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To dream of anesthesia represents a situation that helps to reduce the severity of a problem, or makes facing consequences more tolerable. It may also symbolize a compromise or concession that reduces a burden or unpleasant situation that can't be avoided.

Anesthesia may also represent a wish to avoid the full emotional impact of something that hurts you.

To dream of having no anesthesia may reflect a difficult situation where you are required to feel the full emotional impact of fixing a problem. Painfully or uncomfortably being denied the ability to hide anything. Feeling that you can't avoid how painful or unfair a correction is. Feeling that someone is being inconsiderate to your pain.

Example: A man dreamed of asking a doctor for anesthesia for a broken toe. In real life he was unhappy with a purchase he couldn't return. He asked the store for an exchange to settle the problem. The anesthesia reflected the reduced feelings of loss he felt on the purchase due to the exchange being better than no compromise at all.

Example 2: A man dreamed of having to endure a surgical operation without anesthesia. In waking life he felt that he had to speak to a psychiatrist about very personal issues and had to be perfectly honest about embarrassing details.


To dream of having anorexia represents self-deprivation. You may feel like you don't deserve something. You may have issue with guilt, self-acceptance, or your self-esteem. You may need to learn to love yourself or to let go of the past.

Alternatively, the dream may symbolize your quest for perfection.

*Please See Starvation


To dream of antibiotics represents a solution to a problem that requires persistence or dedication. Something you know helps you if it's done regularly. You may have negativity that you are trying to protect yourself against. You might trying to prevent a problem from getting out of control.

*Please See Medicine


To dream of an antidote represents a solution to a problem. The ability to set something right or correct something that went wrong.

*Please See Cure

*Please See Medicine


To dream of arthritis represents struggling with an area of your life that is always more difficult than it should be. Feelings about a permanent problem with moving around in life or holding on to things in your life. Problems or pain associated to your capabilities (e.g. emotional pain with holding on to difficult marriage). Issues with pain or holding on to things that are important to you that you feel may never go away. Persistent issues with pain or difficulty keeping your life the way it is. Persistent difficulty with your "grip" on some area of your life. Feeling on stress and struggle. Feeling helpless to effectively deal with a problem. Difficulty moving forward with plans. Feelings of barely being able to do something.

Example: A woman dreamed of thinking she had arthritis. In waking life she had spent a very long time away from her husband and was dealing with a loss of her home. The arthritis in the dream may have reflected her feelings of permanently having a problem living her life easily and holding on things important to her. She felt persistent pain associated with keeping her husband and her home that she thought would never go away.

Artificial Limbs

To dream of artificial limbs represents feelings about never allowing anything to limit your beliefs or sense of independence. You may have been cut off from power, freedom, or a capability and are using your resources to overcome it. Doing whatever you can to not allow a problem or limitation stop you. Choosing to never give up.

Negatively, an artificial limb may reflect use whatever resources are available to never have to face consequences. Feelings about negative situations or people in your life that will never give up. It may also reflect your negative attitude about giving up control.

Example: A man dreamed of his dog having an artificial limb that he took off and examined the cut limb. In waking life he was using pain killers, smoking, and alcohol to support himself emotionally and was finally beginning to think about the real underlying issues causing his problems. The artificial limb reflected his use of addictive substances to avoid facing his real pain.


To dream of asthma represents anxiety under uncomfortable circumstances. Feeling intense fear or worry while also feeling unable to discuss it. You may be feeling a lot of pressure to do things all by yourself or to never bother others. Asthma may be a sign that you need to confront your fear of discussing you problems or reaching out to others.


To dream of seeing someone with autism represents issues with being too accepting of a weird or eccentric situation. Oddness that is obvious and stands out. Making excuses for unusual behavior. Frustration that someone is fully aware of you and chooses to ignore you. Frustration that you are not being listened to you no matter how obvious or direct you are with someone. Difficulty communicating or "getting through to someone. Your awareness of other people purposely not listening to reason or warnings.

To dream of yourself being autistic or that other people think you are autistic may reflect waking life situations where you feel your behavior is considered eccentric by others. Uncomfortable feelings about real mental health problems or disabilities you have being witnessed by other people. Feeling that other people think you are weird and stupid.

Alternatively, being autistic may reflect insecurity you have about not being like other people.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a very autistic man. In waking life he he was having trouble being supportive of a friend who was in the hospital for chemotherapy. The friend in the hospital was acting very disruptive while he was supposed to be sitting still.


To dream of an autopsy represents a careful evaluation of the consequences of your actions. You or someone else may be trying to understand failures or find the root cause of a problem.


To dream of a Band-Aid represents something you're doing to feel better about a problem. Not wanting to notice something negative again. A temporary solution that frees you from caring all the time.

To dream of a Band-Aid falling off represents a temporary solution that didn't work. You may have believed you could stop caring about a problem that has come back.

