or dependency. A person or situation has the power to influence your choices, beliefs, or feelings. Positive or responsible changes that bring out positive change. Changes made that "immunize" you from problems, blame, or anxiety. A desire to heal, improve, or transform oneself.

Negatively, a syringe may reflect feelings of unwanted influences. Feelings of being forced to do something you don't want to do, or being subjected to a situation that feels unpleasant or invasive. Responsible or positive changes that scare you. Feelings about parents or authority figures forcing change on you. Alternatively, a syringe may negatively reflect bad influences or exploiting people's weaknesses to change their minds. Actions taken to "immunize" yourself from blame or responsibility.

To dream of syringe injections that don't work may reflect ineffective attempts to change your life or influence people. Feeling that nothing you do works as you attempts to fix a problem you have.

To be injected with a syringe represents a person or situation that is influencing your choices, beliefs, or feelings. Feeling that a change being made reverses or alters your thinking style. Feeling spared from difficulties or that your life has been made easier in some way. Feeling "immunized" from your troubles.

To dream of being injected with a clear fluid represents habit or situation that influences a more transparent outlook. Something or someone is making you see a situation clearer. Feeling "immunized" from troubles due to a better understanding of a situation.

Example: A man dreamed of his ex-girlfriend injecting him with a syringe. In waking life, he was struggling to move on from his current relationship and found himself frequently thinking about his ex-girlfriend. In this case, the syringe may represent his attempt to numb or escape from the emotional pain of the breakup by indulging in memories of his past relationship. In this case the syringe reflected the emotional influence that thinking of his ex had over him as he tried to get over his romantic feelings for his current girlfriend.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of her dog needing a shot from a syringe. In waking life, she was feeling frustrated with her parents' constant interference in her hobby and their insistence that she always behave perfectly responsibly. In this case, the syringe shot may have reflected her need for a responsible influence from her parents' to help her keep up with their expectations.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of seeing someone sitting around with a pile of syringes that didn't work. In waking life he felt that he had exhausted himself trying to fix an embarrassing health problem and restore his life to normal. He felt that nothing did worked. In this case the pile of syringes that didn't work may have reflected his frustration and disappointment with various attempts and methods that did not seem to bring any positive influence on his health issue.


To dream of a therapist represents an aspect of your personality that notices a problem with how you are thinking. You or someone else that is seeing that there is something wrong with your thinking style or habits. The realization that you are not thinking clearly.

Example: A woman dreamed of speaking to a therapist. In waking life she was having trouble deciding whether or not to leave her boyfriend. The therapist reflected her view of herself not being rational for staying with her boyfriend when she is not happy with him at all.


To dream of therapy represents thoughts of understanding why you might need to think different. Thinking that nothing is resolved until you've absolutely figured out why it's safe or normal to think they way you do. Thinking something is wrong with the way you think and trying to improve it. Self-reflection about the manner in which you think of something not being good for you anymore. Feeling good that nothing ruins you to think an issue over or talk an issue over with someone. Feeling that it's not safe to believe in yourself the way you do.

Alternatively, dreaming about therapy may reflect your thoughts about therapy you are attending in waking life.

Example: A man dreamed of sitting in a therapists office and the therapist embarrassing him with why his acceptance of people was a disorder when he thought it was normal. In waking life he was repeatedly experiencing himself reconsidering how rational it was to respect people automatically who had so far been selfish and never proven they respect him first.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being in a group therapy session inside an insane asylum and becoming agitated wanting to keep leaving for the waiting room. In waking life his youngest boy was attending therapy for PTSD while he was also suffering from depression and PTSD. In this case the group therapy session he wanted to leave may have reflected his feelings about therapy for his son not being interesting or not working to fix the family.


To dream of a thermometer represents your feelings about how positive or negative a situation is. An emotional gauge as to how good or bad something is. Attempting to feel how good or bad a choice you are considering is. Gauging or determining people's emotional state. Determining whether or not conditions are right for your ideas or goals.

Heat reflects negativity or the degree of emotional danger a situation holds. Cold reflects positivity or the degree of emotional safety a situation holds. Cold temperatures may also reflect how insensitive people, situations, or choices feel.

Alternatively, a thermometer may also symbolize a barometer of your mood.

Example: A woman dreamed of a baby thermometer. In waking life she was trying to determine whether or not it was a good idea to keep her baby once she learned of her conception.



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