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*Please See Sewing

Mental Illness

To dream of mental illness represents you or someone else that has difficulty controlling behavior that is considered unacceptable or abnormal. A mental illness may also reflect feelings about yourself having embarrassing habits or dependencies that you are trying to control.

Alternatively, a mental illness may reflect feelings about yourself or others having bad habits you want to keep controlled. It may also reflect feelings about bad or embarrassing habits you feel make you dangerous.


To dream of having a mentor represents a behavior or habit that you are copying because you are noticing it helps you succeed. It may also reflect someone you look up to. Mimicking someone else that you know is a winner.

*Please See Teachers

Mercedes Benz

To dream of a Mercedes Benz represents a style of decision-making or control over a situation that feels too successful to deserve to be made angry or listen to anyone else's problems. Feeling secure being successful. Decision-making centered around success feeling easy. An attitude that is noticing permanent success or professionalism all the time and doesn't get involved with situations that aren't. Feeling centered in established success, permanent entitlement to power, or certainty about your degree of tenure. Feeling "married to success" that lets you respect yourself with ease. An attitude that isn't listening to anything that isn't successful. Secure feelings about your status. Confidence from being married. Feeling good that you will always survive successful no matter what happens. Feelings about respecting yourself in a divorce or court case.

Negatively, a Mercedes Benz may reflect arrogance, too much entitlement, or showing off with power that can't be removed. Deserving to not having to give anything back to other people if you don't want to. Issues with deserving to feel as successful as someone else. A false sense of being "married to success." Female jealousy of their rich husband. Jealousy of status. Easily ignoring people because of your status.

Alternatively, a Mercedes Benz may represent jealousy of someone who you feel may have too much power or embarrasses you by making you feel that they are better than you. It may also point to a fear of never being able to outdo someone or be better than someone who has established themselves.

Dreams of a Mercedes are common to people trying to deal with problems at work or in their marriage.

Example: A woman dreamed of driving her husband's Mercedes, but then on her way home suddenly realized she was driving a motorized scooter. In waking life she was going through a divorce she had started two weeks earlier.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of driving a Mercedes and then getting a scratch on it. In waking life she was frustrated by her husband. The Mercedes in this case may have reflected her feelings about the confidence of her marriage feeling embarrassed when her husband didn't respect her.

Example 3: A man dreamed of buying a new Mercedes car and then having it stolen in the parking lot at his work place. In waking life he was experiencing frustrations at work with his boss and employees. The new Mercedes getting stolen in this case may have reflected his feelings about attempting to assert himself at his work place due to his tenor or position that ended up not working.

Example 4: A man dreamed of being driven in a Mercedes. In waking life he was involved in a court case. The Mercedes in this case may have reflected his feelings about needing to respect himself during the court case.

*Please See Cars


To dream of the planet Mercury represents a situation where your entire life revolves around a situation feeling serious or critical all the time. A prolonged heightened danger or critical seriousness. Feeling that nothing will allow you to feel innocent or relaxed all the time. You might be very focused on avoiding something serious or succumbing to something critical. Surviving a situation where nothing is left. No friends left and being concerned with nothing except surviving. Life revolving around situations that are too dangerous or serious to allow rest at all times. Heightened alertness or awareness at all times. Critical professionalism that doesn't feel comfortable resting or sleeping in an unverified potentially dangerous situation. Situations that are exhausting, but important to maintain.

The planet Mercury may also represents critical situations that don't allow rest such as the birth of a baby or stressful parenting.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a hospital and being told that her heart condition was due to the planet Mercury. In waking life she felt her relationship with her daughter was strained. Mercury in this case may have reflected her feelings about her parenting life revolving around a sense of feeling serious or critical all time due to worrying about something wrong happening with her daughter "around the clock". The symbolism for her heart condition being due to Mercury represents her strained ability to care about her daughter or have a positive relationship with her due to her need to constantly worry as a parent in a serious way for safety before enjoying the relationship.

*Please See Quicksilver (Mercury)

Merry Go Round

*Please See Carousel

Messy Hair

To dream of messy hair represents thoughts and emotions of insecurity, low self-esteem, frustration, nervousness, or self-critique.

Metal Detector

To dream of a metal detector for security represents a wish to prevent embarrassing interruptions or alternative choices. Carefully insuring that a situation will safely remain the way you want it to. Careful screening of undesirable intentions. Making others prove to you that they can be trusted completely.

Alternatively, you may feel like you need to be perfectly compliant or safe for someone else. Proving to someone else that you have nothing to hide or can be completely trusted.

To dream of a handheld metal detector for the ground represents a concerted effort to discover something in your waking life that may have been overlooked. Carefully screening for hidden information, ideas, or potential danger that may not be obvious. Efforts being made to find something that nobody else cares about.


*Please See Crystal Meth


To dream of being in Mexico represents a mindset that is aware that nothing cares about changing. People or situations in your life that are always embarrassing you by never doing what you think they're supposed to. Confronting people with ingrained attitudes or beliefs. Feeling surrounded by people who make you feel like that don't care about anything different at all.

Negatively, Mexico may reflect feelings of always confronting difficult people, resistance, or being consistently lied to. It may also reflect feelings that you don't belong or are out of your comfort zone.

Example: A man dreamed of walking around Mexico. In waking life a family member kept lying to him about a promise that was made. Mexico reflected the recurring feeling of disappointment that nothing would make this person change their mind.

Parking Meter

To dream of a parking meter represents a time limit on decisions or idle behavior. It may also reflect something you have been allowed to do as long as certain responsibilities or obligations are constantly met. There may be thinking about an opportunity that has a deadline.

Negatively, a parking meter may represent feelings that leisurely and carefree days are coming to an end.

Period (Menstrual)

*Please See Menstruation

Quicksilver (Mercury)

To dream of quicksilver mercury represents rapid changes or unpredictability that may be dangerous if you get too personal with it. Your thoughts, feelings, choices, or life situation may be subjected to fast reacting unpredictable changes with feelings that it could be dangerous. Feeling that you are "playing with" something interesting and dangerous that you shouldn't be.

Alternatively, mercury may reflect feelings of being tainted that you wish to perfectly avoid. Trying to be extra careful to avoid an easy mistake with permanent consequences.

Positively, quicksilver mercury may represent constant sense of being luckier or experiencing enjoyable coincidences quickly and easily. In this case if you didn't feel the substance to be toxic mercury it may be more of a symbol for a silver liquid (not actually mercury). It's not uncommon for quicksilver mercury in a dream to have no negative meaning at all with the silver color and fluid like nature of the substance having symbolic priority over being toxic.

To dream of ingesting mercury may reflect lingering guilt or regret that feels very difficult to forget. Feelings of never being able to be perfect or innocent again if you accept or go through with a choice. Negative feelings that are difficult to shed. Feeling that life will never be the same again due to some corrupting factor. Feelings about playing with something interesting and dangerous that you shouldn't have having serious negative consequences.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing liquid mercury flowing out of the ground. In waking life he recently experienced the birth of a child with a woman that wasn't his wife. His wife accepted the situation with no intention to leave him, but he still had issues with paying for the second child. The mercury flowing out of the ground may have reflected his feelings about the birth of child with another woman being both interesting and unpredictably dangerous to discuss with his current wife too much. The birth of the baby with a woman he had an affair with may also become an "interesting lethal" topic as the baby's birth made the topic "public above ground" instead of underground.

RAM (Random Access Memory)

*Please See Computer Memory

Raw Meat

*Please See Meat



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