*Please See Bandages


To dream of a bandage represents a need to heal, growing pains, or learning to cope with a problem. An unpleasant time of change or healing. You may be emotionally wounded and trying to protect yourself.

*Please See Band-Aid


To dream of bleeding represents some area of your life that is losing strength, vigor, and vitality. The body part that bleeds represents the area of your life that is losing strength.

To dream of bleeding that won't stop may reflect a traumatic experience that you have difficulty getting over.

To dream of bleeding from your leg represents awareness of your independence being lost. Your ability to do things for yourself is slowly being weakened.

*Please See Blood


To dream of being blind represents you or someone else that lacks the ability to notice something directly. A total inability to easily size up a situation or see the truth. A limited or handicapped ability to directly understand a situation.

Blindness in a dream may reflect a heightened need to use body language, gestures, or trickery to test people's reactions to feel their real intentions out.

Negatively, blindness in a dream may be a sign that you are aware of yourself being too deep into a difficult or important situation with no real way to understand it. It may also be a sign that you are uncomfortable lacking direct information.

Example: A man dreamed of walking with a blind person. In waking life he was trying to talk to people he thought were liars and had to speak to them carefully in order to feel out their real intentions.


To dream of blood represents energy or vitality. It reflects how healthy or strong some aspect of your life is. Blood outside the body is generally symbolic of a loss of strength in some area of your life, while blood inside the body symbolizes strength and energy.

Negatively, blood reflects some aspect of yourself or area of your life that is losing energy or vitality. Either emotional pain, upsets, or situation caused by excessive drives or behavior. This usually appears in dreams as bleeding, seeing pools of blood, or being covered in blood. Feeling like a loser for having lost something. Negative remarks made that cause others pain. Feeling that you don't matter. Illness or the painful loss of a relationship. Serious damage to your confidence.

Positively, blood reflects vitality, strength, and success. You are confronting problems, getting ahead, or feeling strong. This may appear in dreams as the blood of enemies, blood pumping through your veins, or wounds that don't bleed.

To dream of bleeding represents some area of your life that is losing strength, vigor, and vitality. The body part that bleeds represents the area of your life that is losing strength. To dream of bleeding that won't stop may reflect a traumatic experience that you have difficulty getting over.

To dream of being covered in blood may represent conflict in a relationship or social setting. The blood on you reflecting the results of fighting, viciousness, or attacks on others as you attempt to assert yourself. Being covered in blood may also represent your sense of loss, either your own of someone else's.

To dream of feet bleeding represents some issue in your life that is effecting your moral foundation, or principles.

To dream of having blood on your hands reflects feelings of guilt or responsibility for your actions.

To dream of blood being totally drained from the body represents some issue in your life that is totally draining you of power, strength, or confidence.

To dream of blood on the walls represents lingering feeling about a loss or failure. You may be be unable to stop thinking about a difficulty that you overcame or a traumatic experience you've endured. Negatively, you may be unable to get your mind of your involvement in a bad situation.

Alternatively, dreams about blood may reflect issues with women's menstrual periods. It's not uncommon for women to dream of messy blood scenario's when they have accidental bleeding. Women may also dream of bloody rivers while having their periods.

Example: A young woman dreamed of winning a sports competition against another woman who seemed afraid of blood. In waking life she had overcome her fear of telling her parents that she had failed her second year of university. The fear of blood in the dream may have reflected her fear of making her parents angry about her failure at school.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being annoyed to see blood coming out of a garbage bag with a dead body she just chopped up. In waking life she bothered by having having to care about her ex-boyfriend's feelings after having broken up with him.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of seeing two sharks fighting and one of them made the other bleed. In waking life he manipulated two friends into attacking each other verbally and noticed one friend got his feelings hurt.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing herself bleeding. In waking life she had just broken up with her boyfriend. The bleeding may have reflected her feelings of pain of losing someone she loved. Feeling like a loser for having lost her boyfriend.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of being covered in blood. In waking life she had cancer and felt that her life was doomed.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of blood splattered all over a road. In waking life she was frustrated about losing a friend at work who was originally very nice to her, but then stopped being nice. The blood splattered on the road may reflect the dreamer's feelings about how dangerous losing a friend at work felt as they tried to get ahead in the world.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of seeing a baby with no blood. In waking life she felt that her plans were dashed because she had no money and no job. The bloodless baby in this case may have reflected her feelings about her life and plans lacking vitality because she lacked money and a job.

*Please See Bleeding

*Please See Menstruation

*Please See Bloody Hands

*Please See Transfusion

Blood Pressure

To dream of blood pressure represents how well you are able to cope with current life situations. How exciting, thrilling, or challenging your life is.

High blood pressure reflects too much stress, anxiety, or responsibility. A situation may be emotionally overwhelming. You may need to seek help or slow down.

Low blood pressure represents boredom or a slow paced lifestyle. You may be lacking excitement or need a change.



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